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Sort Value: Developer's Notebook Report - 6/1/2016 to 6/30/2016 - (122)
Time Id Color Title/Caption Start Date   Notes
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Shop 1031 Brandon - Working on own projects 6/1/2016   Recording notes and getting caught up on back time entries in the adilas shop site. For some reason, I feel driven to record parts of the story. Russell was here today and nobody else was, so, we worked on some new ecommerce settings as well.
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Shop 1382 Sub Inventory with Calvin 6/1/2016   On a GoToMeeting session with Calvin. We spent the whole time going over questions on sub inventory. Calvin was comparing older files to newer files to see what changes have been made and what is still needed. I'm excited to have him working on the project. Good stuff.
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Shop 1240 Sub Inventory 6/1/2016   Steve and I worked over the phone on some of the API sockets that he is building to interface with the state of Oregon and what they need to have, data wise, from us. We spent most of our session talking about and building complex data sets that have nested arrays, structures, lists, objects, and sub objects. Steve is doing great and catching on very well.
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Shop 1383 Working with Russell 6/1/2016   Working with Russell on his ecommerce packages. We ended up at the whiteboard doing some brainstorming on how to sell digital media and content. See attached for a picture of what we came up with (selling digital content).

We were bouncing between a couple different ideas on what to do. The options were a simple message attached to the item, use media/content and beef it up, or go all the way and add all kinds of logging, histories, and security stuff. We spent most of our time on the middle option and how to beef things up and take it to the next level without going too deep.
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Shop 1385 General 6/1/2016   Emails, tech support, and documenting some brainstorming done by Russell and Brandon.
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Shop 1151 Alan Time 6/2/2016   Working on taxes and shipping with Alan. We had multiple sessions on the whiteboard for special state specific taxes, re-plumbing of the functions and cart logic, and how we want to handle shipping. We then did a whole whiteboard session on the current flow process and where things are going. Looking forward into a new phase for ecommerce logic and flow. Alan was just trying to get things together to help him do a quote for the two different projects. Russell will be paying for the actual building process through Adilas For Business account.
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Shop 1377 API 6/2/2016   Met with Bryan over a GoToMeeting session. We did some checking on the adilas API sockets and updated some verbage and JSON samples. Those little fixes answered his questions.
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Shop 1386 Calvin Chipman 6/2/2016   On a GoToMeeting session with Calvin. We were going over progress and new changes to sub inventory. Calvin will most likely be on this project for the next couple of weeks. That will be awesome. Good stuff.
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Shop 944 Adilas world projects 6/2/2016   Working with Russell on some new settings. We talked about what levels to tie the new settings to... Are we at the universe level, the world level, the location level, the group level, the individual level? Where?

That led us to do some planning on some new features for his current ecommerce project. After the planning, we did a video shoot of us going through the plan and adding in the new pieces. Good session and making some progress.
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Shop 1384 Quoting 6/2/2016   Meeting with Shannon and Dave to do quotes. We spent quite a bit of time talking about sub levels of permissions and even basing things off of locations, departments, and view only levels. Basically a mix between a permission and setting. This would allow us to sub divide the system and who gets to access what at a granular or micro level. See elements of time # 1456 for some ideas.

After the quoting session, Dave and I spent an hour talking about options to help adilas get ready for selling digital content. We used the whiteboard session that Russell and I did yesterday to jump off of and springboard things into a further discussion. Exciting stuff and good times.

Dave Forbis is really interested in getting the digital content up and online and ready to sell. He, himself, has a number of digital products that could use that. He is recommending that we push things in that area or arena. All of the new pieces could be used by tons of other adilas clients as well.
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Shop 994 Brandon out of the office all day 6/3/2016   Tech support, phone calls, and emails. On the phone with Steve for almost an hour catching up on current projects, positioning, and where we are headed. We talked about a number of upcoming projects and where current projects are at as well. Busy times.
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Shop 1387 Calvin Chipman 6/3/2016  
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Shop 1460 Working with Russell 6/3/2016   Working with Russell to help and cascade the new alternate message options around the site. We added in some new settings and aliases to the part categories section. We then coded that from database, to add/edit page, to cascading around the site. Russell is going to use this to help in the selling of digital pieces until we can get the other stuff done for selling digital content. This is a good first step and will help in other ways as well.

I did have to help with a couple small emails and tech support things, but mostly it was just Russell and I pushing for over 4 hours on the new changes. Good session.
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Shop 3459 Virtual Post-It Note 6/3/2016   ( Approved by Steve )
-$2,800 in-line discounts $'s off
-$ 500 taxes on invoices
-$2,000 Bryan's API's
-$1,000 Gateway and API for Kurt - will did half and got half
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Shop 1152 Old shop time clean-up 6/6/2016   Cleaning up older elements of time in the adilas shop. Going through and recording notes and marking things as completed.
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Shop 1467 API 6/6/2016   Working with Bryan and going through questions on the adilas API. He is doing a clean-up project to help standardize the adilas API socket calls. Lots of testing, documentation, and looking over the pages.

We made a couple of executive decisions and decided to kill and get rid of a some un-used API sockets. We also fixed some JSON samples and made some notes on some special cases. Bryan is doing good and making progress.
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Shop 1388 Calvin Chipman 6/6/2016   On a Zoom session with Calvin. We were going over changes being made to the sub inventory section and pages. Calvin took a number of changes that I was making (and didn't finish) and was working on cascading them throughout the rest of the site. Good stuff and he seems to be doing great and catching the vision of where we are headed. I'm excited to have his help and I'm excited for him to be in on some of these deeper projects.
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Shop 1241 Sub Inventory 6/6/2016   On a GoToMeeting session with Steve. We went through some of his new Metrc API code and work on creating a switch between an older CSV file and the new API socket connections. We setup things on the adilas 3rd party solutions page and then started to cascade the values and data over to the action page for the Metrc homepage.
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Shop 1470 General 6/6/2016   Emails, tech support, and helping Bryan with a couple of API socket questions. Busy day today.
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Shop 1175 Quoting 6/7/2016   Quoting projects.
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Shop 1461 Helping out the scouts 6/7/2016   Helping out the scout troop with a canoeing day. Out of the office most of the day.

