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Color Code: Yellow
Assigned To: Brandon Moore
Created By: Brandon Moore
Created Date/Time: 6/17/2024 1:43 pm
Action Status: Blank (new)
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Time Id: 11155
Template/Type: Brandon Time
Title/Caption: Meeting with Suzi and Sean
Start Date/Time: 6/19/2024 1:00 pm
End Date/Time: 6/19/2024 2:00 pm
Main Status: Active

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Meeting with Suzi and Sean over a GoToMeeting session. We were going over the adilas label builder. We have an existing piece but it needs some major upgrading. Here are some of my notes... It sounds like it's pretty painful from the user side.

- In the current label builder - on step 2... help show the width and height on the label drop-down. Also use smaller decimal.

- On step 4, the label is so small... they would love to see it bigger (zoom to scale)

- When editing, the top 5 fields need to be editable. These are the name of the field, the height, width, the _x and _y positions (where on the canvas the fields starts).

- Be able to see it while you are doing it, be able to save it while you are doing it. Currently, you have to make an edit, switch modes, then save it, then go back.

- When going from page to page, it isn't saving the new changes. You have to almost make a change, go save it, make a change, go save it. If you try to have it do too much at a time, it gets lost.

- She (Suzi) has to go back, go back, go back... very frustrating.

- She is recommending that people don't even use it. The current label creation tool is that bad. They (she and Sean) are building out the labels, showing the people, and not showing them the actual tool. They are taking on the hard part in order to save frustration.

- She has seen some demos that have really nice label building tools.

- I have a bunch of notes from past brainstorming sessions - dealing with wish lists for the adilas label builder. I also have some document on my local computer from some brainstorming sessions with Cory, talking about next steps on the label builder.

- She has also seen other tools that are really hard to work with for label building (other products). You really need a way to connect the database to the label builders.

- They are wanting full colors, static text, dynamic text, QR codes, barcodes, horizontal text, vertical text, graphics, data driven value, etc.

- Snap to grid... both yes and no options. Along with that... a nudge (using arrow keys) would be super helpful.

- Suzi was talking about how at another company, they used Adobe Illustrator (full on graphics program) to do super custom layouts.

- They need ability to do super small text (font size)

- They may even need round labels, not just square or rectangle labels.

- The current decimal level is way out there... like 10 or 20 decimal points. We just need to format things, for a visual for the end user.

- Some of our competition has some really fancy label builders. No idea on the price tag, but there are some sweet label builders out there.

- Not just simple labels... they are looking for super fancy labels... full color, full gloss, full layout options, etc.

- Suzi has a number of samples of fancy labels, if we need them as samples.

- Sean and Suzi were talking about the cost of labels - pros and cons of going with preprinted logos. It depends on what things change and how often you need the label options.

- Both Sean and Suzi have used it (the current label creation tool) but it is painful.

- The work has to stick... every time. It's way to fidgety.

- Be able to zoom in and out.

- Add a save button on the show grid layout step.

- They want to combine step 4 and 5 - do it all on one page.

- They want to be able to add a custom label size... be able to enter perfect width and height. Currently, you can pick from a bunch of single labels (presets) or a huge list of Avery sheet labels. They would like options to enter custom labels (sizes and dimensions).

- Be able to switch between inches and centimeters.

- Be able to align elements, copy elements, paste elements, etc. Easier for the end users.

- The barcode text needs to be able to scale (font size of the bars) - we need to be able to fit a 24 character barcode on a 2" label.

- Instruction and education (writing and on video) on where to access the labels - for each type - customers, invoices, PO's, and items.

- Be able to work easier with subs (parts) and sub packages (parent/child inventory).