Main Web API Documentation Information
Actual Page/Function Name:
Human Readable Name or Caption:
Update Customer Contact
Page/Function Description:
This method will update a contact for an existing customer.
Page/Function Output Type:
Extra Page/Function Notes:
Customer contact is a sub of the main customers. This is often used for creating additional relationships between the customer and other associated people and/or other information.

Scope Name Type Default Description Required Alternates Known Values
Arguments ADDRESS String Pass in the address. No
Arguments ADDRESS_2 String Pass in the address 2. This is usually apartment or suite numbers and other details. No
Arguments ADJUSTED_DATE_TIME String Pass in the adjusted date/time value. Yes
Arguments BUSINESS_NAME String Pass in the contact business name. No
Arguments CELL_PHONE String Pass in the cell phone number. No
Arguments CITY String Pass in the city. No
Arguments CONTACT_ID Numeric 0 Pass in the contact id number. This is the auto-id number that's assigned for the contact record. Yes
Arguments CONTACT_TYPE_CATEGORY String Pass in the contact type category. This value is where you put in the relationship. This is often things such as owners, partners, managesr, shipping addresses, billing addresses, parents, children, etc. Yes
Arguments CONTACT_STATUS Numeric 0 Pass in a 1 for active and a 0 for inactive No
Arguments CORP_ID Numeric 0 Pass in the corp id number. This is your corporation ID or your business world number. This is required and will be validated. The default is 0, but will be checked for a real number. Yes
Arguments CUSTOMER_ID Numeric 0 Pass in the customer id number. This is the primary key from the main customer record. Yes
Arguments EMAIL String Pass in the email address. No
Arguments FAX String Pass in the fax number. No
Arguments FIRST_NAME String Pass in the contact first name. No
Arguments HOME_PHONE String Pass in the home phone number. No
Arguments LAST_NAME String Pass in the contact last name. No
Arguments NOTES String Pass in the contact notes. No
Arguments PAYEE_ID String Pass in the payee id number of who is doing the action. Yes
Arguments SHOW_ON_INVOICE Numeric 0 Pass in a 1 for yes and a 0 for no. If the value is set to 1, it will show up on every invoice that's tied to the main customer. No
Arguments STATE String Pass in the two letter state code (ex: CO, UT, AZ, etc). No
Arguments WORK_PHONE String Pass in the work phone number. No
Arguments ZIP String Pass in the zip code. No

ok Successfully updated the additional [name] contact information in the database. Where can we take you? [links] This assumes that everything went well.
corpSettings Missing the correct corp-wide settings. Unable to proceed. Use your back button and try again. This is shown if the record count of the queried corp-wide settings is zero.
dbZero Unable to get the required corp-wide settings. Missing some data. Use your back button and try again. This is shown if there was an error querying the corp-wide settings (the default customer names).
dataIn Unable to update the additional [name] contact. Missing some data. Use your back button and try again. This is returned if the contact id, corp id, customer id, payee id, or contact type category arguments are missing.
dataIn2 Unable to update the #LCase(qryGetCorpReturnSettings.default_customer_name)# contact. Missing the date/time stamp. Use your back button and try again. This is returned if the date is not an actual date.
zero Unable to find the main [name] information. The additional contact was not updated. Use your back button and try again. This is returned if the customer does not exist within the corporation.
db Unable to connect to the database. The [name] contact was not updated in the database. Use your back button and try again. This is returned if there was an error querying or inserting values such as corp id, customer id, history note, payee id, contact status, address, cell phone, etc.

Caption Text
{"API_CALL_FUNCTION_NAME":"updateCustomerContact","CUSTOMER_ID":23169,"CONTACT_ID":60709,"CORP_ID":53,"PAYEE_ID":3,"CONTACT_TYPE_CATEGORY":"Sales","ADJUSTED_DATE_TIME":"2015/03/24 11:54:00","ADDRESS":"123 Main","ADDRESS2":"P.O. Box 123","BUSINESS_NAME":"Business Name","CELL_PHONE":"1234567890","CITY":"Salida","CONTACT_STATUS":1,"EMAIL":"","FAX":"1234567890","FIRST_NAME":"First","HOME_PHONE":"1234567890","LAST_NAME":"Last","NOTES":"These notes are about the customer.","SHOW_ON_INVOICE":1,"STATE":"CO","WORK_PHONE":"1234567890","ZIP":"55555","API_CORP_KEY_ID":"PLA-0053","API_USER_NAME":"demo","API_USER_PASSWORD":"1234","API_CURRENT_PAYEE_ID":"3","API_INPUT_OUTPUT_TYPE":"JSON","API_URL_ENCODING":"AUTO"}