Printable Purchase Order
This is the printable purchase order (PO) page. The only way this page will show up is if the PO amount is equal to the sum of the line items. This page has a number of special links at the top of the page to help with available options.

One of the special links is a show/hide toggle (switch) for showing the retail pricing and links to the barcode generator. By default, the pricing is not included but may be shown if the link is clicked that says "show pricing". Once clicked, the page will show the pricing and a possible link that says [bc] or [desc] which stands for barcode or description label. By clicking this link per line item, you will be taken to the barcode generator application. From there you will be able to print off barcode stickers and/or barcode labels. The labels have options of printing the corporation name, the part number, the price, the description and the physical barcode value. More help is available from that page.

There is also a special link that says "save as pdf document". By clicking this link, the PO will be created into a pdf that can be printed, emailed, and saved on your hard drive. Once you get to the adobe acrobat reader screen, you must choose file/save as... to actually save the file. This allows the PO to be available without being logged into the system. For instance, say a vendor needs a copy of what you ordered or you actually use the pdf (PO request) as the order. You could save it and then attach it to an email for them to print at their leisure.

The pdf document will be set to a scale of 85% of the actual size by default. If for some reason, you need to make the PO smaller or larger, you may change the scale to a different value. The scale value can be found in the URL string (web address) for the pdf document. Example: scale=95, scale=75, scale=100. The max value is 100.