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Color Code: Pink
Assigned To: JM Developments LLC
Created By: Cory Warden
Created Date/Time: 11/24/2019 11:47 am
Action Status: Completed
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 0
Finished/Done: No - (open)
Finished/Done By: ...
Budgeted/Estimated Value: 0.00  
Actual/Real Value: 0.00   [donate]
Invoice/Quote Status: Blank (n/a)
General Amount: $0.00
Time Id: 1568
Template/Type: Community Funded Projects
Title/Caption: Upgrading the Discount Engine
Start Date: 11/24/2019
End Date: Unknown... (open or blank)
Total Time: Unknown... (open or blank)
Target/Due Date: 11/24/2019
Main Status: Active

Sorry, no photos available for this element of time.

Uploaded Media/Content & Other Files (5)
Media Name   File Type Date Description
Project 1568 New Discount Engine.xd   Other 12/19/2022 XD design for the new discount engine
Discount Engine To-Do's To Launch.docx   Doc/PDF 10/17/2022
Fall 2022 Schedule.xlsx   Doc/Spreadsheet 9/1/2022 John's adilas time allotted
brainstorming discount engine mvp.docx   Doc/Text 11/24/2021
Discount Engine-Buy X Get Y.xlsx   Doc/Spreadsheet 3/20/2020


4/20: 27.44

from 4/14: 30

Up to 3/1: 26.48

from 11/19 through 1/1/2022: 112.4

11/18: 15.56

11/17/21: 17.5

10/21: 12.08

10/18: 38.04

10/5/21: 27.07

John is working on this:

2/25/21: Notes from today's meeting with KW and SM. Also from another eot that I just found today.

1) Choosing the hour is available for the everyday option. When you choose a day or a range of days, you should have the everyday functions of adding time frames. Multiple per day would be great ie 9am-10am, 10pm-11pm (Happy hours- only Monday through Friday)

2) Settings that allow the discount engine to connect to e-commerce!! 

3) Possibly the discount happens in the cart and not when added to the cart. (In ecomm only adding one item at a time) This will help with the buy x get y. *We did determine that the limit of how many line items can  receive the discount happens in the cart, so it seems there is already coding there for this.
Minimum =needs to pull from the cart info and not from when scanned.

4) Adding functionality that allows for multiple categories and multiple items. Currently, if you choose one category you can assign specific items. If you choose multiple categories you do not have the option to assign specific items.

5) A snow owl pop up so you can sort the vendor list or item list as they are super long. Would be great if the vendor list only included inventory vendors, and even better only vendors who are associated with the categories or items. 

6) Not imperative but an add or edit or submit button at the top would be helpful.

7) Not imperative but would be nice to show in an item if it is linked to any discount engine items. Similar to how it shows that an item is connected to a smart button. Could go right there next to the smart buttons.

**There seems to be a weird scenario, where if you have the wrong vendors populated in the list for the item that you choose to discount, when you add that item to the cart it doesn't recognize the discount. Kind of goes back to limiting the vendor list.

Adding other notes: Everything on this date was quoted at $5000.

6/9/2020: Notes from meeting with Kelly regarding upgrades/fixes to discount engine:

1)Currently for each line item you add through the discount engine, it creates a description in the non printing notes. This can get messy for searches. Possibly make this a permission- do you want this to print? Or, only print once.
2)Most people want to price items more than they want to give discounts. 
3)Needs to work in e-commerce.

Josh will be finishing up phase one of discount engine this week (9/11/19). 

Buy X get Y (a more flexible BOGO). This has been asked for quite a bit by clients. Josh estimates this is a larger scope, as additional fields would need to be added to the database. Estimated time would be 2-4 weeks.

Buy X Get Y
   -  Categories for X
   -  Categories for Y
   -  Parts
   -  Vendors
   -  Time Periods
   -  How many max uses
   -  Make any purchase on Friday, get a free joint

Buy 2 Get 1
Buy 5 Get 2

3/13/20: Molly specific requests: Updates requested, including improvement for: Tiered Pricing, Buy x Get Y. Corrections for Buy X, Get X: not just Line QTY Requirements but Add Total QTY requirements so this works for people who scan. 

11/25/19: Not sure how high on the priority list this is. Putting it down in the list for now.

One client experiences that the discount engine takes quite a while to load (I haven't see this, but Drea did see it on this clients system). Wants to add buy x get y.

Interested in having boxes next to the days of the week so you could run a special Mon, Wed and Fri. 

