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Add Edit Sub Inventory
Page/Function Description:
This method will either add or edit a sub inventory record.
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Extra Page/Function Notes:

Scope Name Type Default Description Required Alternates Known Values
Arguments CORP_ID Numeric 0 Pass in the corp id number. Yes
Arguments INVOICE_NUMBER Numeric 0 Pass in a real invoice number for an invoice tie-in. Otherwise use a 0 here and add a real PO number. It needs to be an either or. Yes
Arguments PART_ID Numeric 0 Pass in the parent part id or item id number. This needs to be the same number (id) that was used on the invoice or PO line item. This is one of the primary tie-in values. For example: if the invoice line item uses part_id 55555, this same value should be used here as 55555. They need to match. Yes
Arguments PART_NUMBER String pass in the parent part name or item name. This is called the part number - even if it doesn't have any real numbers. Think of it as the item name. Similar to the part_id, this value needs to match the part_number on the invoice or PO line item. For example: Say that part_id 55555 has a part_number of "product_x". This sub entry would need the same value of "product_x" as it's part number value. Yes
Arguments PO_INVOICE_LINE_ID Numeric 0 Pass in the po/invoice line id number. This is the entry from the parent inventory on the PO or invoice. This id number should be returned when adding a new line item using a method like addInvoiceLineItem. Yes
Arguments PO_NUMBER Numeric 0 Pass in a real PO number for a PO tie-in. Otherwise use a 0 here and add a real invoice number. Similar to the invoice_number, it needs to be an either or. Yes
Arguments SPECIAL_DESCRIPTION String Pass in the special package or sub inventory description. Usually this is the same as the parent item description, but it doesn't have to be. Max of 255 characters. Yes
Arguments STORE_ID Numeric 1 Pass in the store/location id number. Yes
Arguments SUB_COST Numeric 0 Pass in the sub cost. Must be 0 or above. Up to 5 decimals if needed. Yes
Arguments SUB_DISABLED Numeric 0 Pass in the disabled value or the availability value. 0=open/show, 1=open/greyed out, and 2=closed/hide. Most times, if you are doing sub inventory on invoices, the sub_disabled needs to be 0. That means the package is not disabled - aka open and ready to be used. Yes
Arguments SUB_INVENTORY_DATE String Pass in the sub inventory date. Usually this is the date that the new transaction is taking place. If it is tied to an invoice or a PO, usually the same date as the invoice or PO. Use the format mm/dd/yyyy. Yes
Arguments SUB_INVENTORY_ID Numeric 0 Even though this seems like the main id number, please use a value of 0 if doing any invoicing. This allows a new sub inventory transaction to be added based on the sub_reference_number. Only pass in the real sub inventory id number if you are planning on doing an edit of the original (not used very often and mostly only on PO's.). If you are doing invoices... please use a 0 here - important. Yes
Arguments SUB_INVENTORY_STATUS Numeric 1 Pass in a 1 for active and a 0 for inactive. Only active subs will count toward valid quantities. Most times you will use a value of 1 unless you don't want the sub inventory transaction to really count. A 0 means, ignore, hide, or don't use. A 1 is the default (active or use). Yes
Arguments SUB_PRICE Numeric 0 Pass in the sub price. Must be 0 or above. Up to 5 decimal places if needed. Yes
Arguments SUB_QUANTITY String 0 Pass in the sub quantity. Both positive and negative numbers are allowed. Positive numbers build and add, negative numbers take away or remove. In English, that means use a negative number for invoices and a positive number for most PO's, unless you are doing internal builds and such. As a general rule, use a negative for invoices. For example: -13.555 or -1 or -0.03444 Yes
Arguments SUB_REFERENCE_ID Numeric 0 Pass in the sub reference id number. This is the number that ties the different packages or subs together. Without getting super technical... this number is the package number. The field called sub_inventory_id is a auto number field and is basically a transaction id number. This sub_reference_id is what really ties things together. For example: Say I have a package like ~14145 - that number is the original (when it was created id). Any new transactions up or down, will use that same id as the sub_reference_id. That is how all of the details for package 14145 are tied together. Once again, the sub_inventory_id number is just an auto id counter number. This is the main tie-in field to keep package details together. Yes
Arguments SUB_RFID_TAG_NUMBER String Pass in the sub RFID tag number. Yes
Arguments SUB_UNIT_OF_MEASUREMENT_ID Numeric 1 Pass in the unit of measurement id number. Yes
Arguments TIME_ID Numeric 0 Pass in the time id number. Currently, this has been somewhat replaced by the sub reference id. This was part of the original planning but has not yet been fully implemented. There are times that the time_id helps with internal tie-ins as well. If unknown, use 0. Yes
Arguments VENDOR_PAYEE_ID Numeric 0 Pass in the parent vendor id number. This id number should be the same as the parent item. For example: Say the parent item is part_id 55555 and the part_number is "product x". The main parent vendor id may be something like 656444. Use that same value here while tying in the sub transaction record. Yes


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