Add/Edit Location Percentages
This is where you can archive past location percentages. This is very helpful if you plan on entering old receipts and splitting them between locations. The idea here is to create a look-back table that is date and location specific. Once an old receipt is entered into the system and the corporation has more than 1 location. It will allow splits to happen on old archived percentages and location amount.

1. Id - This is an auto number that is controlled behind the scenes. This number is assigned once a new record is added to the database.

2. Choose Location - Choose a location from the list provided. This enables the percentage to be assigned to a specific location.

3. Archived Percentage - This is the old percentage. Use only numbers and decimals. All numbers must be positive or greater than 0.00.

4. From Date - Enter the starting date when this percentage came into affect. Use m/d/yy format for all dates.

5. To Date - Enter the ending date when this percentage was still a valid amount. Use m/d/yy format for all dates.