Have the vendor list after the categories, and if you only choose one category, choose the vendor, and only have that vendors items populate in the list.

Can you exclude specific items from the discount, the way you can include specific items?

Discounting based on key words.

Additional Date/Times - Subs (116)
Title/Caption Start Date Start Time End Date End Time Age Notes
Progress Notes - 7/20/2023 10:49 am 7/20/2023 11:32 am 43.00 Minutes

Server Meeting

Progress Notes - 7/20/2023 6:13 am 7/20/2023 7:28 am 1.25 Hours

Page usage monitoring

Progress Notes - 7/18/2023 6:30 pm 7/18/2023 9:30 pm 3.00 Hours

Working on bugs when testing on data 5.

Progress Notes - 7/18/2023 11:30 am 7/18/2023 1:00 pm 1.50 Hours

Working on bugs when testing on data 5.

Progress Notes - 7/18/2023 8:00 am 7/18/2023 10:45 am 2.75 Hours

Working on bugs when testing on data 5. This project is getting close to being ready to launch :). 

Progress Notes - 7/11/2023 8:00 pm 7/12/2023 12:30 am 4.50 Hours

Moving files to a clean branch, switching the branch on data 5 from new-discount-engine-2022-4 to new-discount-engine-2023, running database update, and light testing on data 5.

Progress Notes - 7/10/2023 1:00 pm 7/10/2023 8:15 pm 7.25 Hours

Working on the discount engine bugs, cart bug and reviewing code.

Progress Notes - 7/9/2023 7:00 am 7/9/2023 4:00 pm 9.00 Hours

Working on the dynamic vendors and items bugs and testing.

Progress Notes - 7/8/2023 9:00 am 7/8/2023 4:39 pm 7.65 Hours

Working on the dynamic vendors and items bugs and testing.

Progress Notes - 7/7/2023 10:00 am 7/7/2023 6:21 pm 8.35 Hours

Fixing the cart bugs after merging master into the branch. Replacing the old discount engine link, and working on the dynamic vendors and items bugs.  

Progress Notes - 7/1/2023 10:00 am 7/1/2023 2:30 pm 4.50 Hours

Working on the discount engine bugs. code cleanup and commenting.

Progress Notes - 6/30/2023 8:00 am 6/30/2023 2:45 pm 6.75 Hours

Working on the discount engine bugs. code cleanup and commenting.  

Progress Notes - 6/27/2023 3:00 pm 6/27/2023 6:45 pm 3.75 Hours

Reviewing and testing the discount engine code locally and on data 5. 

Progress Notes - 6/26/2023 4:00 pm 6/26/2023 9:30 pm 5.50 Hours

Fixing merge conflicts when merging master into branch. Running database updates locally. Adding the new changes to the service.cfc file. Reviewing code and doing some light testing.

Progress Notes - 6/17/2023 4:00 pm 6/17/2023 7:15 pm 3.25 Hours Reviewing and creating a new branch for the New Discount Engine code to test on data 5 (still need to point the db server to use the correct schema that has the HighQ corps).
Progress Notes - 12/14/2022 9:00 am 12/14/2022 3:00 pm 6.00 Hours

Finishing up discount engine code and testing new changes.

Progress Notes - 12/13/2022 10:00 am 12/13/2022 6:00 pm 8.00 Hours

Finding where and the datatables is located in the application. Debugging and fixing cfqueryparams in the discount engine action page. Adding in error handling alert.

Progress Notes - 12/11/2022 2:00 pm 12/11/2022 4:00 pm 2.00 Hours

Reviewing Datatables documentation. 

Progress Notes - 12/10/2022 8:00 pm 12/10/2022 10:30 pm 2.50 Hours Reviewing code and bugs. Testing scenarios.
Meeting with John 10/17/2022 2:30 pm 10/17/2022 5:00 pm 2.50 Hours

Work session with John on the discount engine. It is basically ready for testing. Good stuff! See EOT # 9496 in the shop.

Progress Notes - 10/17/2022 2:00 pm 10/17/2022 5:00 pm 3.00 Hours

Worked with Brandon to write database updates to change the numeric values 1-7 to three letter code SUN, MON, etcetera, flag vendors with parts to inventory specific, and testing the cart logic to apply discounts.

Progress Notes - 10/16/2022 10:00 am 10/16/2022 3:00 pm 5.00 Hours

Debugged and fixed ColdFusion date/times for tomorrows discounts. The old logic was defaulting to the wrong date. Fixed CSS bug that was effecting the quick search and quick cart buttons in the navigation bar header. Added logic for every weekday (M-F) in action page. 