We had a great day. We started on a lake and got the boys into canoeing and did some controlled practice. All of the boys got to swamp a canoe and swim it back to shore. They also got to do some swimming, ride a zip line and jump into water, and then canoe a 3 hour stretch on the Bear River from Trenton to Richmond (by river, it is farther that it is by land and by driving). Anyways, the boys had a good time and we all enjoyed it. I got to help with the canoeing instruction, helping, and running as a safety kayaker for the group on the river trip.
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Shop 1389 Calvin Chipman 6/7/2016  
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Shop 947 Adilas world projects 6/7/2016   Adilas world projects
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Shop 1343 Adilas World/ Adilas for Business 6/7/2016  
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Shop 1032 Brandon - Working on own projects 6/8/2016   Quoting session with Dave and Shannon. Lots of different quotes. Many of them needed additional research before actually putting numbers to things. That is ok. We also did a whiteboard session to talk about payees, permissions, and taking the permissions out to the location level. Along the way, we talked about various quotes, projects, and who is going to follow-up on what. We also did some light tech support questions to help Shannon with some of the questions that have been asked to her.
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Shop 1390 Calvin Chipman 6/8/2016   Phone call and zoom session with Calvin. We (Shannon, Dave Forbis, and I) talked with Calvin about some quotes for a multi file FTP tool, customer PDF barcode labels, and other quote related pieces. Calvin and I then jumped on and went over his progress on sub inventory and what is going on. Calvin is working on the get category template methods and functions. He is doing great at standardizing things and getting all of the pieces to flow on a more consistent level or process.
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Shop 1476 API 6/8/2016  
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Shop 3460 Virtual Post-It Note 6/8/2016   -As a note, we are having indexing dates and times.
-What about numeric dates ?
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Shop 1242 General 6/8/2016   Emails and tech support stuff. I also spent quite a bit of time watching the data 1 server. It was running some stuff on the customer queue and running into some processing and memory issues due to the customer queue being a data hog.
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Shop 1344 Adilas World/ Adilas for Business 6/8/2016   Helping Nick push some of his adilas market and adilas world files live for some beta testing. FTPing files and going in and setting up the live environment for the adilas world site.

Lots of phone calls, text messages, and checking in on the data 1 server. It was running at a fully maxed level. The problem seemed to be with the customer queue. It was struggling with the auto refresh rate, a table locking timeout, and the building of the sort index on that same table.

Logged in to the data 1 server and spent some time watching the table and checking things out.
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Shop 1478 Making changes to the data 1 server 6/8/2016   Working on changes to the data 1 server. Fixed a couple files dealing with the customer queue. Sent a number of text messages back and forth between Brandon, Shannon, and Steve.

On a GoToMeeting session with Steve looking at servers, queries, code, and talking about options. We made some changes and even purged some really old data from the queue (all records prior to 2015). We did make a back-up if we ever needed that data again. We also logged into the other servers and looked around to make sure things were ok. Crazy evening!
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Shop 1153 General 6/9/2016   Tech support, emails, and getting back with Jane Four 20 on possible release notes, plans, and developer models. Big long email back to the Jane team on what to expect from us here at the Adilas Shop as far as releases, testing environments, and development cycle stuff.

Called and talked with Kurt Tribelhorn at Echelon about a new gateway and EMV chip reader for credit card processing. Created a new invoice for Kurt and added some special verbage to help protect both parties.
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Shop 1475 API 6/9/2016   Going over progress on the adilas API stuff. Bryan is working on standardizing the method calls. We talked about the 4 different method types that use our API. We have normal, universe admin, demo, and 3rd party methods. Each one plays slightly different. We also went in and worked on some documentation and tracking down bugs.
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Shop 1391 Calvin Chipman 6/9/2016   On a zoom session with Calvin going over sub inventory. We looked at things and then started to go through and test the pages and the code. We are looking for small problems and bugs. Trying to help standardize the sub inventory calls and such.
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Shop 949 Sub Inventory Testing With Calvin 6/9/2016   On a second zoom session of the day with Calvin. We were going from page to page and checking on code for sub inventory. Good session and we ended up finishing up with some bit bucket, git, and resolving merge conflicts. Some of that is not very fun but we need the results of what it does for us. Good stuff.
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Shop 1477 API 6/9/2016   Working on API socket connections. Lots of changes to documentation and working on some regular expressions and underlying logic. Light testing.
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Shop 995 Brandon out of the office all day 6/10/2016   On a 3 hour GoToMeeting session with Steve. We worked on a number of Steve's projects. He is working on the sub inventory stuff and update PO data for his Colorado Metrc homepage. That page helps our clients pass adilas data to the state compliance sites to help sync up the different sites.

We also went over a number of new code pieces and made a bunch of changes. We chased some bugs down and fixed a couple of other pages that he had issues on. Good work session.

We also had a good brainstorming session on packages and part/item conversions and units of measure. Here are a couple of small notes that went along with our session.

- We may want a couple of new fields on a per part or item basis. This would include fields to hold the normal sales quantity and an alternate unit of measure. Currently Steve is doing this or something like this by hijacking the weight field and the bin number or catalog page field. This is a way to do some smoke and mirrors and setup a one-to-one relationship for the items. In normal English, this means we need a show quantity, a show unit of measure, a real quantity, and a real unit of measure. For example: Say I wanted to sell 1 package which actually was 16 ounces. So, the show values would be the 1 package while the real values would be the 16 ounces. Hopefully that makes sense. Like I said, Steve already has a couple of companies doing this but hijacking other existing fields to make it happen.

