Add/Edit PO Line Items
This is the add/edit PO line items page. This page acts as a hub for the individual PO. The page has five basic sections. The top has a number of special links to help with options and page flow. The next section (only shown in add mode) is a quick search and add form. This is a mini version of the main add form at the bottom of the page. It is at the top to help speed up multi line entry. The next section gives information about the main PO (who, what, when, where). The next section shows the line items and progress on filling the entire PO. There is no limit to the number of PO line items per PO. The bottom section is the main add/edit form and helps with managing the line items, quantities, costs, and parts.
If you are adding a new PO line item, we highly recommend that you use the search feature (top or bottom) to find and add the parts. The search allows for a number of really flexible options including part descriptions, barcodes, and part numbers. There are also options to help with mini conversion if using the search mode (advanced settings that help with math and rounding). All quantities and costs are able to accept up to five (5) decimals places if needed. Depending on your permissions, this page has a number of special features including recipe/build searches, locking line items, add/edit line items, and links for other things like voiding a PO, managing line sort options, and removing a line item. There might also be options for getting printable PO's and verifying PO's once everything (PO amount and line item sums) match. If you are converting from a basic request or special request PO to a basic live or special live PO (the PO type names are a corp-wide setting and are changeable by you), there may be a link (both at the top and in the middle of the page) to help you do a bulk flip on the request to actual quantities. This will help convert the request values (that don't effect inventory) to actual received values (that do effect inventory). In order to show that link, the PO must be switched from the request status (basic or special) to the live status. This is PO type switch is done on the edit main page. Once that happens, the link will show up to help you flip the quantities around. The link will be located at the top of the page or right above the PO line items section. That page has its own help file for more info. If you choose to set the line show/hide status to hidden, the line item will still show up in edit mode (this page) but will be hidden in the printable mode unless requested specifically. A hidden line item on a PO is very useful if you want to add line specific notes or instructions. For example: widget XYZ is for Bob Smith at ABC corporation. If your corporation uses barcodes or labels, you may see a link next to the part number that says [bc] (bar code) or [desc] (description label). This link will go directly to the barcode generator application where you can print out stickers and/or barcode labels. More help is available from that page. If you are trying to add a special line item like freight or shipping, just do a search with the actual words "freight" or "shipping". Once the results have been returned, click on the add as basic line item link and fill in the details. |