Progress Notes - 10/15/2022 2:00 pm 10/15/2022 5:00 pm 3.00 Hours Testing discounts after Brandon added URI encoding. 
Progress Notes - 10/14/2022 12:00 pm 10/14/2022 4:00 pm 4.00 Hours Cleaning up code and adding comments. Adding cfquery params to database inserts.
Work session 10/13/2022 2:00 pm 10/13/2022 5:00 pm 3.00 Hours

Two different sessions working on the discount engine. One was with John and the other was just working by myself. Making great progress. See EOT # 9452 and # 9493 in the shop for more details.

Progress Notes - 10/13/2022 5:00 am 10/13/2022 8:00 am 3.00 Hours

Working with Wayne to convert the numeric values for the days of the week into string values and convert the string values back to numbers.

Meeting 10/12/2022 2:00 pm 10/12/2022 3:00 pm 1.00 Hours

Meeting with both Wayne and John and going over database questions for the discount engine. See EOT # 9453 in the shop.

Progress Notes - 10/12/2022 12:00 pm 10/12/2022 3:00 pm 3.00 Hours

Working with Wayne and Brandon to modify the qryTodayDiscount method to allow for unique values for the multiple day functionality.

Progress Notes - 10/11/2022 8:00 pm 10/11/2022 11:00 pm 3.00 Hours

Cascading the changes to the todays discounts, active discounts, inactive discounts, and archived discounts tables in the body page to allow multiple days in the discount_start_date and discount_end_date columns. Working on query in action page when editing a discount. Added logic to edit the discount name. Modifying the qryTodayDiscount to accommodate the list of days in the discount_day_of_week column.

Work session 10/11/2022 2:00 pm 10/11/2022 4:00 pm 2.00 Hours

Work session with John on the discount engine. Looking at new database changes. See EOT # 9451 in the shop.

Progress Notes - 10/11/2022 2:00 pm 10/11/2022 4:00 pm 2.00 Hours

Testing action page for database inserts and updates with Brandon. Debugging body page after inserting multiple days into the discount_day_of_week column in the discounts table.

Progress Notes - 10/11/2022 10:00 am 10/11/2022 1:00 pm 3.00 Hours

Wiring up action page for database inserts and updates.

Progress Notes - 10/10/2022 5:00 pm 10/10/2022 8:00 pm 3.00 Hours

Finishing up action page logic when adding a new discount into the discounts table using the new multiple days feature.

Progress Notes - 10/7/2022 8:00 pm 10/8/2022 12:00 am 4.00 Hours

Added CSS for action buttons. Wiring up database inserts and updates.

Progress Notes - 10/6/2022 10:00 am 10/6/2022 4:00 pm 6.00 Hours Continued using the old discount engine action page code in the new action page. Validation Bugs and debugging errors when testing the new code. Success Messages and JavaScript session variables. 
Progress Notes - 10/1/2022 5:00 pm 10/1/2022 9:00 pm 4.00 Hours

Reviewing the old discount engine action page and reusing code in the new actions page. New methods in the action page to call service and dao so we can reuse the old logic.

Progress Notes - 9/30/2022 7:00 am 9/30/2022 10:00 am 3.00 Hours

Continued pulling code from the old discount engine action page into the new action page and validating the URL data.

Meeting with John and Cory 9/29/2022 10:15 am 9/29/2022 12:30 pm 2.25 Hours

Code review with Cory and John on the discount engine. See EOT # 9413 in the shop.

Progress Notes - 9/29/2022 10:00 am 9/29/2022 3:00 pm 5.00 Hours

Code review with Brandon and Cory (10:00 AM - 12:00 PM). Pulling code from the old discount engine action page into the new action page. Security Checks to see if someone navigates to the action page in the browser. Validating the URL data.

Progress Notes - 9/28/2022 7:00 am 9/28/2022 9:00 am 2.00 Hours Finished the success messages logic using session variables to show after the user selects an action button in the tables but not when the page is refreshed or navigated back to after an action is performed.  
Progress Notes - 9/27/2022 1:00 pm 9/27/2022 3:00 pm 2.00 Hours

Created session variables for error handling when an action button is selected. Added JavaScript to reload the page after action button is selected. 