- I would love to see conversions be part of a one-to-many relationship vs. a one-to-one relationship.

- Maybe think about the part categories or going up a level or so. We would love to do something along the lines of rules and assignments, similar to the my cart favorite - smart group buttons. These rules and assignments would be for both pricing matrixes and conversions.

- Help things be a factor of one. For example: 1 something equals x of this unit of measure. 1 something else equals y of this unit of measure. Keep things consistent.

- Use the template structures from part categories and sub categories. Be able to go up the chain to reduce the maintenance on the rules and assignments.

- Think inheritance or be able to break out and create your own values if needed (a child could lean on a parents rules and assignments or a child could make their own rules and assignments depending on needs).

- Think tiered pricing, tiered conversions, etc. Both will end up using some kind of rules and assignments of some kind.

- We have some other brainstorming on this same subject for sub inventory stuff. See attached for a multi page document of some of our brainstorming for the sub inventory and cost controls stuff. Some of these subjects get pretty deep.
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Shop 1482 General Stuff 6/10/2016   Call with Dave Forbis, emails, and doing general clean-up stuff.
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Shop 1483 Meeting with Bryan 6/10/2016   On a GoToMeeting session with Bryan. We were looking over the code and adilas API changes that he has been making. We spent most of the time looking at some of the 3rd party API pieces as well as the universe admin methods.
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Shop 1480 Recording notes 6/11/2016   Recording notes from yesterday about a GoToMeeting session with Steve and talking about parts/items and conversions. We have been around the pond a number of times and I think we are finally starting to understand it a little bit better. See notes from 6/10/16 in the adilas shop.

Also as a small side note, I went to the main adilas site and searched for conversions and got a couple entries. I then went to the adilas university site and did a similar search. I found tons of entries (40+) on the subject. Good resource.
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Shop 1154 Alan Time 6/13/2016   Emails and light clean-up until Alan got here.

Met with Alan and he showed me some progress on the new shipping settings for ecommerce. We went through some of the logic and looked over a couple of pages. We also talked about some other upcoming projects that deal with a new credit card API gateway connection. I gave him a light review of the different pages and how they work together.

I also had a call from Eric Tauer (other developer) asking and talking about inventory tracking and API socket settings.
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Shop 1481 API 6/13/2016   Working with Bryan to clean-up the adilas API socket connections. We were doing some code sign-off on his current branch. There are 60+ files that we are starting to go over. I pushed some code up and he was going to circle around and make those same changes to all other files.
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Shop 1392 Calvin Chipman 6/13/2016   On the phone with Calvin going over some new changes for sub inventory. Calvin launched a number of files early this morning. We also talked about mobile app development for a little bit.
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Shop 1243 Sub Inventory 6/13/2016   On a GoToMeeting session with Steve. We fixed some small errors and did some testing on some of his custom report pages. We then started working on showing some API results back to the clients based on the Metrc inventory and package values. Building a page from scratch to get and show the Metrc data (3rd party - state entity).
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Shop 1484 API 6/13/2016   Going over pages with Bryan in code review and code sign-off. We made a few small changes to some of the custom 3rd party API sockets.

I helped Danny Shuford with a label problem and bug. Quick GoToMeeting session with Danny.

Bryan and I then went over a new project for some changes to a default printable (mini) invoice or customer receipt project. This will be Bryan's next little project.
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Shop 1176 Quoting 6/14/2016   Got into the office and did some light shop clean-up, emails, and general stuff until we got started.

Shannon, Dave, and I got a GoToMeeting session and went over some quotes and action items. We reviewed the past action items, added notes, and updated some of the project details. We then went through some of the new stuff and made some assignments.

We spent quite a bit of time talking about safety nets, standardization, and managing expectations. These expectations are on multiple levels: new customers, users, clients, reps, consultants, developers, project managers, 3rd parties, independents, and admin levels. Lots of different expectations.

We added a few things to element of time # 1489 about intro letters (see attached), a new welcome letter, setting up a culture of training and communication, and laying down general rules and how to play the game. Trying to get the right info into the right hands.

We also talked about Russell's and Chris's Adilas Market and Adilas World projects. We are really close to getting that fully signed off and release to the public. It is currently in beta test mode and is live on data 0 right now. Nobody knows about it, but technically, it is live as we speak.
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Shop 1485 API 6/14/2016   Helping Bryan out on some new projects. We went into some pages and looked around and found the key pieces. Bryan took some notes while I helped him get pointed in the right direction.
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Shop 3466 Virtual Post-It Note 6/14/2016   -Error or bug with query
-With Jane, maybe try a sub query to speed things up
-Add the time id number to the add_edit_time_sub.cfm page
-Steves tax return
-"managing expectations" for adilas, consultants, and other 3rd parties
-Upload the files we have
-Create a new welcome letter and setup the expectations
-Intro letter to all clients( already exists )
-Setup a culture of training and communication
-Rules and how to play the - genral rules
-Set aside time for the user guide and adilas university
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Shop 1393 Calvin Chipman 6/14/2016   On a call with Calvin. He was doing some other stuff (outside business for his GMext - group mass texting). We talked about communication and how breakdowns happen and occur in the communication ring. We also talked a little bit about some tech support stuff.
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Shop 952 Debugging an API socket 6/14/2016   I got an email from a client asking about an error on the adilas API sockets for some custom JaneFour20 API sockets. I went in with Bryan and tried all kinds of stuff. We could get it to work with test data, but not live data. After hours of testing and trying things, I think it is dealing with the output and number of records.

