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Main Time Information
Color Code: Blue
Created By: Brandon Moore
Created Date/Time: 6/3/2011 12:21 pm
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Finished/Done: No - (open)
Finished/Done By: ...
Budgeted/Estimated Value: 0.00  
Actual/Real Value: 0.00  
Time Id: 13
Template/Type: Coding Ideas & Things To Do
Title/Caption: Look & Feel - My quick buttons & links (favorites)
Start Date: 6/3/2011
Target/Due Date: N/A
Main Status: Active

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See element of time # 412 for more info.

It would be really cool if we could marry the my cart favorite buttons with the old mend and repair (build your own report) settings. The new buttons would then show up as standalone buttons and/or in the interactive map layout.

Another idea is have a full list of every possible link in the system and then allow the users to pull up the links, name them, save them, and categorize them. The initial interface would be broken down into application types and then broken down into subs from there.

Another idea is to have a link on each page (say like in the heading) that allows that page to be pulled in automatically to the favorites. Kinda like a bookmark or favorite inside a browser. If that page needs criteria, it would then prompt for any criteria. That way, the users would know where they were at before creating the favorite or link to that page or section.

New idea added on 9/25/12 by Brandon - What if we just did a big one-to-many and allowed any existing report in the system to be saved (the settings). The main values would be a report id (dynamic key field), the report name, the page name (destination page), who it was assigned to, and a status field. Other values may be public/private or something like that. The many part would be the report id (tie-in value to the main report), a variable name (setting name), a value (setting value), and a status. We would then be able to pull the reports and then set the correct criteria or just run the reports and look-up the saved settings or values on the fly. This would be really cool... Instead of making a whole big brand new super report, we could just harness all of the existing reports and result pages. All we would have to do is pass a special saved report id number and then have the report pages look-up the values and play accordingly. That would be a huge time saver (not having to re-create this huge super report structure).

Along those same ideas... We may need to add special date presets or hardcoded date keywords. We could then dynamically figure out those dates by having a global function that could interpret the keywords. This could be things like: today, yesterday, tomorrow, thisweek, lastweek, nextweek, thismonth, lastmonth, nextmonth, ytd, or a special value called "prompt" which would allow you to enter the custom date range on the fly.

This whole system could be saved per user, shared between users (like public cart favorites), and dealt with in a controlled manner. As a side note, we may want some global functions or global responder pages that know what to do and then pass the data to the correct sub pages or sub reports. Just some ideas.