Start PO Payment Receipt
This is the starting page for building a PO payment receipt. This page will build the new expense/receipt (main) and add a new line item for each PO selected. Behind the scenes, this page will also attempt to make a connection between the PO and the current expense/receipt that is being created. If a PO is being paid off in full, the application will flag the PO as being paid and will show a link to this expense/receipt. Partial payments are allowed and will still be attributed to the correct PO. Once a PO is fully paid for, it will then be flagged with the paid status. Please review what you are paying for before clicking the create receipt button at the bottom.

Special note about the receipt notes: By default, the application will populate the notes with the actual PO numbers that are being paid. If your corporation would rather use the external invoice numbers (to help your vendors), simply copy and paste the invoice info into the notes field. If you want or need to, you may delete all of the system generated notes and replace them with your own. The only requirement is the notes must be at least three characters in length.