Progress Notes - 9/26/2022 8:00 am 9/26/2022 6:00 pm 10.00 Hours

Added method to activate, archive and edit a discount when the user selects the option from the table action button. Working on the message to show if the discoutn action was successful or an error occurred. Added functionality to reload page after the user activates, deactivates, archives discounts and started the logic to add/update the database when discount is edited or a new discount is created. Worked on the logic to filter items using selected categories and vendors. Reviewed the old discount engine code to validate form fields when the add/edit discounts form is submitted to the action page.

Progress Notes - 9/20/2022 11:00 am 9/20/2022 2:00 pm 3.00 Hours

Added database update for new functionality and created a new index for the discount table. Added method to deactivate a discount when the user selects the option from the table action button. 

Progress Notes - 9/19/2022 8:00 am 9/19/2022 1:00 pm 5.00 Hours

Merged master into branch. Continued logic to activate/deactivate/archive discounts from the tab table action buttons. Added the JS functions to use AJAX to update the database and show a success/error message above the discount engine page title. 

Progress Notes - 9/12/2022 7:00 pm 9/12/2022 9:00 pm 2.00 Hours

Continued modifying the add/edit discounts form to allow the user to edit the discount name. This is so the user has the ability to change the discount from occurring on one day to using the new multiple day functionality. Started the logic to edit/activate/deactivate/archive existing discounts from the various data tables.

Progress Notes - 9/12/2022 6:00 am 9/12/2022 1:00 pm 7.00 Hours

Continued modifying the add/edit discounts form to allow the user to edit the discount name. This is so the user has the ability to change the discount from occurring on one day to using the new multiple day functionality. Started the logic to edit/activate/deactivate/archive existing discounts from the various data tables.

