Add/Edit Expense/Receipt Payment
This is the add/edit page for expense/receipt payments that are made. The best way to tell what mode the page is in is by looking at the main submit button. If it has the word add..., it is in add mode and if it has the word edit... it is in edit mode. Once the button is clicked, the application will take you back to the expense/receipt line items page.
1. Id - This is the payment id number. It is an auto generated number that is controlled behind the scenes. 2. Expense/Receipt # - This is the main expense/receipt number. This is the link back to the main expense/receipt. 3. Transaction Date - Enter the date the payment was made. Use the m/d/yy format for all dates. 4. Amount - Enter the amount of the payment. Use only numbers and/or decimals. Ex: 50.00 5. Money Type - Choose a money type from the list provided. If you choose check, the check number field will be required. 6. Bank - Choose a bank from the list provided. 7. Check # - Enter the check number if applicable. Max of 25 chars. This is required if the money type is set to check. Special note about check numbers "TBA" (to be assigned or to be announced) - This is a special check number that shows that a check request has been approved. Once the actual amount is positive and the check number changes to a real check number. The application will convert the check request over a normal expense/receipt. 8. Transaction # - Optional. Use this field to record any special tracking numbers such as EFT (electronic fund transfer) numbers, wires, credit card approvals, etc. Max of 50 chars. 9. Payment Notes - Optional. Use this field to record any special notes for the payment. Max of 150 chars. If you are using the check write system, the payment notes help to control the memo field on the actual check that gets printed. Here is the order of how the memo field gets the default values. First, it looks for something in the payment notes field (this field). Second, it looks for an external invoice number on the main expense/receipt. Third, it looks to see if the vendor/payee has an account number. Once on the actual check write page, you will still have the option to show/hide the memo. This information just helps you know where the memo value comes from. 10. Status - Choose either show or hide from the list provided. Show means use as part of the expense/receipt and hide means don't use. 11. Print Status - This is an admin field and helps to control the print status for checks being printed from the system. The field will only show up if in edit mode, the payment has been assigned to a check writing bank, and the money type is check. Once the box is showing, checked means already printed and ok. If the box is un-checked, this means allow for printing or set as a check reprint. |