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Created By: Brandon Moore
Created Date/Time: 2/27/2023 9:32 pm
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Template/Type: Coding Ideas & Things To Do
Title/Caption: Master Adilas Plan - Jellyfish Model
Start Date: 2/27/2023
Target/Due Date: N/A
Main Status: Active

click to enlarge - photo by: Brandon Moore - Adilas Jellyfish model with all of the different departments and areas within the adilas business model.
click to enlarge - photo by: Brandon Moore - This is a quick mini version of the adilas jelly fish model. Alan and Brandon were just playing around with ideas.
click to enlarge - photo by: Brandon Moore - Mini jellyfish model mock-up - image done by Alan for a presentation.

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CompanyStructureAndCoordination.docx   Doc/Text 1/18/2024 Making a 2 page outline for a proposed company structure. Highlighting 4 main departments and an Adilas advisory board.


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Master Adilas Plan - Jellyfish Model

Photo by: Brandon Moore

Brainstorming Ideas and Topics:

- How big do you want to be? – See also the internal questionnaire responses and survey - tons of good info there - almost a mini plan by itself. Also, question 7 on the survey has a whole write up on the adilas jellyfish or jelly fish model and explains it further.

- The adilas jellyfish model - see attached - covers almost all of the departments and sub sections of what we are trying to be as a company. It is not the main product, but more of our internal and external departments, areas, and general areas that we will keep refining and working on.

- Possible numbers for the jellyfish model. Going from top to bottom and from left to right.
2. Admin
3. Monthly Reoccurring Service
4. Sales & Marketing
5. Setup & Training
6. Tech Support
7. Design
8. Custom Code
9. Consulting
10. R&D
11. Project Management
12. Internal Development & Maintenance
13. Adilas University
14. Adilas Marketplace
15. Adilas Cafe & Community - Adilas World
16. Databases, Networks, Servers, & IT

Areas, sections, and departments in more detail:

** for me - go deeper into each section **


  • Are we going to stay the same entity? Are we the same or are we different entities? Are we rebranding? Are we piggybacking?
  • What version are we on?
  • or adilas lite? Branding? Marketing? etc.
  • The thing that keeps us all together is the reoccurring monthly services subscription for the main system. It has been the glue that keeps us together.
  • Offering upgrades from ship A (current adilas) to ship B (fracture or adilas lite)
  • What are our goals for ship A? What are our goals for ship B? Are we building it up to sell it? Are we going to be replacing ship A? How do you transition between the two.
  • We want to make our current product better. It then grew into a full or bigger rewrite. It seems to be changing more and more. Originally, it was pretty small changes.
  • Timelines to get things done? What will it take?
  • Ship A will be great salespeople for ship B, once ready.
  • If people change from ship A to ship B, there needs to be an increase or at least a re-evaluation of monthly fees and services.
  • Ship B, we are planning for tiered pricing and dynamic billing based on functions, sizes, usage, storage, and preset packages.
  • Ship B, they can toggle on/off different settings, include other features, and change what they want. All of this will reflect on dynamic billing options.
  • Talking about future plans - selling it, royalties, secession, retirement, etc.

2. Admin

  • The admin's role is to manage the budget, make decisions as to the direction that we need to go, do HR type functions, payroll, manage the different groups and departments, communication channels, general running of the day to day business.
  • This could be one person, multiple people, a board, a council, etc. Somebody or some entity needs to be in control.
  • Co-owners, Co-Founders, CEO's, presidents, vice-presidents, board members, etc. We can figure that out.
  • If we do one person, we need to have VP's or managers in the other departments.
  • One of our problems is that none of us (on the current team) want to be that person or take on this whole responsibility.

3. Monthly Reoccurring Service - aka Billing (new name)

  • This is billing, invoicing, receiving, dealing with monies coming in and reaching out to our clients.
  • Accounts receivables
  • This could be tied in with admin roles
  • Debt collection, bad debt, accounting, financials, etc.
  • Setting up new corps (currently) and sending welcome emails and collecting business contact info.
  • Bank reconciliation, paying bills, prep the budget info, etc.
  • We could automate some of this, in the future.

