View Transaction Details
This page will show the transaction details and status of the transaction. Most of the information on this page is pulled from your actual merchant account. If you need additional details, use the drill-down link and/or login to your actual merchant account.

If you need to void a transaction, check the transaction status. If it is unsettled or pending, you will have the option of running a void on the transaction. This will cancel the transaction and remove it from the current batch. Once a transaction is settled or part of a batch, the void command will no longer work. If your customer/client wants a refund or a credit, you must login to your actual merchant account to do that. The application purposely has not allowed that functionality because of the reversal of money flow. A refund or credit is money coming out of your bank and going to someone else. It is totally possible but it must be done through your actual merchant account login. This helps protect and you as a company from allowing an employee access to credit their own card, account, and/or a friend or associate's account. Sorry for the inconvenience but we hope you will understand the reasoning behind our decision. Thanks!