Add/Edit Title Sub
This page is used as both an add and an edit page for sub values. Each sub is assigned and attached to a main title or field name alias. The subs make up a dynamic list that will be available in a drop-down format for the field. This helps users standardized input or speed up things by clicking instead of typing.

The sub or value field may hold anywhere from 1-100 characters. If the page is in edit mode, there will be a status option. If you want to hide the sub, change the status to inactive. This will make it so that it won't show up any more.

Also in the edit mode, there is an option to allow the new changes to be cascaded and/or updated on the sub results (actual flex grid tie-in records). The default is unchecked or skip. If checked, the page will look up all entries in the background and update them to the newly set sub title value (kinda like a find and replace function). This helps the system to simulate a true one-to-many relationship. This setting is optional and once again is only used if clicked.

If you want more info on the flex titles and field name aliases, click here to view that help file.