I ran all kinds of tests and spent the whole afternoon testing and looking at things. I finally sent the client an email and said we would try tomorrow after we shut the servers down and up the maximum output buffer or thresholds. Hopefully that will help. Kinda crazy and pretty high stress. We could get it to work with test data, with different filters, and we could pull it raw. The problem was when we ran it through the API, it somehow failed. Frustrating because it worked some of the time and not others.
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Shop 1490 API 6/14/2016   Helped Bryan out with some questions on his new tax break-down project for the mini invoices (customer receipts). Bryan also helped me out with looking over the API problem that I was working on.
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Shop 1033 Brandon - Working on own projects 6/15/2016   Added Alaska as a new time zone to all servers. Changed the Jane API to a query with a sub query vs. multiple queries with loops and lists. Tested code with Bryan and found a problem with the special characters in the product descriptions and how the URL encoding of JSON objects was being done. Started working on a 12 month payment history for a loan application.
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Shop 1394 Calvin Chipman 6/15/2016   On a phone call with Calvin about sub inventory stuff. Lots of talking about new sub inventory global (higher) settings such as how to get things in/out of a package (first, last, oldest, newest, based on dates, etc.), show/hide the view subs (visibility), custom sort order for showing subs (numeric, rfid, ref, id, dates, etc.), and how to use and search barcodes for sub inventory.

We spent tons of time working and talking about the possible mixed barcode logic. I sent both Calvin and Steve emails on some of the pieces for mixed barcode searches and where I would like to head with things. We have already done a ton of work here and I wanted to capitalize on that. These are things like: see attached for an included text file with some parent child barcode logic, see the top_secret/secure/cart_quick_search.cfm for some of the current barcode search logic, and see this help file link to see some of the current verbage or user-friendly info on doing a barcode search. (
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Shop 1518 Photo Gallery Enhancement 6/15/2016   - On the photo gallery page (big photo page), we need to show the current photo number better. It shows up right now but gets lost very easily and is kinda hard to see.

- Maybe even show the main id and app type on the big photo gallery page as well. Maybe look at the photo action page for some ideas or how we show what is going on with the flex grid assignments. Basically, we need to show the big photos but also help the user know and/or remember what main object or player it belongs to (meaning the big photo).
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Shop 3467 Virtual Post-It Note 6/15/2016   -On the gallery page, show the current photo number - sometimes it is hard to see
-maybe show the main id and app type as well
-maybe look at the photo action pages for ideas
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Shop 1244 Sub Inventory 6/15/2016   On a GoToMeeting session with Steve. We went over some questions about outputting arrays and converting between raw JSON and ColdFusion ready variables. Part way through our session, we had to jump off and fix a small sub inventory bug. We then found another small bug on the update inventory counts page. Sub inventory has been a spot where we have found a number of bugs. I'm excited to tighten down that section within the system.
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Shop 1491 Working with Bryan 6/15/2016   General tech support, emails, and code sign-off with Bryan. We were working on the tax breakdown mini invoice (new customer receipt format). Signed off on code and pushed files live to all servers. I then helped Bryan with some small bugs on his mini timeclock app (google extension).
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Shop 1493 Clean-up 6/15/2016   Finishing up the day. Adding notes to elements of time and talking with Calvin on the phone about more mixed barcode search stuff. We are going to meet tomorrow at noon on zoom session to talk about things.
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Shop 1155 Alan Time 6/16/2016   Alan and I worked on his ecommerce shipping project. This project deals with some new shipping matrixes, new settings, and taking old in-line code and making it into functions and methods to help with the flow process.

Alan and I went over some of the new settings that Russell made. Alan and I went through about 10-12 pages line by line and merged new code into the master files. Lots of testing and checking things.

Part way through our first session we got an emergency call and had to fix a sub inventory bug (it needed some more conditional logic). We then talked with Dave Forbis for a half an hour about other projects and shop stuff.

We were on an hour long conference call with Calvin and Steve going over sub inventory and the direction that we want to take. It sounds like we will be replacing some JSON objects with traditional database columns and fields - that should help it be more stable and allows for us to be more direct vs. serializing and de-serializing objects every step of the way. I'm excited about that direction.

In between all of this, Alan and I were going through new ecommerce code and working on the shipping and checking some new methods and functions that Alan has put into play. Good stuff. Almost a full day working together.
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Shop 1492 Quoting 6/16/2016   Dave came by to work on quotes but Alan and I were right in the middle of some code sign-off. We met for about half an hour and talked about a number of things but no quotes were done at this point. Dave is pretty busy right now with both adilas projects and his own stuff. Busy times.
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Shop 1395 Calvin Chipman 6/16/2016   On a zoom session with Calvin, Alan, & Steve. We talked a lot about converting between JSON and more traditional database tables, fields, and logic.

We talked about barcodes, changes, timelines for the changes, number of pages, and direction. We also went over some pros and cons and what we could gain by making these changes. I'm in favor of moving forward and going to a more database type approach.
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Shop 954 Adilas world projects 6/16/2016   Adilas world projects
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Shop 1515 Quote session with Shannon 6/16/2016   On a GoToMeeting session with Shannon. We did a couple of quotes and went over some tech support questions. We also talked about some of the next rounds for the balance sheet and the accounting features inside of adilas. Good stuff.

As a note, the balance sheet and other financial sections inside of adilas have had numerous sessions and rounds. There are a number of other rounds that have been in the planning stages clear back from 2010. Search the adilas university site for balance sheet, mapping, watchers, feeders, standalone declarations, or interactive map. Lots of notes on the subject.

Things really started to heat up in October of 2010 for the balance sheet and full system mapping. See elements of time # 2166 and 2167 in the adilas university site to get a flavor. Expand the search and research as needed.
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Shop 996 Brandon out of the office all day 6/17/2016   Working from home. On a GoToMeeting session with Steve. We were on for about 2.5 hours. We worked on some outbound API stuff for Steve and some state compliance systems. We also worked on some custom cart settings, gram tracking, dynamic math, and output that shows comparisons.