4. Sales & Marketing

  • We like that they are together. This is anything to generate and keep new clients to keep coming in and paying for our services. This could be publicity, knowledge about the system, get new demos, entice our clients to buy and keep buying from us. Serving their needs.
  • Currently, the main method of marketing is word of mouth and referrals.
  • We have used sales reps, consultants, and light networking. Steve and Kelly have been some of our biggest sales type people.
  • We want to listen to what feedback they are bringing back. Currently, the sales people and the developers almost live in two different places.
  • Sales should have a good pulse on what is working, what is not working, and what people and our clients are asking for. We tend to get lots of good ideas from clients. Sometimes, what that takes or the priority, that can get tricky.
  • How big do we want to be? Get everybody or get enough (sufficient)? Keep pushing into other markets or be content with good ROI?
  • Helping with market research, looking around and checking out markets, and what do we need to do to penetrate those markets?
  • We almost feel like being in no man's land - too big for just a few people to push on it, not quite big enough to really have the team that we need to push it. Do we push and go bigger? Or do we trim down and keep it like it is (not really coasting but strategically developing as we can)? There are associated questions about speed, reliability, and uptime.
  • Along with sales and marketing, there are expectations that are set and keep changing (trends and expectations).
  • We need to know who we are servicing. Currently, we are kind of all over the place. We have little accounts, medium accounts, and some big accounts. We could go any direction. We just need to decide. Where is the sweet spot?
  • If we want to be big and grand, we will need some major funding and thus major sales and marketing. Or do we figure out the sweet spot and really refine and focus in on things.
  • Making things more stable and more reliable. Keep improving.
  • We have a lot to offer - no one has even heard of us.
  • The new and upcoming business owners are going to be fully connected and have certain expectations. If you want to get those guys/gals, you're going to have to revamp things.
  • Our current mix is very developer heavy. We really need to switch that focus and get things that people want. Easy, Powerful, and Pretty!
  • We need this department to really keep us in the know on what is going on. Currently, we don't have anyone fully dedicated or assigned to this department. We've been missing this piece.

5. Setup & Training

  • Originally, we didn't charge for any of this. We just wanted people to get on our system. We are now charging for this and even trying to presale some of the training, deployment, and setup stuff. We are finding and have found, that people who get setup correctly and have the correct amount of training stay longer on our system. It has a learning curve, and that proper setup and training goes a long way.
  • Currently, one of our system admin persons has to go in and create the corp, do a bunch of the settings, assign the master users, setup the logos and colors, and get them going. Most of that requires someone from our team to hold their hand along that process.
  • Futuristically, we really want to help automate a bunch of that. Have them setup their own corp, let them pick what industries they want to play into, help them with their settings (wizard style), and then even help them pull in their data (without any other involvement). Let them create a test account or a free version, play around, and then either upgrade or get some help.
  • Offer services to help our clients. Also have a number of self-help tools and features to let them do it themselves.
  • We would love to develop a number of preset packages and industry specific skins.
  • We would like the setup and training to be coupled with education and the adilas university side of things. They are very related.
  • Getting products, customers, vendors, and other info into the system easily. Currently, we have to do a bunch of that (data imports) on a one-by-one basis. We need to make that more global and self-help level.
  • Provide a good starting point to help them succeed. Show them the benefits and advantages of doing it our way or how we help them succeed.
  • This department or division could include the adilas university, training, tech support, setup, and training.
  • Easy access to get help and direction if needed.
  • We see a lot of user error type problems. Figure out ways of helping them stay in their lane better or put up guardrails or bumpers to keep them on track.
  • It has only been recently that we have added more focus on the setup, deployment, and training.
  • This department could also include on-going training and retention. That is huge. Things constantly keep changing and we keep adding on new features.

