Search Sold Units
This is the main search page for sold units or sold inventory. The page is divided into three main parts. All returning records will be filtered by status = "Sold".

Part 1 is a basic unit or stock search. Enter the unit/stock number and click the go button.

Part 2 is on the top of the page and allows you to search for basic sold information. The form will help filter records that will be returned in a pre-formatted report. One of the extra features for this search is that it shows profit, gross sales, and other important totals. The totals will be for all records returned and not just for the page you are seeing. The more criteria you select or enter, the tighter your search will be. The text fields have built in help to find like values (whole or part of field values). To add more than one stock number, use a comma (,) to separate the stock numbers. Ex: 5000,5020,6113

Part 3 is on the bottom of the page. This is a custom report builder that allows you to search for specific data on sold units. As you click the boxes, the column will show up on the report. There are also a number of filters and sort values to help you get the report you are looking for. Any column that has a number or total will also show up if clicked. Once the results are displayed, you may need to print the page in landscape (wide) mode to get all of the data. Similar to the basic sold reports, the sold special search will show totals and numbers for all records returned by the search.