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Color Code: Pink
Assigned To: Unassigned
Created By: Brandon Moore
Created Date/Time: 8/29/2019 3:58 pm
Action Status: Completed
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 6
Finished/Done: No - (open)
Finished/Done By: ...
Budgeted/Estimated Value: 1,000.00 Dollars
Actual/Real Value: 0.00 Dollars [donate]
Invoice/Quote Status: Blank (n/a)
General Amount: $0.00
Time Id: 1504
Template/Type: Community Funded Projects
Title/Caption: Discontinue older API socket transfers for stock/units
Start Date: 8/29/2019
End Date: 8/29/2019
Total Time: 0.00 Minutes
Target/Due Date: 8/29/2019
Main Status: Active

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This is somewhat of a clean-up project for older stock/units (serialized inventory). We used to push stock/unit and parts (general items) out to the old Morning Star server for ecommerce and basic web presents. All of the new servers are able to handle this customer web traffic directly from their own servers vs pushing the data out to an outside server. This project would be a code clean-up and virtually stopping the transfer of limited data out to the old web presence site. This is a legacy issue and could be cleaned up internally without much problem.

Limited data is being passed to reconstruct the main data. Known areas are: corporations, basic user info (salesperson names and phone numbers), locations, part categories, makes, models, stock/units, parts and general inventory.

Search for "cfinvoke webservice" or "useBackUpWebServiceAddress" in the code to find pages that did this limited data transfer.

Also, on a side note, we are being charged for this older server. If we remove all data calls to this server, we could get rid of it. That could save almost $1,000 a year.

There may be a few phone calls to some of the older clients to let them know that they have to change their web sites and links out to the older data. Light customer care and clean-up.

12/23/20 - The code clean-up portion of this project was finished today by Brandon. We still need to turn off the domain name and close that account.