6. Tech Support

  • Currently, we allow people to email or call for tech support. It's free but often bleeds over into full on training, not tech support.
  • We could build out a report a bug or open up a ticket or an issue. Make it easier to get support.
  • We could provide better help files, tips, how-to's, videos, tutorials, and in-person training events.
  • Everybody uses the system so differently, that makes it kind of tough. It would be nice if we have tech support stuff that was industry specific or catered to a specific industry.
  • Tech support really should be part of the training, setup, and deployment stuff.
  • Tech support could be a small carrot for deeper training and/or offering other paid services.
  • Helping to show the value of deeper training and education.
  • Having a standard way of getting to training and even industry specific training.
  • Offer some adilas university training courses - covering various subjects on scheduled dates/times.
  • Really helping to push the training and education stuff. Tech support should be quick, temporary, and non reoccurring. Show them the benefits of getting properly trained.
  • As we move forward, we are planning on simplifying things. That should help with the training needs and the tech support stuff. Helping them figure it out on their own.
  • If people (our clients) really want more tech support, we could offer more robust or advanced support packages.

7. Design

  • This could be websites, forms, reports, interfaces, dashboards, UI/UX (user interfaces and user experience). This is the pretty and easy part of it. The powerful may be from a feature or backend process.
  • Most of our current guys are developers, not designers.
  • We don't charge enough, as such, we tend to skimp on the design phases and processes. This tends to get skipped or minimalized.
  • We tend to do function over form - however, most clients say that they want function over form, but really, they want form over function - they want it to work and look pretty.
  • Our project management tends to be a simple one liner. Do such and such. No other plans, requirements, mock-ups, or fixed specs exist.
  • Mock-ups, prototypes, samples, wireframes, flow charts, graphics, videos, etc. We want to show the plan, air it out, and then build to the specs.
  • Modern look and feel and user experience keeps changing. We need someone to keep watching and keeping up with trends, expectations, and options. This needs to be monitored and maintained regularly.
  • Figuring out and sticking to a style guide. We do have a section called the "adilas docs". We have been working on it, but it has not been fully adopted yet. We need to set those standards and then stick to it. This is our style guide, and we are sticking to it.
  • Doing some test cases and getting user/client feedback. How did their experience work out and what did we learn from that?
  • Planning in maintenance and upkeep.
  • Our clients squawk at things not being consistent. I don't mind change but I don't like some change and other things not being consistent. We could also introduce settings.
  • We could allow the users, or corporations, to choose their default layouts. Horizontal forms, vertical forms, stacked forms, or auto formatted. We also want to store those settings and allow them to change it on the fly on per user basis.
  • We need some consistency - this deals with who the designer is, what we are designing and outputting, people's preferences and opinions, and where we are heading. We can all be different, but we need to be consistent.
  • Allow people to try things out and/or fully switch over.
  • There is a point when we need to keep moving forward so we don't have to keep supporting all of the older styles and themes. Help make that as smooth as possible.
  • We have some needs for design work out in ecommerce, customer facing sites, portals, and even business websites or web presence stuff.
  • We need designers to help with marketing and social media stuff. Once again, consistency, specific plans, strategic campaigns, etc.