I had a phone call with Calvin and we went over some more plans on changing up the sub inventory stuff. This will change the role and current flavor of sub inventory. I also spoke on the phone with Will about API's, projects, and how we need to get some of the documentation done and going along. The morning had a few different sessions. Kinda bouncing here and there.
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Shop 1524 Adding discounts to parts and items 6/17/2016   This is an idea from Bryan, but why don't we allow a discount to be applied directly to an item. Think of a sale or clearance item of sorts. This could be really simple (one-to-one relationship) or it could be built out to a one-to-many relationship for promotion codes, sales, campaigns, coupons, etc. Maybe we need both... a smaller version or quick discount and a bigger more robust tool for promotions, major sales, or campaigns.

As a note, we've also had users and other people request a discount type option on a smart group button or my cart favorite button. Maybe expand things to that level.

We are also looking at in-line discounts for items based on percentages (already done) and in-line discounts for dollars off (new project). We may need settings for both.
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Shop 3468 Virtual Post-It Note 6/17/2016   -Idea from Bryan, why not to put a discount on an item, say a sale or something like that
-Promotion codes, sales, coupon stuff
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Shop 1521 Brainstorming with Bryan 6/17/2016   Bryan came over and we did a whiteboarding session on the in-line discounts and moving them into a percentage basis (already exists) and an in-line dollars off (new and current plan). We took quite a bit of time and expanded into a number of different subjects. We talked about overarching concepts, current flow, how models break, and levels of complexity.

We then mapped out current database fields and talked about how we track the percentage off for the in-line discounts. We then made a plan on how we could expand that code it to allow in-line discounts for dollars off. A great session and I think we covered it well enough that we both could see where things need to go. Good stuff.
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Shop 1522 Smart Biz Loan Application Stuff 6/17/2016   Working on a 12 month payment history document for a loan application. This ended up being a 70+ page document with a mix of our records, the different vendor records, and notes to help out the lenders see and catch the story. Interesting that the story is very important and play a huge part of the history and puzzle.
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Shop 1523 More Application Stuff 6/17/2016   Finished up the 12-month payment history document. I uploaded it to a number of places and even had to make a couple small API tweaks to get it to work. We have an open project that is dealing with our API and I needed to adjust some of the validation, defaults, and settings.

This loan application has taken quite a bit of time. Pretty in-depth.
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Shop 1519 Meeting with Steve 6/18/2016   Doing emails and tech support for the first little bit.

Steve called and we jumped on a GoToMeeting session. We worked on some inventory comparison reports between adilas and the state inventory tracking systems. We also worked on a sub inventory for a client and tracking down a disconnect between one product and its subs. We were live on the server looking at reports and raw data.

We also talked about some of the direction that we want Calvin to go in on some of the new changes to sub inventory. Exciting times.
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Shop 1517 Ideas and requests for payroll 6/18/2016   We got a request to help with holiday pay for employees. Basically, the owners would like to select a date and set it as a holiday. Then when the users clock in/out on that day, it would treat things as holiday pay. Currently, they have to calculate and do this manually. Basically, they would like to see if be more automated.

Also, on overtime, they would like the system to note when certain things happen on a daily basis. Some of them are paying overtime per day vs. overtime per week. Anyways, we may need to take it a bit deeper as well. See the sub notes for the actual email that was sent.
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Shop 1520 Push for more custom data storage 6/18/2016   As Steve and I were talking, we decided that we need a way to hold and store more custom data. It made me think of some other brainstorming that we did back in October of 2014 on real in-line extensions. We could also build out the flex grid a little bit more. Basically, we need custom data storage options that give us toggle on/off options with granular data control. This could be JSON (huge or flexible objects) or real live database tables and fields that could be linked up and stored on a per corporation, per database table, basis.

See element of time # 2865, 2861, 2868, & 2870 in the adilas university site. There are more as well. Search for "in-line extensions" in the adilas university site to find more results.
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Shop 3469 Virtual Post-It Note 6/18/2016   -We really need in-line data base extensions
-Build out the new flex grid fields
-Granular control and toggle on/off diffrent peices
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Shop 1533 Meeting with Calvin 6/20/2016   On a zoom meeting with Calvin going over the new changes and database changes that are needed for sub inventory. Calvin had a small proposal written up. We went through things and made a couple of changes but mostly talked about direction and vision. I had him read time id # 2865 in the adilas university site to get an idea about what we wanted to do with real in-line extensions and custom data storage. I was so grateful that I could send Calvin to that time id and let him go over the info at his own speed and pace. Good stuff.
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Shop 1156 General 6/20/2016   General catch-up. Emails, research, and logging in notes. Updating some of the shop times and past appointments. Trying to record the story of what is going on. Lots of new developments. Light help with Russell and some of his ecommerce settings. He needed to go from corporation settings to a location (sub) level.
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Shop 1528 Bryan and Calvin 6/20/2016   Working with Bryan on some API settings and defaults.

On a zoom session with Calvin going over the new plans for the sub inventory and custom data storage options. Good stuff. He is going to be creating 3 new tables to store custom dates, custom text values, and custom numeric values. We will then tie-in those values to other tables and other id's. Basically, we will be making a custom storage solution of sorts. This is somewhat based off of some brainstorming that was done on in-line extensions.

As a side note, custom data storage is one of three huge keys for custom applications. The other two are custom code options and custom look and feel. When you get all three custom pieces playing together, you can have custom applications.
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Shop 1396 Calvin Chipman 6/20/2016   We did our calls a little bit earlier due to some other obligations. See other notes.
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Shop 1516 Phone Call with Leafly 6/20/2016   Leafly we are looking to make an API connect.

