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Color Code: Green
Assigned To: Unassigned
Created By: Brandon Moore
Created Date/Time: 3/30/2015 12:26 pm
Action Status: Pending
Show On The Web: Yes - (public)
Priority: 4
Finished/Done: No - (open)
Finished/Done By: ...
Budgeted/Estimated Value: 10,000.00 Dollars
Actual/Real Value: 2,000.00 Dollars [donate]
Invoice/Quote Status: Blank (n/a)
General Amount: $0.00
Time Id: 1014
Template/Type: Community Funded Projects
Title/Caption: Inventory Alerts - Max & Min Thresholds - Quantity & Order Monitoring
Start Date: 3/30/2015
End Date: 3/30/2015
Total Time: 0.00 Minutes
Target/Due Date: N/A
Main Status: Active

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4/16/2020: With all of the current need for e-commerce, the need for buffers on the item level has come in to play and is wanted. In order to beef up needs to be location specific. 

Buffers do exist in e-commerce.

There is a category based buffer in the shopping cart (two of them). The one in the shopping cart can be configured on a per category level and even on a per item level.

Super high level- needs to be on a per item/per location basis.

////// new notes on 1/6/2020 - Meeting with Brandon, Steve, and Cory

- Steve wants to get this inventory engine built into a reordering system. There is more than just mins and maxes, we have to deal with sales, quantities, how fast/slow things move, lead times, things that need to be sold, restocked, and even never stocked again. Lots of ideas of algorithms and building in logic to these pieces.

- We would like to create a good game plan (what are we going to build and how will it benefit our users) and get it funded.

- Steve also wants to get Alan and other developers involved.

- As a sales happens, we will start hitting a special weighted function (algorithm) that helps us see what a sale means. The weighted portion of the puzzle would help us know what is moving, what is effective, and other virtual marketing and sales matrix options. Getting the real meanings bubbling up to the surface. Kinda like a performance level or batting average (sports analogy).

- There were some talks about building out ways to catch this weighted value and what steps would come after that (refinement of that process).

- There is a still a human element that needs to play into the mix. There is also a maintenance level to keep these things (numbers, values, and settings) updated.

- In order to really to this correctly, we a really need to build it out on a per location basis. Winter boots sell much better in the North than they do in the desert.

- To do reorders, you almost need a way to pour over sales reports and past order forms in order to get an idea of what is needed.