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Color Code: Yellow
Assigned To: Brandon Moore
Created By: Brandon Moore
Created Date/Time: 4/1/2021 2:33 pm
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 7657
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: Meeting between Brandon and Steve
Start Date/Time: 4/1/2021 12:30 pm
End Date/Time: 4/1/2021 1:00 pm
Main Status: Active

click to enlarge - photo by: Brandon Moore - Tons of cool concepts, data assembly lines, brick walls, skin your engine, world building, game of business, static vs dynamic targets, smoke and mirrors, etc. Super cool stuff! Processes change, concepts last and deepen!
click to enlarge - photo by: Brandon Moore - Adi the dog in her dog house with all of adilas under one roof.

Uploaded Media/Content & Other Files (1)
Media Name   File Type Date Description
concept_photo_gallery.png   Image/PNG 4/1/2021 Bigger image with some concept topics listed out. We've been playing with these concepts for years and years. They just keep coming back around and getting deeper and deeper. Pretty cool!


We sure are learning a lot. We also keep going back to some of the underlying concepts that we've been working with for years and years. Here are some of my notes:

- Way back (2013) we put together a small photo gallery of some concepts that we deal with all the time. See attached. Here is a link to a bunch of concept images as well. Fun memories!

- It is so fulfilling to see people, users, and clients catching the vision of what is possible with elements of time. Tons and tons of cool options. Here are a couple of help files with some more info and options - main time homepage - subs of time

- We currently have recipe/build type options. What about bulk recipes? Steve was working with a client that may be looking for that kind of functionality. Pretty cool.

- Along those line of new functionality, sometimes we build and dream and have to say to ourselves, we don't have that person yet (who wants a certain thing). After a while, they always tend to show up and then they want that deeper functionality and/or deeper automation. Sometimes it takes years, but they will come!

- We really want to do more and more internally vs pushing things to outside parties or 3rd party solutions. We can't do everything, but we will sure try to pick up what we can.

- Steve really likes the new image of Adi (the little blue dog avatar) with the dog house and all of the things that we provide under one roof. See attached.

- It is crazy how deep things need to go. Sometimes simple and cute, just won't cut it. We keep finding that we have to mix and blend multiple pieces together to get what we want. There is a switch that happens. Do you want to be cute and cuddly (say a puppy staying on the porch with the other puppies) or do you want depth and different levels (say a big dog out running vs staying on the porch)? There is a switch that happens.

- Steve and I were talking about the acronym ERP - Enterprise Resource Planning and what it means to different people. It gets used by lots of companies to mean lots or a mix of diverse functions such as CRM (customer relationship management), POS (point of sale) system, accounting, operations, scheduling, and flow management. Interesting phrase and meaning.

- We were talking about management and relating things to an orchestrator of a symphony. First, you need to know how to play an instrument, the more the better. However, at some point, you want to be leading and conducting the play vs being inside or a pivotal part of the music that is being played. Ideally you want to guide and direct, if that is the goal.

- Both Steve and I may have to unload certain tasks to other developers and/or dependables in order to lead and steer the ship. Sometimes we get pulled into the small little details and fixing the tiny things vs really steering the ship or leading the symphony. It seems like a personality thing and having an attention for details. That can be good and bad. Hopefully we can find a good mix and run with it!