Search Receipt Payee Results
This is the vendor/payee results page. This page will very depending on the search criteria passed in. At the top, it will show what the page searched by (vendor/payee name filter). It will then have businesses/persons already actively associated with your corporation. The second list, if applicable, is for items entered in the database but not yet actively associated with your corporation. Both lists are viable options.

There are a number of sub links for each vendor/payee that are returned. Depending on the page mode, the links may change functions. The three main create links (far left side) may be create receipt, create check request, and/or create po. The links on the far right side allow you to view recent activity (po's and/or receipts) for that vendor/payee. There may also be another link on the right that says [edit]. If available, the link will help you edit the vendor/payee info. The edit link will also take you to the page where you may view the vendor/payee history. If the edit link is not there, you may not have the add/edit vendor permission assigned to you.

If you are unable to find a specific vendor/payee. You may click the button at the bottom of the page to show the inactive payees. These payees may still be used with no problem, but for some reason they have been made inactive. If you need to make them active again, use the edit link to change the payee status.

There may also be a button at the top of the page that allows you to add a new vendor/payee. Some of these page options may vary depending on your permissions.