8. Custom Code

  • This is one of the things that really sets us apart from other systems. We love it and even encourage it.
  • We currently have tons of black box options. That was a solution at the time. There are some great concepts there (black box stuff) but we did run into problems.
  • The code base keeps changing. We have had people ask for things, we build it custom for them and then wrap back and make it standard. The ones who got the custom version are now off on their own vs being fully integrated into the main codebase.
  • We offer a lot of this. Having said that, we don't charge enough.
  • We would like to move as much as possible to data driven settings and permissions.
  • One of our current issues in maintainability. If it was on the side (like a black box page) it got left behind. The main pages always got updated but anything custom was harder to test, and harder to main it.
  • If we do custom code, we need to build in some maintenance costs to help maintain that.
  • We could do a community type approach - who ever helps build it out, gets a commission or a usage fee for others using it. Kinda like a sponsorship or something. We just need to get enough to plan it out, build it out, test it, market it, and then do some sort of kickback or reoccurring usage fee. There may be different levels  - one-time, reoccurring, built in, full one-off custom code, settings, combined projects (we pay, they pay, we then get to use it).
  • Custom code should be by our internal developers and internal development team. We need to make sure that it works and doesn't affect something else.
  • We have had some maintenance issues. Who made it, what does it do, how does it work, what does it touch, what else does it touch up/down stream, where does it live, how can you get to it, and was there any planning or testing done to the custom code? Tons of potential far reaching questions.
  • If we build something... we really need to get an ROI and market those pieces.
  • We could do some pay as you go build outs. Monthly fees that get added to their bill. They could pay upfront and then get a payment plan, or set it up on a reoccurring basis, or whatever.
  • We need to charge enough. We often shoot ourselves in the foot. We charge pennies to build on top of multi-million dollar platforms and applications.
  • We need good planning, good project management, good estimates, and then good developing.
  • Estimates - take what you think it will take and double it. Then double that. It's almost a 4x ratio. By the time you add the work to get the work, the work before the work, the work, the work in between the work, the work after the work. It all plays in.
  • Paying for both quality and speed.
  • On the estimates, we also need to think about opportunity costs and what are we not working on, while doing custom code work.
  • Approving custom code. Just because someone wants it... doesn't mean we should build it out. How does it fit with our mission statement, goals, and overarching plans and rollouts?

9. Consulting

  • Byproduct of the main reoccurring business services. Once we are in, the system starts generating byproducts and people need to know what is next, how to do certain things, where they could go, options, next steps, phases, etc.
  • We haven't really tapped into this yet. We do it, but we could do it so much more.
  • This could be tied into the training, setup, and education stuff. Teaching our clients the best way to use the system to get the most out of the system or platform.
  • You start getting into paying for knowledge and experience and expertise.
  • We have seen many of our power-users become consultants. They know the system, they know how to make it run, sing, dance, and play. That provides a value to others. Those people then offer their expertise and know how to help others.
  • Currently, some of this is done on the side. Adilas has no part in it, and no kickback exits. We would love to bring this more inside but that takes money to keep those people on call or on staff.
  • This could be a great thing to add to the adilas marketplace.
  • We may allow some outside stuff to go on, but we need some rules. We could configure this any way we want, we just need some rules.
  • This could be part of the adilas cafe scenario - our clients seeking out a professional to help them out.
  • Do we want to manage this internally? What would that look like? Once again, we may need some rules here.

10. R&D

  • Research and Development - You have to spend time here to move the ball forward. If you aren't going to move forward, nothing will happen, you will live and die. You have to keep up, especially with tech stuff.
  • Exploring different avenues - there are costs for exploring.
  • Cutting edge, bleeding edge, sweet spot, new ish, or older/classic?
  • How much does it cost to be on that cutting edge?
  • Vision, plans, and looking to the future. Where are we/you heading? Plans, how are you going to get there?
  • It really comes down to where do you want to play (on the spectrum)?
  • Training what is new.
  • Maintenance for what was or has been developed. Technical debt.
  • Stable and known or less stable and new - How quick will the older pieces change and/or be deprecated? If it's so new, it may not even stick.
  • We make things and then it sits on a shelf. That hurts. There could be difference between development that didn't get fully funded vs totally new prototyping and experimenting.
  • Is this something we should do? On not? Figuring out what it takes to make something happen.
  • Looking into speed, efficiency, demand, cost analysis, needs analysis, scope, scale, and reality of doing certain things.
  • Beta testing, prototypes, experiments, testing, pushing boundaries.
  • Currently some of our R&D is mixed in with our code. We try things to see if it works. Without being consistent with other pages and code. We often have good intentions (prepping for the future - mini stubs or prepping for stuff) but then get pulled on to other projects. We do a lot of experimenting within our projects. Almost a revolving door or revolving code set. Basically, a fully working, living prototype.
  • We are seeing a mix between custom code, R&D, and project management.
  • Back tracing or reverse engineering things. Sometimes if you know what you want, you can then figure out a way to get there, that might be easier or better.
  • Being aware of what's out there? How could I use some of that in my projects?