I was out of the office. Bryan and Shannon were going to reach out to them. I saw a text from Shannon that said that she reached out. I'm not sure if Bryan got a hold of them or not.
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Shop 1471 Brandon out of office 6/20/2016   Brandon was out of the office helping a local boy scout troop with the pioneering (ropes, pulley's, and lashing stuff).
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Shop 1245 sub Inventory 6/21/2016   Came into work and started in on some emails and such. Trying to put out some fires.

Steve and I got on a GoToMeeting session and started working through some standardization pieces for sub inventory. We are working through 4 known areas. they are the unit of measure, the sub inventory date, the sub inventory costs, and the sub RFID tag numbers. Lots of looking around and trying to get things moving and flowing in a good direction.
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Shop 1525 API 6/21/2016   Light work with Bryan. I had a bunch of other things going so we weren't able to spend a whole lot of time on Bryan's projects. We did lightly look at the in-line discounts and dollars off values. The last 20 minutes were spent switching gears, looking at stuff for Hypur, and getting other pieces prepped and ready.
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Shop 1397 Calvin Chipman 6/21/2016   On a GoToMeeting demo with Hypur. The system wouldn't reach out and connect to them to run the Hypur API. So the demo got cut short and reset for tomorrow.

I got on a phone call with Calvin and we talked about how some of the sub inventory stuff may need to be corporation specific (clear down at the database table level). Trying to beat things up and make sure that we are ready for the new changes.
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Shop 957 Adilas world projects 6/21/2016   Working with Russell on activating the alternate messages for parts and items. His plan is to use that new feature for selling digital content and sending special links and instructions via email to customers. We went through code and did a number of tweaks, changes, and enhancements. Good session.

Russell and crew have a number of pieces that are getting very close to being done. It will be really exciting to get them up and help them be live. They are doing a great job.
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Shop 1526 API 6/21/2016   Working with Bryan on getting his API socket standardization project up and going. Working though pages and doing code sign-off. Lots of bounding between windows on both test and live, making changes, and going through things.
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Shop 1034 Brandon - Working on own projects 6/22/2016   Started the morning off with a bunch of emails, tech support stuff, making some screen shots and graphics, and some debugging. I was bouncing between the Hypur and the Jane projects. Both projects are needing a little bit of attention.

This is kinda funny, but we are changing things on our side and Jane is asking what is going on? Hypur is changing things on their side and we are asking what is going on? I heard this from somewhere but we each get to eat each others virtual dog food (what we are serving out). Kinda interesting.

Started working on some sub inventory standardization stuff for a couple of known issues.

Concept - who is prepping for who? It's a game of sorts. I had the thought today, who is prepping for who? Are other people prepping for me or am I prepping for them? Does it matter who does what (for example: job titles and job descriptions)? We need to get things done, that does matter, but does it matter what side of the fence we are on (serving or receiving)? We may need to get things prepped for us and we may need to prep things for others. We are all on the same team. Interesting concept. I like it. The concept has a service flair to it.
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Shop 1534 Hypur Demo 6/22/2016   Demo with Hypur to show the Hypur payment solution and a few other features. Fairly quick and we got the full go ahead to push to production. As a side note, we had to test and tweak a few things right up until the demo time in order to get things to work. Some of that was on their end. I'm glad that we got the go ahead to push things to live servers or to the production level.
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Shop 1398 Calvin Chipman 6/22/2016   Phone call to go over database changes and plans for sub inventory. We talked some stats (Calvin's research on data 4 and data 5). We talked about corp-specific values and how much growth is still available (trying to head in the best direction). I really appreciate how well Calvin is at communicating and his attention to details.
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Shop 1246 sub Inventory 6/22/2016   On a GoToMeeting session with Steve. We looked at some code for a biotrack API socket connection. We added a new inventory filter to the page and pushed it live. We then worked on opening up the sub inventory cost options. We also added in some logic to show disconnects between the parent and the sub costs.
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Shop 1527 API 6/22/2016   On a 1 hour GoToMeeting session with a developer from the Jane Team. We were making some changes to the API and then pushing things up for him to test. Our changes were pretty fast. However, his debugging and error log process was crazy. So much information it almost made it impossible to find anything. Once you found things, it was great because you have tons of info but to find it was a crazy process.

As a side note, we watched him (the other developer) navigate a newer more modern database platform that stored data objects and JSON objects for every record. Very flexible but that type of a model wouldn't work with our business model. The data was all there, but it was stored as a huge glob of data and the user had to expand and contract the data to see what was there. The query and look-up options looked crazy as well. I'm very grateful that we are using a traditional database model with tables, fields, and normal SQL queries.

We do use JSON object storage but only in certain places. It is great to store tons of stuff, but it totally dies if you need to run queries, filters, reports, or aggregate functions (max, sum, average, min, counts, etc). If you only need things one at a time, it rocks. If you need multiple things at once or need to access things over and over again in bulk, it struggles. Too much overhead. I think we'll stick to what we have.

Bryan and I then worked on some code sign-off for his API changes. This project has opened up a lot of unknown holes but that is good. At the end of the day, we went over some of the logic on his new project for in-line discounts and doing dollars off discounts. Some of the files have a lot of javascript and that makes that project a little bit tougher. We'll get it done...
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Shop 1157 Alan Time 6/23/2016   Spent the first hour going over emails and cleaning up some of the shop time appointments and recording notes.

