Manage Unit Floorplan
This is the add/edit page for working with floorplan options for stock/units. Please note that every new floorplan option you add to a unit, will create a payable in the background. Check the main submit button to see if the page is in add or edit mode.

Fields and values:

1. Floorplan Id - This is the main id for the floorplan. It is created behind the scenes and aids in tracking actions made.

2. Title Account - This will be a full list in the add mode and a two separate fields in the edit mode. The add mode allows you to assign the title status to the correct account. The edit mode will show what the current status is and allows only simple movements if needed.

3. Floored Amount - Required and must be numeric. Use numbers and/or decimals. This is how much the bank is giving you for the title of your unit.

4. Date Floored - Required and helps date when the unit was floored at the bank. Use the m/d/yy format for all dates.

5. Floored Check # - Optional. Use this field to record the check or transaction number when paying for the units.

6. Check/Transaction Date - Required even if not applicable. Use the m/d/yy format on all dates. This should be when the check or EFT was made to buy out the units.

7. Floorplan Paid - This check box is the switch between payable or not a payable. If checked, the application will assume that the debt is settled and will not show it as a payable. If unchecked, the application will treat the value as a payable. Only check the box one the entire amount is fully paid.

8. Floorplan Paid Date - Required. This date should be left at the default until the unit is fully paid for. At that time, record the actual paid date. Use the m/d/yy format on all dates.

9. Floored Notes - Optional. Use this field to put any special notes for the floorplan actions. Max of 255 characters.