# 1 - The company structure.
Highend SaaS (software as a service) that offers a monthly reoccurring service and/or platfom.
What byproducts and other professional services come from that offering?
# 2 - The overall structure of the adilas platform or system.
Imagine a model that has five different levels. They are:
# 3 - The education and training needs.
The adilas university project will end up covering both internal and external training options to fit the growing needs and wants of the adilas community.
# 4 - The marketplace for the adilas community.
Virtual market for the adilas community that allows for buying or selling of products and services. Find professionals and services to help you realize your dreams.
# 5 - The virtual portal or primary landing spot for the community.
The community includes users, clients, vendors, investors, and 3rd party solutions.
Think of a one-stop shop or portal for working, playing, buying, selling, getting training, and participating in adilas community activities.
# 6 - Deeper dive into the adilas platform or system.
New code, new servers, new interface, everything is customizable and configurable.
Full next generation of the SaaS platform. Toggle on/off almost anything in the system, make it speak your language, only show what you need based on the modular design and approach.
# 7 - The budgets, finances, marketing, and sales plans.
Business plans, supporting documents, SWOT analysis, creative documents, technical documents, mission statements, etc.
# 8 - Come take a look!!!
Lots of videos, progress reports, and defining the system. This section also includes a number of resources and references to others parts of the puzzle.