Customer To Item(s) Tie-In Search
This is a special page to help locate specific customer to item(s) tie-ins. The customers searched from this page are considered "additional customers" (not the main customer on an invoice, quote, or unit). These customers are standalone items that have been tied to one or more quotes, invoices, and/or stock/units.

Use the form at the top to filter the data. No search criteria is required. The results will show up below the main search form. Once returned, there will be a number of links to help you go where you need to view actual tie-ins, edit current information, or view histories.

The date range is an optional filter to help limit the range when the new additional customers were added to the main items. This date is controlled behind the scenes and is set only when adding the customer tie-in.

Special Note - Both the customer name filter and the notes fields have built-in wildcards to help keep the search more flexible. In either field, you can enter data or search string and the application will try to match what it can to help with your search.