Met with Alan and we signed off on some more ecommerce shipping pieces. We also talked with Russell to figure out a release plan for the new settings. The ecommerce section is starting to look better and better. It just needs some loving and some time.
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Shop 1530 API 6/23/2016   Working on the developers update tables section. Rewriting some of the code to help standardize it. Lots of dynamics.
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Shop 3470 Virtual Post-It Note 6/23/2016   -I altered the web/webapi/update media content.cmf
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Shop 1399 Calvin Chipman 6/23/2016   On the phone with Calvin going over sub inventory updates and plans. Still in the research and planning stages of that project. We are planning on changing the way the templates are being used by adding in dynamic tables to hold custom data. We are also going to be reworking the entire section to help standardize things. We are also going to be adding sub barcodes to the sub inventory tables and data.

We currently have a small trail through the forest. With these changes, we are hoping to get a small road through the forest. We will then circle back again and go for a highway. All in good time.
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Shop 1542 General 6/23/2016   Tech support, emails, and more work on the developer's update tables page. Workign on formatting data types and converting single and double quotes into the right patterns.

On a phone call with Shannon going over a number of tech support questions and issues. She is really helping on the customer service side of things. I only have to deal with the bigger issues and/or problems. Good stuff.
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Shop 1064 russell 6/23/2016   Working with Russell on the adilas market and adilas world project. We did some live debugging of Nick's code and got a few things working. Nick and Russell are have already soft launched a bunch of code. We are going through things and adding some final touches to what is up and online. Pretty cool.
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Shop 997 Brandon out of the office all day 6/24/2016   Recording notes, working on the developer update tables page. Research on how to do regular expressions or regex in ColdFusion.
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Shop 1540 Working on sub barcodes and sub RFID tags searches 6/24/2016   Working with Steve to add sub inventory to the barcode (mixed sources) search options. We played with some corp-wide settings and then spent most of the time on the cart quick search page for mixed barcodes. We also added some search options for parent and child RFID tag numbers as well. We were in pretty deep today. Good session.
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Shop 1541 Go back through and redefine the system defaults 6/24/2016   We need to circle back around and redefine the system defaults. This could be the tax categories for discounts, corp-wide settings, defaults, pre-sets, etc. It has been years since we were in there. This would really help to make it so that our customers and clients could run faster right out of the gates. We want our system to be as easy to use as possible.

Steve, Shannon, & Shari O. would be great people to get involved in this project and redefining session.
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Shop 3471 Virtual Post-It Note 6/24/2016   -We need to do session and update the system-wide defaults,tax categories,and other permission and settings
-Help our users get started eaiser
-edit_sub_part.cfm problem making and edit - dealing with the PO receive date
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Shop 1543 General 6/27/2016   Emails and recording notes for some adilas shop times and appointments. Light clean-up on shop times and recording notes.
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Shop 1544 Merging in Hypur Phase 2 files into the master branch 6/27/2016   Working on merging in the Hypur Phase 2 files into the master branch. Going through the pages one by one.
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Shop 1158 Alan Time 6/27/2016   Working with Alan on his new payment gateway integration project. We are looking into a EMV chip reader (the iPP320 from Ingenico) and the BridgePay gateway). We looked up some things online, did some research, watched a couple of YouTube videos, and made some phone calls. Trying to get things going so that we could gain some traction on the project.

We left a couple of messages and sent off some emails. We did hear back from one of them. They told us that the BridgePay gateway is a pass off to another special page and then a redirect back to what we need done on our side. Kinda interesting.
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Shop 1400 Calvin Chipman 6/27/2016   On the phone with Calvin. We talked about the possibility of moving our scripted database updates away from web updates and more to a software based update tool. We went over some pros and cons for both options.

Our eventual goal is to be able to move and migrate data between different databases using the speed and robustness of software. We will then tie in the databases to web or external usage. That would be the best of both worlds.

Anyways, we talked about level of coding (beginner, intermediate, advanced), languages used (basic or ColdFusion), features wanted, source databases vs. destination databases, and how each piece could play together.

We spent quite a bit of time talking about how this could be a stepping stone for a later project that required more detailed migration and even database to database transfers.

This whole migration process may be part of the sub inventory upgrade and changes. We are slowly trying to go from a path in the woods to a full on road or highway through the woods. We'll get there eventually.

As a funny note, we used to have some internal customers that called "eventually" a bad word. Probably with good reason. :)
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Shop 1549 General 6/27/2016   Working on more migration for pushing files live for Hypur. Answering questions and doing email. Recording notes.
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Shop 1472 State API 6/27/2016   On a phone call and GoToMeeting session with Steve. We were talking about how busy we are and how some of the maintenance pieces are falling off of our plate. We also talked about how some of the 3rd party solutions have really been a drain on us. We would like to move to a straight hourly rate vs. a free or bidding/quoting model. We have the tools, we just need to switch our model and let people know.

We talked about people and how they are doing. Often that is a huge challenge.

We then started working and spent quite a bit of time looking over the add/edit sub inventory template action page. We did some clean-up and talked about where we want to take things in the near future. That project has been a maintenance nightmare.

We also spent some time and went over the new mixed barcode and RFID tag search options that we were working on last Friday. We finished that up and then wrapped up our session for the day. We'll be back at it again tomorrow.
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Shop 1550 General 6/27/2016   I not sure what I was doing. A little bit of this and that. All of the sudden, a whole hour was gone. Cleaning up for the day. Went outside and walked around the block. It's been a busy day.
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Shop 1551 Merging Files for Hypur 6/28/2016   Recording notes and cleaning up elements of time in the shop.

Migrating files into the master branch for Hypur. The Hypur Phase 2 project has about 33 files. We are also updating the shop (ecommerce files) along with about 20 pages for sub inventory. Later today, there will be a push of about 75+ files with some new changes.

Pushed up new files and started running some tests.
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Shop 1247 sub inventory 6/28/2016   On and off some phone calls with Steve. I was busy pushing up new files and running some tests. We then talked again and went over some bugs and small changes for sub inventory stuff.
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Shop 1532 Meeting with Chris johnnie 6/28/2016   Meeting with Chris johnnie and Russell. Chris had some tech support questions about how to use adilas for his retail business. We talked about barcodes, finances, and ecommerce.