11. Project Management

  • We have really been missing this piece. We do a ton of just in time project management. We are not very good at doing a more full design, plan, or architecture type layout.
  • We do a lot of this one-on-one right now. One project and one developer.
  • The project manager can and does act as the shield between the client and the developer. Buying some time or deflecting decisions.
  • They help with quotes, estimates, and project specs, scope, costs, timelines, and details. Lots of potential back and forth communication is needed.
  • We have spent a ton of time and money going back and fixing things that should have been planned out originally. We have also spent money where a developer makes a decision and just does something and doesn't ask or doesn't get any clarification.
  • Teams - authority, accountability, and responsibilities - setting up clear expectations. We have played around here a bit. We need to refine things here a bit, based on our needs. We had some people who were so worried about how to do scrum that it didn't actually happen. We also had some problems with free riders. We want to use some small teams, but still need to get it refined a bit better.
  • Dealing with teams, we were trying to do some training... and we didn't really have it all defined. Wasted time in meetings, talking about code, and what is needed. We then fall down based on assumptions or just verbal communication. It needs to be just a little bit deeper and more consistent.
  • Team sizes and dynamics.
  • As a project manager, not assigning yourself to a required task. Actually, make an assignment to do the project management.
  • Someone needs to be available and be the virtual babysitter. Getting rid of hurdles and what is expected of them. Helping them stay on task/track. The project manager's job to help other people succeed.
  • Slowdown
  • We build and build and build... we need to slow down and test it, train on it, market it, and push it.
  • Being able to plan it out so that we can reuse as much code as possible. Giving the developers guidelines, handrails, samples, and good instructions. If it's too tight, they don't want to do it (it takes out the fun of figuring it out). Figure out what developer needs what (how detailed) and then play accordingly. Developers need to accomplish something. Not just follow A-Z and you're done. It is a mix and a spectrum.

12. Internal Development & Maintenance

  • This internally funded by adilas to work on adilas. This comes from revenue and budgets to keep the system up and running.
  • Bug fixes, maintenance, changes, next steps, phases, testing, documentation, code review, etc.
  • This needs to be tied into project management and custom code.
  • This is the most defined area that we have inside of adilas.
  • We get a plan from project management, we then build it out, test it, deploy it, and make sure that it works.
  • We have had problems with guys following style guides. Everybody has their own ideas on what a good style guide is. This could be whitespace in code, tabs, naming conventions, etc. It also happens on the look and feel part of page or report.
  • Alan had the idea of having a way of helping to force or standardize the output. Almost a forced style guide or validator of sorts. It all has to comply to a certain standard. Whitespace, naming conventions, comments, indents, variable names, components, etc.
  • Keeping things separated - backend, database, objects, services, views, logic, functions, classes, etc.
  • In object-oriented programming, you need good encapsulation (only contains what is needed) and low coupling (lower number of steps as possible).
  • There is some great value in teams and getting different points of view. A better solution because we worked on it as a team. More well-rounded.

