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Color Code: Green
Assigned To: Bryan Dayton
Created By: Cory Warden
Created Date/Time: 8/13/2019 2:12 pm
Action Status: Pending
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 6
Finished/Done: No - (open)
Finished/Done By: ...
Budgeted/Estimated Value: 3,000.00 Dollars
Actual/Real Value: 2,448.80 Dollars [donate]
Invoice/Quote Status: Blank (n/a)
General Amount: $0.00
Time Id: 1485
Template/Type: Community Funded Projects
Title/Caption: Adding more functionality to delayed inventory count-scan
Start Date: 8/13/2019
End Date: Unknown... (open or blank)
Total Time: Unknown... (open or blank)
Target/Due Date: 8/13/2019
Main Status: Active

click to enlarge - photo by: Cory Warden -
click to enlarge - photo by: Cory Warden -
click to enlarge - photo by: Cory Warden -
click to enlarge - photo by: Cory Warden -


As of 3/23/2020: You can scan a sub barcode and automatically count it as one, then keep scanning. Then it will tell you how many you have at the end. Or you can scan the sub barcode and tell it you have x quantity.

**What doesn't work is the "update using selected quantity totals"- this creates the update PO- but it doesn't work for subs yet. We need to have a setting to disable the button if the corp is using subs so they don't create a mess. Not sure if we will fix this button or not- it automatically makes the PO, but would like a review first. (see below)

Molly thinks her client would pay for the next step, which is having a combo of the review page with the update inventory counts page- so you can see how much inventory you actually have, before you submit "update quantity." Essentially a web version of the excel report. Would be great to have it sorted by scanned or not scanned- if in snow owl could sort. You wouldn't have to go through and do the update, but you could make changes if needed.

Want to have a note field per line item after description (instead of just notes at the top of the PO)

As of 3/3/20: Still working on this project- things keep breaking...

9/9/19: Molly working with client on their specific needs. Attached some drawings today.

Need to start phase two. Brandon built a custom upload piece for a client that takes a csv file with a scan and a quantity with spreadsheet. Two columns: barcode and quantity. 

8/13/19: Spoke with Molly at length. Need ability to scan sub barcodes/ids as well. Currently can't submit 0 as a quantity. Also can't add quantity if existing quantity is 0. 

Ability to have multiple stations performing delayed scan count at the same time to facilitate end of day inventory. Already track payee, which is great. 

One idea for organizing data on the screen: On delayed inventory counter review & commit page (

Have one line item similar to a parent- total quantity scanned, then under it, each line item or sub scan which would refer to each station/payee who was scanning inventory. 

Then total quantity on hand and total quantity scanned/counted, so that you could compare/review before committing to the numbers. There would be an open field next to the total quantity scanned so you could add another in, and then you could update using selected quantity scanned totals. 

8/12/19: Clients would like to scan every package (with same barcode) and have adilas keep a tally of how many and report that at the end for the final submission. So there would still be the review and commit page, where, after scanning barcode ~1234 50 times you could see that, and then click update using selected quantity totals. This would help cut down on human error.