Progress Notes - 8/28/2022 11:00 am 8/28/2022 3:00 pm 4.00 Hours Modifying the add/edit discounts form to allow the user to edit the discount name. This is so the user has the ability to change the discount from occurring on one day to using the new multiple day functionality.
Progress Notes - 8/27/2022 10:00 am 8/27/2022 1:00 pm 3.00 Hours Building a small scratch file (recommended by Brandon) to practice some of the dynamic items pieces before coding it live.
Progress Notes - 8/26/2022 7:00 am 8/26/2022 1:00 pm 6.00 Hours Building a small scratch file (recommended by Brandon) to practice some of the dynamic items pieces before coding it live.
Progress Notes - 8/25/2022 5:00 pm 8/25/2022 8:00 pm 3.00 Hours Building a small scratch file (recommended by Brandon) to practice some of the dynamic items pieces before coding it live.
Meeting with John 8/24/2022 11:00 am 8/24/2022 11:45 am 45.00 Minutes Working with John on his custom java script on the discount engine. Going over ideas and being a second set of eyes. We went over some options and I recommended that he build a small scratch file to practice some of the pieces before coding it live.
Progress Notes - 8/24/2022 9:00 am 8/24/2022 2:00 pm 5.00 Hours Testing different use case scenarios including selecting an existing discount and modifying/creating a new discount with and without part categories and vendors filters.
Progress Notes - 8/22/2022 9:00 am 8/22/2022 2:00 pm 5.00 Hours Continued working on the dynamic parts/items modal logic. Testing different use case scenarios.
Progress Notes - 8/20/2022 8:00 am 8/20/2022 12:00 pm 4.00 Hours Continued working on the dynamic parts/items modal logic. Testing different use case scenarios.
Progress Notes - 8/17/2022 11:00 am 8/17/2022 4:00 pm 5.00 Hours Continued working on the dynamic parts/items modal logic. Testing different use case scenarios.
Progress Notes - 8/16/2022 2:00 pm 8/16/2022 5:00 pm 3.00 Hours Working on the dynamic parts/items modal logic.
Progress Notes - 8/15/2022 9:00 am 8/15/2022 6:00 pm 9.00 Hours Fixing customer types and item categories JSON array indexes bug. Added JS to auto correct the time from military time to standard time. Dynamic parts/items modal logic complete.? Finished logic to reset parts/items modal form input.
Progress Notes - 8/13/2022 9:00 am 8/13/2022 4:00 pm 7.00 Hours Unit testing and commenting the Service and DAO code. Tested the discount engine page to ensure nothing was broken after creating the new Service and DAO.
Progress Notes - 8/12/2022 10:00 am 8/12/2022 5:00 pm 7.00 Hours Unit testing and commenting the Service and DAO code. Tested the discount engine page to ensure nothing was broken after creating the new Service and DAO.
Progress Notes - 8/10/2022 10:00 am 8/10/2022 2:00 pm 4.00 Hours Continued coding JS and ColdFusion logic with the newly added form attributes. Testing the newly migrated code to new Service and DAO pages.
Progress Notes - 8/8/2022 9:00 am 8/8/2022 12:00 pm 3.00 Hours Continued coding JS and ColdFusion logic with the newly added form attributes. Testing the newly migrated code to new Service and DAO pages.
Progress Notes - 8/4/2022 8:00 am 8/4/2022 3:00 pm 7.00 Hours Discount Engine Form wire-up. Coding JS and ColdFusion logic with the newly added form attributes. Testing the newly migrated code to new Service and DAO pages.
Progress Notes - 8/3/2022 2:00 pm 8/3/2022 6:00 pm 4.00 Hours Discount Engine Form wire-up. adding attributes to wire up the dynamic items modal and testing different case scenarios. Migrating code to new Service and DAO pages.
Progress Notes - 8/3/2022 11:00 am 8/3/2022 1:00 pm 2.00 Hours Discount Engine Form wire-up. adding attributes to wire up the dynamic items modal and testing different case scenarios. Migrating code to new Service and DAO pages.
Progress Notes - 8/1/2022 10:00 am 8/1/2022 3:00 pm 5.00 Hours Discount Engine Form wire-up. adding attributes to wire up the dynamic items modal and testing different case scenarios.
Progress Notes - 7/26/2022 2:00 pm 7/26/2022 5:00 pm 3.00 Hours Discount Engine Form wire-up. Modifying Database queries and Methods to wire up the dynamic vendors modal and testing different case scenarios.
Progress Notes - 7/25/2022 10:00 am 7/25/2022 12:00 pm 2.00 Hours Discount Engine Form wire-up.
Progress Notes - 7/23/2022 10:00 am 7/23/2022 12:00 pm 2.00 Hours Discount Engine Form wire-up.
Progress Notes - 7/20/2022 3:00 pm 7/20/2022 6:00 pm 3.00 Hours Discount Engine Form wire-up.
Progress Notes - 7/12/2022 1:00 pm 7/12/2022 5:00 pm 4.00 Hours Discount Engine Form wire-up.
