Add/Edit Employee/User Permissions
This page doubles as an add and an edit page for employee/payees (users). This page is special because it has full employee info and basic permissions that are added at the same time. The page is divided into two main parts, the top is the payee info section and the bottom is for the payee permissions.

Fields and values needed:

1. Payee Id - Will be auto generated for new payees. For existing payees, edit process, the id number is the link that ties the payee to the different activities he/she performs in the system.

2. First Name - Has a max of 50, min of 2 characters.

3. Middle Name - Has a max of 50 and is an optional field.

4. Last Name - Has a max of 50, min of 2 characters.

5. Username - This must be unique. The username is used during login and is case sensitive. It has a max of 50, min of 4 characters. All values are encrypted for database storage.

6. Email - This is the main email address used by the payee. This address will show up in numerous places within the system. Max of 150 and min of 8 characters. Ex:

7. Password - This is case sensitive and may contain letters, numbers, and special characters. A safe password is one that has both numeric, alpha, and special characters. Please don't use simple words, phrases, or names of children or pets. Max of 25, min of 4 characters. Note: When editing a password, it will appear blank. If you need to change the password, enter the new one and then confirm it. All values are encrypted for database storage.

8. Address and Address 2 - Basic payee address info. Physical address goes in address 1 and any extras including PO boxes goes in address 2. Address 1 has a max of 100 and a min of 2. Address 2 is optional with a max of 100 chars.

9. City - Payee city. Max of 50 min of 2 chars.

10. State - Choose a state from the list provided.

11. Zip - Max of 15 chars and min of 5.

12. Phone - Max 25. Optional field.

13. Cell Phone - Max 25. Optional field.

14. Driver License - Max 100 characters. Optional field.

15. SSN - Social security number. Optional field. Max 25. If applicable, all values will be encrypted for database storage.

16. EIN - Employer Identification Number. Optional field. Max 25. If applicable, all values will be encrypted for database storage.

17. Default Expense Type(s) - Optional. Use this field to setup one or more default expense types (buckets or categories) for paying the person and/or user/payee. Use the builder link to help you select the correct values. Valid values are: Leave the field blank (default), a single numeric Id number that relates to an expense type, or a list of expense type numbers or Id numbers. Once again, use the builder link to help get the correct values.

18. Flag for 1099 - Optional. Check this box if the payee will require a 1099 at the end of the year. Having the box checked will allow this payee access to special year end totals and reports for tax purposes.

19. Start Date - Date when employee was entered into the system. Use month/day/year format. Ex: 6/16/07

20. Timezone - Required. Choose a timezone for each payee. This will help with the system timeclock application.

21. Salesperson List - Check this box if the user/payee needs to show up in reports dealing with sold units, invoices, P.O."s, etc. By not checking this box, the system assumes that the person fills a more backend role in the company. Only check this if the person is on the front line and deals directly with customer sales.

22. General Notes - Optional. Use this field to record general notes about the employee/user. There is a max of 255 characters.

23. Payee Status - Required. Active means show and allow others to view and see. Inactive means hide. Special note about setting an employee/user status to inactive. If you do this, the employee/user will not be able to login and all user permissions will be turned off. This cascades to all corporations that the employee/user is assigned to. To restore status and permissions, change status to active and reset the corp specific permissions one by one.

The permission are specific to each corporation. At least one permission must be check to allow a user to have access to that corporation. If all check marks are taken away, the user will no longer have access to that specific corporation. These permission can be turned on/off as often as needed. Please refer to the color code to help in decision making. The colors start at yellow (everybody) and goes up to red (admin only).

Each permission has a number. The numbers on the left side are listed from 1 to whatever... Those numbers will change as new permissions are added to the system. The left side numbers help with tech support and training. For example: Go to permission 25 and turn it on. The numbers on the right-hand side are the permission id numbers (unique identifiers for the permissions). Those numbers will always be the same number even if the left side changes according to how many permissions there are. Behind the scenes, the system used the id numbers to check against user permissions.

If the payee in question has been locked out of the system (three strikes you're out) on the main login, they will need to do a login reset. The lockout is tied directly to their browser and must be done by them on their machine. Basically, it clears all session variables and does a complete logout for the user. This allows them to restart fresh.
To do a login reset, click on this link: