Add/Edit Expense Line Item
This page is the main hub for building an expense/receipt. The words "expense" or "receipt" may be used interchangeably. The page is divided into five main parts. The top is for navigation and links, the next section shows main receipt info such as vendor/payee, user, and receipt info. The next section deals with the existing line items. The next section deals with payments that have been made and finally, the bottom part is the add/edit form for the line items.
The top section (navigation and links). Use these links for starting a new receipt and viewing the recent activity of the vendor/payee. The other main links are as follows: Expense/Receipt Homepage - this takes you back to the main starting point with totals and a search interface. Edit Main - this is how you edit main receipt details such as dates, amounts, and need reimbursement. History - this is where you can see different actions, dates, times, and who performed the actions. There are two other links that are conditional upon permissions and matches between receipt total and the sum of the line items. They are verify and printer friendly receipt. The verify link is tied to an admin permission and allows the user to record the final info and thus lock the receipt. The printable link help put the expense/receipt in a tighter and more printer friendly view. The vendor/payee section shows basic info on the receipt and shows who, what, when, and how much. This information may be updated or edited by clicking on the edit main link above it. The line items is the next section. This will show the number of line items and the running total of the items added to the receipt. To edit a line item, click on the link to the left of the line amount. The info will show up in the form below (bottom of the page). If a receipt has not been verified, there will also be a remove link. This link deletes the line item from the receipt. It also records a history of who did the action. The remove link will be hidden, once a receipt has been marked verified. All line items must be checked and locked before verifying the expense/receipt. There are two other links in this section that help with flow. One is for voiding out the entire receipt and the other is for splitting the line items between locations. If your corporation has more than one location, you may get the option to use the line item splitter. Additional help is available on that page. The payments made are the next section. There is no limit to the number of payments that may be made for a single expense/receipt. There must be at least one payment for the receipt to be verified. There is an add link if a new payment is needed. If you need to edit a payment, use the edit link next to the payment that needs to be modified. The add/edit page is on a different page and will re-route you back to this page when done. Additional help is available on that page. If you are using the check write system, there may be a "print check" button once fully ready. Check writing is controlled on a per bank basis. The bottom part of the page is the add/edit line items form. The link at the top of the form allows the user to switch between add/edit mode. The way to tell which mode the page is in is by looking at the main submit button (at the very bottom of the page). If it reads add... then it is in add mode, and edit... means edit mode. Once the form is submitted, the application will return you to this same page with the updated information. This helps limit the number of clicks required to complete the action. Here are the add/edit line item form fields and their requirements: 1. Line Amount - Enter the line amount. Depending on how many line items there will be, this value may be the total or just a part of the total value. 2. Expense Type - This is the category to put the amount into. This is similar to a chart of accounts in traditional accounting. Another way to look at it is - What is this for? Or if you are thinking financials, where do I want this to show up? 3. Location - This allows you to record a line item specific to a location. If you have more than one location, there is also the ability to split up the ticket between different locations. Sometimes this is done for things like insurance or things that are bought as a group or for the whole company. When you assign a location, each line item with that location will play a part of the total money spent or used by that location. This ends up playing a roll in the income statement or P&L (profit and loss) if you have multiple locations. 4. Stock/Unit Tie-In - The default is 0 or no stock/unit tie-in needed. If needed, enter a stock/unit number that you want to create a tie between the stock/unit number and the expense. There are four sub choices for the stock/unit tie-ins. The first is a general tie-in and allows you to put in a stock/unit number but does nothing to the actual unit (just creates a clickable link). The second option is for applying the amount as an outside repair. An outside repairs is for parts and labor not done by your locations or corporation. An outside repair will add a new line item to the unit and will affect the unit basis. The third option is for applying the amount as part of a payment for the actual unit. This option goes against the base price of the unit and allows for partial payments if needed. The fourth option is for floorplan payments and does require a special floorplan permission. This allows a user to pay for items that are floored with a bank. As a side note, there are bulk stock/unit payment functions available from the payables homepage section. If you choose to use the current mode, each stock/unit must be entered manually. If bulk or multiple options are needed, we recommend that you use the payables options. 5. PO - The default is 0 or no PO tie-in needed. To create a tie-in to a PO, enter a PO or purchase order number. If a PO number is added, the system will record the tie-in and automatically apply a payment towards the PO number entered. This is how a PO gets marked paid. The whole process is automated and done behind the scenes. PO's listed here are internal to the system. Once entered, two things happen. One a new clickable link is created and two, a physical PO payment is added to the corresponding PO. As a note, if there are multiple PO's that need to be paid for at once, it may be better to use the bulk pay for PO's tool (a possible link from this page). Also, for your information, there are bulk PO payment options from the payables homepage section. 6. Invoice - The default is 0 or no invoice tie-in needed. This invoice number is an internal tie-in between an expense/receipt and an invoice. If used, a clickable link is created to view the invoice details. The invoice must be internal to the system (created through the shopping cart). No other changes are done to the actual invoice other than creating a link to it. Some common uses of this feature are paying commissions on specific invoices, refunding monies, or other special expense/receipt to invoice options. 7. Line Description - Required field. Max of 65,000 chars and a min of 3 chars. Provide more details to help with the story of what was going on or any special notes. General privacy note: If a receipt has the privacy switch turned on, all numbers and values will be hidden to non admin users. This helps comply with federal privacy policy. |