Behavior Tracking & Observations
This is a custom page that helps a teacher apply multiple behavior observations to a single student. This page is part of the teacher/student interface. For more information on the teacher/student interface, see this help file.

The page has two main primary purposes. One, the page is setup to allow you to add a new behavior related task to the database. This will end up being the main holder or container for all of the sub pieces or observations. Two, the page will also allow and show all previous observations that have been assigned to this main taks or container. This is important because you can see what has already been noted for this task or observation.

Getting a little bit more technical... The main holder or container is actually a thing called an element of time (calendar event or scheduling piece). The behavioral task is then used to create the main time event. All of the subs or individual observations are then tucked under the main element of time in a thing called sub dates and times (additional functionality for elements of time). Here are two great help files if you want to learn more about elements of time and subs of time.

Here is how the page works. First, you must have selected a student (customer) to work with. Usually this is done from a prior page and is passed to the page behind the scenes. Next, the page will be in the start or add new mode. This allows you to add a new task (think of a giant container of sorts). Little Tip - If both the date and task fields are open (meaning you can type in them) you are in the start or add new mode. If both the date and task fields are closed and show a physical value (non editable from this page) you are in the add multi or additional sub observations mode. This is where you get to add multiple different observations to the same established task (adding subs to the main container).

The Behavior section is the start of the observations. The different observation options are: Attending (doing, focusing, or being engaged in the task), following commands, following routines, transitions, and other. You can use the big buttons with the words on them or the smaller radio buttons (indicator dots) to make your selection. The bigger buttons were added to help with teachers who are doing this on a touchscreen device or tablet. The indicator dots just show you what was selected. Feel free to change at will. No problem.

The next section is the score. This is where you give behavior or observation a rating. The three ratings or scores are: Plus (+), Minus (-), and Other. Once again, you may use the bigger touchscreen buttons or the smaller radio buttons or indicator dots to make your selection. Feel free to change at will.

The notes section is optional and may help you in recording details about the story. We recommend using the notes field to help your memory or at least spark something about what the task and/or observations being made were for. The max is 255 characters. The little counters below the notes field will help you know when you are getting close to maxing out the field (word counter and character lengths).

The final piece is submitting the page. Once submitted, the page will return itself to the same page and show any new results. In technical language, this is called a loop. The page is designed to stay in this loop until you tell it to do something different. The original goal was observing a student doing a task for possibly multiple (unknown number) times.

As a note of credit, this page was commissioned and paid for by Nita Smith. She is a life long teacher and mother out of the Box Elder County School District in Brigham City, UT. Nita has taught in Special Ed for 20+ years.