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Sort Value: Developer's Notebook Report - 6/11/2024 to 6/13/2024 - (11)
Time Id Color Title/Caption Start Date   Notes
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Shop 11150 Emails 6/13/2024  

Emails and light tech support. We had a request to redo the sub inventory API sockets from a client's developer. They, the end users, want it all in one call vs multiple calls for subs, sub attributes, parent attributes, etc. I sent an email back to the developer that we match his feelings and would love to refactor that part of the API sockets. Basically, a rework on the sub inventory part of the system.

Also did some recording notes inside of adilas and linking up shop and main adilas records.

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Shop 11131 Meeting with Russell 6/13/2024  

Meeting with Russell. AJAX and error handling - server errors and processing errors. Ideally you get into standards and reusing code. Reducing complexity by creating the site standards. It would also be more usable if we were using an internal API socket and returning JSON objects vs raw HTML code.

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Shop 11149 Recording Notes 6/13/2024  

Recording notes from 6/11/24 to 6/13/24.

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Shop 11096 Meeting with Shannon and Abby 6/13/2024  

Meeting with Shannon and Abby. We did some work on the icons on some pages. Working on goals, cause and effects, and accountability pages. These are all pages on the presentation gallery.

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Adi 2516 Clover Integration 6/12/2024  

EOT for the Clover Integration for Aaron and Yogen Fruz

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Shop 11148 Data import 6/12/2024  

Prep work for Sean and being able to do a client upload for parts and items on data 9.

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Shop 11147 Helping Cody 6/12/2024  

Helping Cody Apedaile get his local ColdFusion and MySQL environment setup and going.

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Shop 11146 Looking into the discount engine 6/11/2024  

Light research and started looking into the discount engine project. This is an older project that never got all the way finished.

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Shop 11145 General 6/11/2024  

Quick meeting with Bryan to look at progress. He had some questions on the snow owl data tables. I then jumped over and did a quick review of the teaching gallery (photos and images). Added a new graphic for the converging cart needs. See attached.

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Shop 11141 Meeting with Cory 6/11/2024  

It was going to be a meeting with Wayne and Cory but Wayne wasn't able to make it. Going over a number of needed projects. Bulk find and replace on items and vendors. Also being able to merge customer records. Small update on mini scan cart. Small show and tell to show Cory some of the new features. We are looking forward to the discount engine (next major project).

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Shop 11095 Meeting with Shannon and Abby 6/11/2024  

Meeting with Shannon and Abby. We spent the first hour or so going over where we are at and how we got there. It's helping the girls get some perspective on the timelines and history of what has already gone on and where we want to go. We talked about rejecting certain business principles and how those actions trickle down and affects the team. We also talked about seeing patterns and how to achieve an MVP (minimal viable product, plan, or person).

We then jumped into a work session and spent the rest of the time working on the presentation gallery. We worked on the relationships page and challenges (trouble or problems) page. We also did some icon work.