13. Adilas University

  • This goes hand in hand with the training and deployment section. This is the training arm of the system. It may also tie in with tech support or consulting. We could combine some of this as needed. Similar type people and knowledge resources.
  • General topics for training - One, how do you use the system? Two, how do you run your business? Consulting is a part of this as well - what are the best business practices and how to get the most out of the system.
  • There could be standard stuff, custom stuff, and internal stuff.
  • Each page would have how to videos, quick videos, and options for more or deeper training.
  • We also need to offer some custom or live training events.
  • For fracture, we experimented with a thing called the education mode. You could turn it on/off and the system would hide or show more options and information. You could turn it on from any page and all of sudden it would react differently. We have some great screenshots on this from Jonathan Wells. Along with this, the help files could be shown, side-by-side with the page that they are referencing. There were also options to toggle into the actual adilas university site as a tab withing the side-by-side help window.
  • There is a known missing gap here on the education and training side of things.
  • There could be free levels, basic stuff, and deeper more paid type levels of training and consulting.
  • There could also be certification levels, requirements, status, and other testing and certification stuff.
  • We are hoping that the adilas lite and fracture project will make it even easier to help train the users and because they can tweak everything, there will actually be less of a need for certain pieces of the education and training. They will still be there, just hidden as needed.
  • This could be a whole other business entity, if needed.
  • A new user really wants to be guided through - holding their hand. An advanced user may not want any of that stuff in their way, just let them do it quickly.
  • Link to this from the adilas cafe.
  • If we do certifications, maybe show or allow some of that basic info to show to other users, if they are seeking trained professionals to help them out.
  • If we have trained users, those become a value to others who are looking for help or pros on those topics.
  • Adilas University could be a stand-alone product, or it could be interwoven with the entire site. Both have the same content, they just either have a standalone navigation system or we help navigate for them based on what page the users are on (context stuff).
  • There could be levels to the training... Think of a triangle - simple, basic, intermediate, advanced, and deep or backend logic or design level stuff.
  • There may be both external and internal training pieces. Along with that, we may have to have permissions or something that open/closes those training modules for certain people or parties.

14. Adilas Marketplace

  • Part of the adilas cafe. People could sell their products and services, buy products and services. Including adilas skills and other professional skills.
  • Adilas creates lots of byproducts. This is a way to help harness and gather up those byproducts. 
  • Options for 3rd party solutions, white labeling, advertising, marketing, etc.
  • Online mini marketplace for adilas products and/or our users could sell their products and services on a mini Amazon or eBay type level (mini consignment type shop built for our users and companies that use our products).
  • Possible payment solutions with interest, fees, commissions, and other small kickbacks for using the marketplace.
  • Limitless potential for other byproducts and additional services that could be added on to this piece of the puzzle.
  • This may need a separate team to help run, manage, and administer this piece of the puzzle. Automate as much as possible.
  • Here is a rough draft - Russell did - way back - don't get stuck here... It could be so much more. Adilas Market

15. Adilas Cafe & Community - Adilas World

  • A landing spot outside of any corporation or entity.
  • A corp selector - where can I go (have permissions or access)?
  • Get to the marketplace type stuff.
  • Get to the adilas university stuff.
  • Forum type stuff - ask Q&A type stuff. This could be answered by staff and/or other users. This would need a moderator or forum manager.
  • Let people show that they have the skills that others (businesses and/or individuals) could be looking for. This may include direct messaging or some other way of communicating.
  • White labeling options.
  • Standardized portal - single sign in be able to jump between servers and corporations.
  • Dynamic billing and making payments.
  • Mini marketplace for adilas products.
  • Sales and creation of new accounts - tiered pricing and auto setup options
  • News and updates - configure news feed as needed.
  • Interface with other companies and corporations. Get assigned, hub type model.
  • Work, play (demo sites), buy, sell, training, social stuff, and participate.

