Verify PO
This is the verify PO page. A PO should be verified once all line items have been locked, and the sum of the line items match the main PO total. This is a signal (required flag) to let the accounting persons know that the PO is ready to be paid.
Depending on your permissions, this page has two different modes. The first mode is the normal verify the PO mode. This included a verify checkbox (must be checked in order to verify), a date field, and the PO notes. The other mode is a force payment or manually check/uncheck the PO paid checkbox. This mode requires the admin payables permission and should only be done in certain cases. Basically, this is the payables switch for the PO. Ideally, most PO's should be paid for and tied to an expense/receipt. This is done through the payables homepage (pay multi) or by entering a PO number on the expense/receipt line items page (single or one at a time). 1. Verify PO - This checkbox is the switch that says all is ok on this PO and to lock it down. This is also required for the PO to show up in the payables section of the application. Without the box being checked, the PO will have a greyed out checkbox and will not be able to be part of a bulk payment or pay off. 2. Verify Date - This is the date that it was check off and marked verified. This date is required even if the PO is not being verified. It only takes affect once the actual verify PO checkbox has been checked. Use the m/d/yy format. 3. PO Paid - This checkbox is only shown under the admin payables permission. This checkbox is the switch to indicate that the PO is paid in full. The system is set up to help watch for payment on a PO. This is done by entering the PO number in an expense/receipt line items or by using the payables homepage. Once the system sees a full payment, it will automatically check the box and record a history message. If for some reason, the status is incorrect (either checked or unchecked), you may manually modify it without hurting anything. Also, if you are entering an older PO and don't have record of the payment in the system, it is OK to check the box so that it does not show up under your current payables. This checkbox is the payables switch for the PO. 4. PO Paid Date - This date may be hidden if you are only in the normal verify PO mode. If present, this is the date that the PO was/is finally paid on. The date is required even if n/a. Use the m/d/yy format. 5. PO Notes - These are the PO notes in case you want to add any additional notes or comments. The min is 3 characters and the max is 255. If you are ok with the notes, no new info is required as long as they pass the 3 character minimum. |