Main Web API Documentation Information
Actual Page/Function Name:
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Search Quotes
Page/Function Description:
This method will search basic quotes for a corporation.
Page/Function Output Type:
Extra Page/Function Notes:
Quotes inside of the system may be tied to customers, items, and quantities, but they don't affect inventory until they become an invoice. Sometimes in eComm, a quote is also called an order or pre-order.

Scope Name Type Default Description Required Alternates Known Values
Arguments CORP_ID Numeric 0 Pass in the corp id number. This is your corporation ID or your business world number. This is required and will be validated. The default is 0, but will be checked for a real number. Yes
Arguments CUSTOMER_NAME_FILTER String Pass in the customer name filter (starting letter(s)- for example: "fred"). This is tied to the STARTING_LETTER_TYPE argument. See that argument for more information. No
Arguments FROM_DATE String Pass in the from invoice date filter. This is ok to leave blank if you want to include everything. If both the from date and to date are actual dates, they will be used. Otherwise they will be skipped. Yes
Arguments INVOICE_TYPE_ID Numeric 0 Pass in the invoice type id number. 2=Customer Invoice, 3=Counter Sale, 4=Rental Ticket, 5=Internal-Repair, 6=Transfer, 7=Quote, 8=Transition Invoice. Ok to pass in a list of id numbers as well. Yes
Arguments QUOTE_AMOUNT String Pass in the amount filter. This will only be used if it's numeric. For example, 5000.00 No
Arguments QUOTE_STATUS Numeric 2 Pass in a 0 for closed, 1 for open, and a 2 for all quotes. This deals with whether or not the quotes have been converted into invoices. For example, 0 means it has been converted, and 1 means it has not been converted. Yes
Arguments SALESPERSON_ID Numeric 0 Pass in the salesperson id filter. This is actually payee ids who are assigned as the main salesperson. If this filter is not needed, pass in a 1 and it will be skipped. Yes
Arguments STARTING_LETTER_TYPE Numeric 4 Pass in a 1 for business name, 2 for last name, 3 for first name, 4 for any name (default), and 5 for customer id number. This is used in combination with the CUSTOMER_NAME_FILTER argument. Yes
Arguments STOCK Numeric 0 Pass in the stock number. Use 0 if not applicable. As a note, a stock unit is a big ticket item like a vehicle, trailer, house, gun, or some other serialized item. Yes
Arguments STORE_ID Numeric 0 Pass in the store or location id number. This value is corporation specific and can be looked up by going to the getGeneralLookupValues method. You'll be looking for the QRY_LOCATION_INFO_ARRAY data. If this filter is not needed, use the value "1". Yes
Arguments TO_DATE String Pass in the to date filter. This is ok to leave blank if you want to include everything. If both the from date and to date are actual dates, they will be used. Otherwise they will be skipped. Yes

ok success This assumes that everything went well.
Name Type Description Notes
QRY_QUOTES_ARRAY Array This array has the main quote data. This has information such as customer id, po number, invoice number, store id, notes, quote amount, quote date, quote thumbnail, business name, etc.
dataIn Unable to search the quotes. Missing some data. Use your back button and try again. This is returned if the corp id argument is missing.
dataIn2 Unable to search the quotes. Missing the to and from dates. Use your back button and try again. This is returned if the to and from dates are not either both in a date format or both not in a date format.
corpSettings Missing the correct corp-wide settings. Unable to proceed. Use your back button and try again. This is returned if the query for the corp-wide settings returned zero records.
db Unable to connect to the database. Missing a list of quotes for your [default corp type]. Use your back button and try again. This is a catch for any errors that happen while querying values such as customer id, external po number, invoice number, business name, etc. for the search.

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