16. Databases, Networks, Servers, & IT

  • This is the whole backend of the application or hardware side of things.
  • Load management, reliability, up time, speed, redundancy, backups, storage, orchestration, etc.
  • Lots of security needs and requirements. They will also be majorly involved in implementation of security.
  • Code interacts with these things, but they are separate entities or divisions.
  • We will need our own documentation, permissions, training, etc.
  • Maintenance and upkeep, prototyping, standardizing, testing, databases, servers, hardware, clusters, network, security, IT stuff.
  • Patches, updates, protection, hacker prevention stuff.
  • Email servers, text or communication servers, web servers, database servers, backend logic servers (ColdFusion or whatever).
  • Monitoring services, requests, traffic, load balancing, stats, specs, remote access, database indexing, automation scripts, tons of IT type stuff.
  • Migration stuff, off-hour updates and maintenance, backups, restores, and other tasks.
  • Move data around, put things into and out of cold storage, special bulk data manipulation stuff, zip and archiving things, etc.
  • Future proofing things.
  • Offloading bigger or longer processes.
  • API sockets, API endpoints, and being able to load balance traffic, requests, deal with sessions, server config, clustering, and managing small microservices.
  • We need a way to get rid or purge some of the pieces. The current system builds and builds. It never really releases or virtually poops (dumps).
  • We would love to get a full data dictionary to allow our new frontend to be more data driven.
  • This could be multiple people - DBA, IT/Server guys, etc. They could cross over, but these are high level skills and high level people or teams.
  • Everything on the hosting side of things. This gets deep but just think - what do we need for hosting? - SSL's, domain names, hard drive space, spinning up servers just in time, pointer records, DNS, DSN, puppet, orchestration, bit bucket, code repositories, ColdFusion Administrator, Fusion Reactor, Papertrail, Nagios, tons of outside services and tools.
  • Servers - hard drive sizes, backups, RAM, CPU's, configs, and the list goes on.
  • This could go deep and deeper... Etc.


- Alan and I were playing with a mini version or what that might look like (see attached for a mini mock-up of the smaller mini model): - admin, monthly billing, and day to day running the company. They could do their own R&D (progress, speed, what the clients are wanting).

Sales & marketing - They could do their own R&D (advertising, pricing, features, marketing materials, etc.).

Consulting, tech support, setup & training, and retention. This could also be part of the adilas university (similar folk). They could do their own R&D (tied into sales, marketing, training, etc.).

Development stuff - project management, custom code, internal development, maintenance, & design. They could do their own R&D (code, frameworks, layouts, look and feel, etc.).

IT stuff - Databases, servers, hardware, hosting, etc. They could do their own R&D (speed, load balancing, redundancy, monitoring, etc.).

Marketplace and adilas cafe - This could be their own little piece or small team. They could do their own R&D (product research, options, pricing, hardware options, services, etc.).

We would love to see each of these sections or divisions (departments) be able to meet and interact with each other on a consistent basis (at least monthly or semi-monthly). Nobody is left on an island by themselves. Communication is huge.

Additional Comments/Notes - Subs (1)
Title/Caption Date Done By Comment/Note
Brainstorming on new structure 1/18/2024 Shannon Scoffield

Some ideas for defining company structure:

- Setup departments - 4 or 5 which are overseen by Adilas team members, possibly a shared responsibility, such as a senior and a junior supervisor

- Leaders over each department could all participate as part of the overall Admin team

- A member from each department could meet weekly as this Admin team

- Agenda for the meeting - possibly even a collaborative agenda or give each group/department a time to report on what is needed/happening in their department

- Counseling together really does create better solutions. It does take time but it can lead to better outcomes

- Someone needs to be the designated leader or facilitator for the meetings to move things along and work through the points of the agenda, or point for discussion. They need to know that is their job and responsibility to keep the meeting going in an effective manner to cover the agenda and needed decisions, help things move along, and help people come back on topic, make assignments, and plan for follow-up/reporting

- Someone in charge of taking notes/minutes - review notes/assignments, important points for follow-up

- Smaller sub teams need to meet before, or even just have a conversation, and determine what items need to be discussed in the upcoming Admin meeting

- Business consultant said - if you get your team setup, they can be over their own departments and setup their own goals, missions statements, etc. Give them their responsibilities and let them set it up in a way that can work for them. They are responsible for reporting and showing that they are progressing with their duties but we don’t have to micro plan all of the pieces, or their pieces. Give guidelines and let them work based off of the principles and guidelines.