General Test Page
This is the general test or testing page. It was designed to help admin users check or do general admin tasks without the use of an external FTP program or external database tool. If bulk of advanced options are needed, we recommend that you use a more robust toolset or a commercial FTP or SQL program. This is page is kinda the quick and dirty helper page.

A couple tips for using this page:

1. When using the relative destination path (directory structures), use something similar to this "relative ../images/corp3/thumb/". The backend code looks for the word "relative " (word plus a space). It removes the keyword and then uses the path provided.

2. When using the SQL mode, use double "quotes" instead of single "quotes" for strings. This is different than normal SQL code.

3. When using the SQL mode and a like filter is needed, use the keyword "uselikecode". An example might be, say we were looking for a color - you would enter: "WHERE color uselikecode" and then the rest of the SQL statement (other where clauses or an order by clause). The application will then substitute the like filter in place of the keyword. The final code would be something like this: WHERE color LIKE "%Blue%" (assuming that the like filter had the word blue in it).