Update Auto Increment Numbers
This page is for admin users to reset or setup their auto numbering systems. By default, most items inside of Adilas start at the number one. For example: invoice #1, quote #1, deposit #1, PO #1, etc. This page allows you to create a new max or number to start from.

Here is how it works:

1. First, you create the object. Let's say invoice #1. Once it exists, you can then update it or replace it with the number that you want. This process will virtually take invoice #1 and replace all of its id numbers with the number that you choose. In a way, we call this a "dummy" record. This is the one that will be replaced. As a note, it doesn't not need to be the id number 1, it could be any existing number in the system.

2. When you are ready, choose your new max or number to start your auto numbering system. Let's say that you want to start your numbering at 1000. Let's say that your dummy record was #5. You would enter 5 for the old number and 1000 for the new number. Once you click the submit button, the old #5 invoice would become invoice #1000. All tables are updated behind the scenes.

3. The next new record that you add to the database will look at the new max (1,000 for our example) and add one to it. So the next record would get the number of 1001 and so on.

For the record, this process is non-reversible. It is however, very deep. This is not just a number flip-flop, this is a total replacement and goes out to every sub section and makes a physical switch. This feature is only recommended for admin users. Most often, this is done fairly near the beginning, but technically, it could be done even after years of using the system. Think of it as - where do you want your auto numbering to start at? Once you know, go for it!