Advanced PO Search
This is the advanced PO search form. The page is divided into two main sections. The top form deals with main PO details and the bottom form deals with part numbers and PO line items. It is possible that one of the forms may be hidden (depending on page mode). Use the links at the top to show/hide the other forms.

None of the form fields are required but the more information you enter, the tighter your search. The default for most fields is "All". The following is a list of fields and what they do:

1. PO Numbers - This is a PO range with a start and ending PO number. Both fields must be numeric for the application to take note of them.

2. Vendor Name Filter - Enter a vendor name in the field provided. The field is flexible and allows you to type and search for any number of characters. For instance, say you wanted to get the last name of "Smith". You could enter "s", "sm", "smith" (whatever is needed to filter the records correctly). The controls below the filter field are to help the application know where to search for the vendor filter provided. There must be something (characters) in the filter field for the vendor type fields to work (business, last name, and first name).

3. Additional Vendor/Payee - This is an additional vendor/payee filter. This is not required but allows for a secondary vendor to play through the mix. This could be 3rd party, a distributor, or some other vendor/payee. Also, by way of a note, the verbage "Additional Vendor/Payee" is a corp-wide setting and may be altered to fit your needs. There is also a link from the main PO homepage that allows you to limit this list of possible vendors.

4. PO Type - Choose an option from the list provided. This deals with the current status or state of the PO. Some of the PO types require special permission in order to interact with them in the add/edit modes.

5. Location - Choose a location to limit the results.

6. Person Who Created PO - This helps limit who was the person who created the PO.

7. External Reference # - This is the external invoice number that came with the new parts or items you received. You may enter alpha or numeric values and a part of or the full invoice number. There are built-in wildcards to help keep the search flexible.

8. PO Amount - If you know the amount you are looking for, this will help filter your results.

9. PO Notes - If you know a key word or phrase in the PO notes, you may enter it here. This field has some built-in wildcards to help keep it flexible enough to search for any part of the notes.

10. Verified - This is a switch that helps limit the records. Choose from the list provided.

11. Paid Status - This is an optional switch that helps to filter the records by PO's being fully paid for and not being fully paid for.

12. From Date - This is not required but may be added in combination with the to date and date type to help filter the records. All three fields work together to get the correct start and stop dates and date types (PO, received, or verified dates). Use m/d/yy format for all dates.

13. To Date - This is not required but may be used in conjunction with the from date and date type. See From date for details.

14. Date Type - This is a switch to help filter by three different dates (PO, received, and verified dates). It only works if the from and to dates above have been set to real dates.

15. Sort By - These are some pre built sort orders for the results. Most of the values should be fairly self-explanatory.

16. Report Format - Optional. Choose a value from the list provided. If this field is not visible. The default or web format will be used. If available, there will be options for normal web format or export report to Microsoft Excel. The export to Excel is only available for admin users.

The bottom form is for the part numbers and PO line items. The top section of the bottom form will filter the main PO's and the bottom section of the bottom form will filter the line items.

1. PO Numbers - This is where you could enter a range of PO's to search for. Both fields must be numeric for the application to use them.

2. PO Dates - This is where you may enter a date range to check for. Both dates must be valid in order to work. The dates will also use the date type switch to determine which date they will use and show. A special note about the results: The date that will show up will be the date that is selected from the date type.

3. Date Type - This helps switch the dates above to PO dates, received dates, or verified dates. See above for details.

4. Main PO Vendor - Optional. Use this filter to limit the main PO's by a specific vendor. Choose a vendor from the list provided. As a note, there are two different vendor filters. This one deals with the main PO vendor (who is getting paid) and the lower one deals with which items or parts numbers are assigned to the PO.

5. PO Type - Choose from the list provided. This will filter the results by the type or classification.

6. Location - This will help filter the main PO's to a specific location.

The next section will help filter the line items of the PO's that were filtered from the above fields.

7. Report Type - Choose an option from the list provided. Details will show individual results while the grouped value will sum up and combine part numbers. Note: Once on the results page, there will be a switch that allows you to switch between details and groups of the same sub set.

8. Part Number - Enter a specific part number or any part of a part number. The field has built-in wildcards to help keep the search flexible.

9. Part Category - Choose from the list provided. This filter will help limit the output by category.

10. Line Description - Enter a specific phrase or any part of a line description. The field has built-in wildcards to help keep the search flexible.

11. Line Item Vendor - Optional. This is a line item or part number vendor search. As a note, the main PO vendor and the line items or part number vendors may be different. There are two different filters. The upper one is for the main PO vendor (who gets paid) and the lower (this one) vendor search for the line items or parts.

12. Item Cost - If you know the part or item cost, enter it here. This is the part cost not the extended price.

13. Sort By - This is a list of pre-built sorts for the report.

14. Report Format - Optional. Choose a value from the list provided. This setting is not required and helps admin users export or view the report results. See below for more info.

If you have the admin permission over purchase orders, there will also be options to export any and all of the data to a Microsoft Excel (spreadsheet) format. If you don't have access to a Microsoft Office product license (which includes excel), we recommend a FREE software solution called or view a help file with more info.