Progress Notes - 7/11/2022 8:00 am 7/11/2022 2:00 pm 6.00 Hours Discount Engine Form wire-up.
Progress Notes - 7/8/2022 6:00 am 7/8/2022 12:00 pm 6.00 Hours Discount Engine Form wire-up.
Progress Notes - 7/7/2022 1:00 pm 7/7/2022 7:00 pm 6.00 Hours Discount Engine Form wire-up.
Progress Notes - 7/6/2022 12:00 pm 7/6/2022 6:00 pm 6.00 Hours Discount Engine Form wire-up.
Progress Notes - 6/30/2022 8:00 am 6/30/2022 2:00 pm 6.00 Hours Discount Engine Form wire-up.
Progress Notes - 6/29/2022 7:00 am 6/29/2022 4:00 pm 9.00 Hours Discount Engine Form wire-up.
Progress Notes - 6/28/2022 8:00 am 6/28/2022 3:00 pm 7.00 Hours Discount Engine Form wire-up.
Progress Notes - 6/27/2022 8:00 am 6/27/2022 10:00 am 2.00 Hours Discount Engine Form wire-up.
Progress Notes - 6/23/2022 9:00 am 6/23/2022 3:00 pm 6.00 Hours Discount Engine Form wire-up.
Progress Notes - 6/22/2022 9:00 am 6/22/2022 6:00 pm 9.00 Hours Discount Engine Form wire-up.
Progress Notes - 6/21/2022 1:00 pm 6/21/2022 7:00 pm 6.00 Hours Discount Engine Form wire-up.
Progress Notes - 6/20/2022 3:00 pm 6/20/2022 6:00 pm 3.00 Hours Discount Engine Form wire-up.
Progress Notes - 6/20/2022 10:01 am 6/20/2022 12:01 pm 2.00 Hours Discount Engine Form wire-up.
Progress Notes - 6/17/2022 7:00 am 6/17/2022 1:00 pm 6.00 Hours Discount Engine Form wire-up.
Progress Notes - 6/16/2022 7:00 am 6/16/2022 12:00 pm 5.00 Hours Discount Engine Form wire-up.
Progress Notes - 6/15/2022 10:00 am 6/15/2022 6:00 pm 8.00 Hours Discount Engine Form wire-up.
Progress Notes - 6/6/2022 8:00 am 6/6/2022 12:00 pm 4.00 Hours Discount Engine Form wire-up.
Progress Notes - 6/2/2022 2:00 pm 6/2/2022 6:00 pm 4.00 Hours Discount Engine Form wire-up.
Progress Notes - 6/1/2022 7:00 am 6/1/2022 12:00 pm 5.00 Hours Discount Engine Form wire-up.
Progress Notes - 5/31/2022 1:00 pm 5/31/2022 5:00 pm 4.00 Hours Discount Engine Form wire-up.
Progress Notes - 5/30/2022 7:00 am 5/30/2022 11:00 am 4.00 Hours Discount Engine Form wire-up.
Progress Notes - 5/27/2022 4:00 pm 5/27/2022 8:00 pm 4.00 Hours Discount Engine Form wire-up.
Progress Notes - 5/27/2022 7:00 am 5/27/2022 1:00 pm 6.00 Hours Discount Engine Form wire-up.
Progress Notes - 5/24/2022 7:00 am 5/24/2022 12:00 pm 5.00 Hours Discount Engine Form wire-up.
Progress Notes - 5/23/2022 9:00 am 5/23/2022 11:00 am 2.00 Hours Discount Engine Form wire-up.
Progress Notes - 5/19/2022 7:00 am 5/19/2022 4:00 pm 9.00 Hours Discount Engine Form wire-up.
Progress Notes - 5/18/2022 8:00 am 5/18/2022 3:00 pm 7.00 Hours Discount Engine Form wire-up.
Progress Notes - 5/17/2022 2:00 pm 5/17/2022 6:00 pm 4.00 Hours Discount Engine Form wire-up.
Progress Notes - 5/17/2022 6:00 am 5/17/2022 8:00 am 2.00 Hours Discount Engine Form wire-up.
Progress Notes - 5/16/2022 8:29 am 5/16/2022 10:29 am 2.00 Hours Discount Engine Form wire-up.
Progress Notes - 5/12/2022 8:29 am 5/12/2022 2:00 pm 5.52 Hours Discount Engine Form wire-up.
Progress Notes - 5/11/2022 5:00 pm 5/11/2022 8:00 pm 3.00 Hours Discount Engine Form wire-up.
Progress Notes - 5/11/2022 8:00 am 5/11/2022 10:00 am 2.00 Hours Discount Engine Form wire-up.
Progress Notes - 5/10/2022 9:00 am 5/10/2022 3:00 pm 6.00 Hours Discount Engine Form wire-up.
Progress Notes - 5/9/2022 2:59 pm 5/9/2022 3:59 pm 1.00 Hours Discount Engine Form wire-up.
Progress Notes - 5/6/2022 8:00 am 5/6/2022 1:00 pm 5.00 Hours
Progress Notes - 5/4/2022 8:00 am 5/4/2022 4:00 pm 8.00 Hours Discount Engine Form wire-up.
Progress Notes - 5/3/2022 2:00 pm 5/3/2022 7:00 pm 5.00 Hours Discount engine for wire-up
Progress Notes - 4/29/2022 1:00 pm 4/29/2022 3:59 pm 2.98 Hours Discount engine form wireup
Progress Notes - 4/28/2022 5:00 pm 4/28/2022 8:00 pm 3.00 Hours Discount engine form wireup
Progress Notes - 4/27/2022 5:00 am 4/27/2022 4:00 pm 11.00 Hours Reviewing/getting back into the discount engine code and gui wire up. (there was a two hour break in between)
Progress Notes - 4/26/2022 7:00 am 4/26/2022 3:59 pm 8.98 Hours Reviewing/getting back into the discount engine code and gui wire up.
Progress Notes - 4/25/2022 7:00 am 4/25/2022 3:29 pm 8.48 Hours Reviewing/getting back into the Discount Engine code & GUI wire-up
Progress Notes - 4/21/2022 5:00 pm 4/21/2022 11:00 pm 6.00 Hours Reviewing/getting back into the Discount Engine code & GUI wire-up
Progress Notes - 4/20/2022 9:00 am 4/20/2022 1:00 pm 4.00 Hours Reviewing/getting back into the Discount Engine code & GUI wire-up
Progress Notes - 4/19/2022 9:00 am 4/19/2022 12:00 pm 3.00 Hours Reviewing/getting back into the Discount Engine code & GUI wire-up

Total Time In Hours And Minutes: 522:41 :: Total Hours As A Decimal: 522.68