As part of the meeting, we talked about some of the other pieces that are still needed and how they will play into the mix. Both Chris and Russell are doing tons of custom stuff through the business name of "Adilas For Business" ( I'm really excited to help them out.

Here is a list of upcoming projects that need to be quoted and/or worked on:
- Affiliate Program - 1 deep, 2 deep, and multi level
- Sub inventory for ecommerce
- Sub part categories
- Budgeting and cash flow
- Gift Cards - (gift cards, loyalty points, in store credit, vendor credits, customer credits, and full usage, tracking, and add/edit options)
- Promotion codes, coupons, specials, and campaigns
- Rentals and reservations
- Project management or project manager
- Simple time clocks - employees, customers, projects, etc.
- Packages and pre-sets
- mobile app(s) and responsive web sites
- PayPal - free version
- Shipping - FedEx, UPS, USPS, etc.
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Shop 1401 General 6/28/2016   Emails, tech support, and fixing a couple bugs with the clear cart and quick cart checkout process. Trying to work with Hypur on some URL's and connections between servers. I also helped Russell out with some questions that he was having.
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Shop 962 Adilas world projects 6/28/2016   Looking over code that Russell did. We also planned a time to get together and do a big push on merging Russell's new ecommerce code and settings with the classic version of adilas ecommerce. We are thinking that this coming Friday would be a good day to start on that.

We had to cut out a little bit early to help my dad move some stuff clear out in Smithfield.
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Shop 1546 API 6/28/2016   Bryan came over to my house and we worked on some custom code for Jane. We pulled down multiple files from the data 3 server and pushed them up to the data 0 server. Trying to get things standardized and running smoothly.
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Shop 1552 Data Import for Kelly 6/29/2016   Did a digital inventory import for Kelly Whyman and her client Kush Gardens. The file had about 400 items from over 50+ different vendors. Prepped the Excel file, imported data, and ran it through the import process to get it setup on the data 4 server. Invoiced and billed the client.
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Shop 1035 Brandon - Working on own projects 6/29/2016   Spent half an hour and fixed a small bug on the Application.cfm page for shop folder. Pushed new code up to all servers. This is a domain specific page.

Email to the Jane Team about server migration options and some pricing. We are trying to switch to an hourly rate where possible.

Clean-up and recording notes.
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Shop 1402 Calvin Chipman 6/29/2016   On a zoom session with Calvin. He was showing me a new tool to transfer and migrate data between SQL servers and databases. He is using a source database, a target database, and some special scripting language (that he made) to help the program know what to do. This was just a small demo of where he is at but pretty impressive. Tons of power. Maybe even too much. :)
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Shop 1248 sub inventory 6/29/2016   Working on sub inventory - update inventory counts section - Steve was in Denver all day. I just used the time to push on other projects.

From 2 pm to 5:45 pm - I was working with Bryan on the adilas API stuff. We were working on some code sign-off for 60+ API sockets. Bryan was working on my computer while I was helping Nick with some questions.

At the end of the day 5:30 pm to 6:15 pm, Bryan and I were talking about the shop, projects, and where things are at. The adilas shop has been quite the undertaking and has really taxed us in some different ways. We talked about some of the gaps and needs on both management, code sign-off, project management, funding, etc. Challenging times.
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Shop 1531 Adilas World/ Adilas for Business 6/29/2016   Met with Nick to go over some questions he had on the adilas market and adilas world project. They (Nick, Russell, and Chris Johnnie) have the adilas market up and online. They are working through small tweaks and fixing the different pages and features. It is cool to see it and what they are doing.

Nick and I worked on a number of possible fixes. Nick mostly had questions written down that we would go through. He would then take notes and record ideas and then we would go to the next question or section. Great use of time and a very productive meeting.
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Shop 1159 General 6/30/2016   Did a special database update for Kelly. We lengthened out the general payee notes field. It went from a varchar 255 to an unlimited text field that was HTML compatible. Coded all of the pages, ran the update script, and invoiced for the work.

Went into each server and added a scheduled task to run the task queue. This is needed for Hypur but will also be beneficial for other tasks that need to be done.
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Shop 1547 API 6/30/2016   Looking over code on the new project that Bryan is working on. We looked at some code on the dollars off for in-line discounts. We went over some of the advanced pieces and then tried to roll into the smaller or more basic pages and principles. The advanced stuff is a lot of javascript and frontend fluff. We need to get to the core of what is going on. I actually turned off the advanced settings for Bryan so that he could focus on the more simple pieces.
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Shop 1403 Calvin Chipman 6/30/2016   On a zoom session with Calvin. We spent some time looking into his SQL auto processing tool. He is getting further along and we ran some test cases. He is also adding a logging section to help us track down what is running and what is still pending.

Calvin will be building an editor of sorts to help with the script writing portion of the SQL auto processing tool.

We also talked about Calvin's new custom text fields, custom numeric fields, and custom date fields. We decided that we would add a new database column to the tables to help us know which id number we were referencing. The new field will be something along the lines of parent_column_name. That way we can state what table to connect to, what the id number column is, and what the actual id number is. This will open up a number of really cool options. This is exciting. As a note, this may end up being part of our real in-line extensions and custom storage options.
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Shop 964 Adilas world projects 6/30/2016   Working with Russell on some of his ecommerce pieces. We did some footer tweaks and worked on some queries of queries for locations and web store stuff. We also added some logic to help with remove line item buttons from inside the shopping cart. Good session and his project is really looking good.
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Shop 1548 API 6/30/2016   Working with Bryan on some of the logic for the dollars off in-line discounts.