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Color Code: Blue
Created By: Brandon Moore
Created Date/Time: 6/3/2011 12:23 pm
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Finished/Done: No - (open)
Finished/Done By: ...
Budgeted/Estimated Value: 0.00  
Actual/Real Value: 0.00  
Time Id: 20
Template/Type: Coding Ideas & Things To Do
Title/Caption: Training & Interface - Interactive business platform map/touch
Start Date: 7/31/2012
Target/Due Date: N/A
Main Status: Active

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The interactive map/touch concept was first put on paper on 10/11/10 and has been in the works and on our minds for almost two years. Tons of thoughts and ideas have been added to a seven page document that has ideas and concepts dealing with the map/touch interface. The entire seven page document has been uploaded to the history B.S.I. gallery until the project goes live. Ideally, it will be an interactive player of sorts that will act as front-end interface for users to navigate and get familiar with the system.

There is a graphic version (non-interactive) up online from the main switchboard page and from an upcoming concepts page. There is also a special help file that was created to help give some reason and logic for why pieces were placed where they were... Tons of thought has gone in to this project and we can't wait to get it fully going... Good stuff.

Part of an email sent to Steve on 10/29/12 by Brandon. (see below - at this poit the interactive map was still a concept and had not gone past the graphic or mock-up stage.)

What if... you allowed a company to design their own interface and then we just overlay links on top of their graphic. We then show a custom graphic (custom gui) and then we just point it to different things (links). That is the exact same thing we are doing with the current interactive map layout. The only difference is, we made the interactive map as compared with a client making it.

Imagine a set format for the graphic (certain size)... They could then use their words, their buttons, their look and feel, and their graphics. They could make it as simple or as decked-out as they wanted. We could even sell that option as an extra service... We then help them add functionality to their own graphical interface. Each corporation could be completely different and customizable. It could have buttons, links to pre-built searches, quick options, outside links, etc. All it would be is a graphic that gets some custom mapping overlaid on top of it... just like our current interactive map on the bottom of the main switchboard page (just a graphic with links overlaid for functionality).

A corp specific image map or custom GUI interface.

Additional thoughts... What if you took this even further and allowed (or helped) users create a custom flash movie to add interactivity, animation, roll-overs, drag-n-drop, or special menus or sub menus. The goal is not to re-create the whole thing, just add a visual layer to the already existing toolsets. In a way, a virtual landing or homepage for the companies that met their needs.