Sold Unit Info
This is the main page where you check an existing sale and its information.

Note: Edits made here will NOT be automatically reflected on the sales invoice. Once an invoice is created, all links between the two (units and invoices) are cut and both sections must be updated separately.

If the unit has additional customers assigned to it they will be listed at the bottom of the page. If applicable, there will be both add and edit links to update the information for the additional customers.

Below is a list of the fields and what they require to make them work:

1. Stock - This is the main identifier for the unit. Controlled behind the scenes.

2. Sales Invoice Number - This if the actual sales invoice number that the unit was assigned to during the sales process. It must be numeric. Use 0 if not assigned to an actual sales invoice.

3. Miles - This will only show up on vehicles. This is the final odometer reading.

4. Sold From Location - This is the location that gets the credit for the sale.

5. Status - This is the indicator that determines whether or not a unit is in inventory, sold, or marked as deleted. This value may be changed at any time, however, a history flag will be added to the unit with your name, date, and time. If you need to stock a unit back into the system, set the status to "Inv" and leave all of the other sold information set to the way it was or currently is. If you are trying to delete an item, change the status to "Deleted" and submit the form. It should be treated similar to a sale in order to pass the validation but none of the dates, figures, or sale information matters. Once it is marked deleted, it will not show up on reports and payroll functions.

6. Month Sold - This helps with special reports and is required.

7. Year Sold - This also helps with special reports, games, etc. This field is required.

8. Actual Date Sold - This is the physical date on which the unit was sold. This is used for payroll and other important features and reports. Use m/d/yy format for all dates.

9. Main Salesperson - This is the person who is mostly responsible for the sale. If the deal is a single salesperson deal (not a split deal), this is the main salesperson. Required.

10. Other Salesperson - This is an optional field that allows a deal to be split. Leave blank if deal is a single person deal (one salesperson).

11. Saleprice - What was the unit sold for. This does not include taxes or any other fees. Use numbers and decimals.

12. Shipping Collected - This is an amount that the salesperson collected from the customer to help offset the shipping costs. This could also include any type of delivery costs.

13. F & I Warranty Amount - This is the amount that a warranty or extra option package was purchased for.

14. F & I Warranty Cost - This is the actual cost to the dealership to purchase the warranty or option package.

15. F & I Warranty Details - This is an optional field that allows the user to fill in information about the warranty or option package. Max of 150 chars.

16. Dealer Handling Fee - This is the pack or dealer handling fee.

17. State Tax - This is where you record the state tax paid for a unit.

18. County Tax - This is where you record the county tax paid for a unit.

19. City Tax - This is where you record the city tax paid for a unit.

20. Out of Area Tax - This field is used if the unit gets financed and you need to record taxes but you physically don't want them to show up or be paid on your sales tax reports.

21. Other Tax 1 - This is an optional field where you could record a different tax. The other tax 1 name is required if you enter a value other than 0 in this field.

22. Other Tax 1 Name - This is an optional field unless the other tax 1 field has a value in it. It has a max of 100 chars and min of 2 chars only if the other tax 1 is greater than 0.

23. Other Tax (2-5) - These are optional fields where you could record a different tax. The other tax 2-5 names are required if you enter a value other than 0 in these fields. Each tax is tied to the name field.

24. Stock Number for Trade-in 1 - Optional field that may be used to record a trade-in stock number. Leave blank if not applicable.

25. Trade Allowance for Trade-in 1 - This is the amount that you show the customer for his/her trade-in.

26. ACV on Trade-in 1 - This is the actual cash value (ACV) on the trade-in.

27. Stock Number for Trade-in (2-4) - Optional fields that may be used to record a trade-in stock number. Leave blank if not applicable.

28. Trade Allowance for Trade-in (2-4) - This is the amount that you show the customer for his/her trade-in.

29. ACV on Trade-in (2-4) - This is the actual cash value (ACV) on the trade-in.

30. 20 Day Lien Amount - This is how much is still owed on the unit or trade-in.

31. Lien Payoff To - This is to whom the lien amount is owed. Max of 50 chars.

32. Send Payment To - This is the address where the lien amount needs to go. Max of 100 chars.

33. Payoff Account# - This is the account number that needs to be paid off. Max of 30 chars.

34. Payoff Phone Number - This is where you record the contact info for the lien. Max of 25 chars.

35. 20 Day Payoff Date - This is the date the lien is due to the lender. This must be a valid date even if not applicable.

36. Lien Info for Lien 2-4 - See lien notes above. Each trade-in (1-4) is tied to a lien (1-4) if applicable.

37. Temp Tag - This is an optional field that can hold the temp tag info. Max of 100 chars.

38. Driver's License Number - This is where you can hold the driver's license number for paperwork. Max of 25 chars. This value will be flushed (cleared out) after 60 days. It is also encrypted for security before the flush.

39. Date of Birth - This is where you can hold the buyers date of birth. This must be a valid date even if not applicable.

40. Customer SSN - This is an optional field where a customer's social security number may be retained. Max of 25 chars. This value will be flushed (cleared out) after 60 days. It is also encrypted for security before the flush.

41. Title/Registration Name(s) - This is the main way the unit will be titled. Max of 150 chars.

42. Title/Registration Name(s) 2 - Optional second title field. Max of 150 chars.

43. Business Name - This is the business name of who purchased the unit. Either a business name or a first and last name combo is required to complete the sale. Max of 150 chars.

44. First Name - The first name has a max of 50 chars. If no business name is recorded, the first name will be required with a minimum of 2 chars.

45. Last Name - The last name has a max of 50 chars. If no business name is recorded, the last name will be required with a minimum of 2 chars.

46. Address - This is the main address field. It requires at least 2 chars and has a max of 100 chars.

47. Address 2 - Optional field for additional address info. Max of 100 chars.

48. City - Record the buyer's city. Max of 50 chars and min of 2 chars. Use the special link to find city, county, and zip.

49. County - Record the buyer's county. Max of 50 chars and min of 2 chars. Use the special link to find city, county, and zip.

50. State - Enter the two digit state code for the buyer's location.

51. Zip or International Zip - Enter the buyer's zip code. Use the domestic or international zip field. The only difference between them is backend validation to make sure that a value was submitted.

52. Cell Phone Number - This is an optional field that may hold the cell phone number. Max of 25 chars.

53. Home Phone Number - This is an optional field that can hold up to 25 chars for contact info.

54. Work Phone Number - This is an optional field that can hold up to 25 chars for work contact info.

55. Email - This is for the customer's email address if any. Max of 150 chars.

56. Additional Notes - This field can hold unlimited amounts of data. if the sale needs some custom notes, tell us the story.