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Sort Value: Developer's Notebook Report - 10/1/2017 to 10/31/2017 - (83)
Time Id Color Title/Caption Start Date   Notes
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Shop 3048 Adilas Time 10/2/2017   On the morning GoToMeeting session with Steve. Alan popped in and Steve and Alan went over transfers as I did some phone calls and tech support stuff. I showed Steve some of the stats and such from the Bear 100. Next year we want to make it better, more mobile friendly, and use it kinda like some light advertising.

Idea from Steve... track our own progress on big projects like the runners in the Bear 100 race. Setup some checkpoints, list out pages, database tables, requirements, other known pieces, etc. Then show progress, estimates, start and end times, running times, etc. Don't make it to crazy but show some progress and such. Doing this would help those interested on the project as well as the developer who are working on the project. Basically a full project view or bigger overview of sorts.

On API's - We talked about how the 3rd party solutions and how they compete with the normal API sockets. Currently we have a one-to-one relationship to hold assignments, on/off status, and usernames and passwords. We are seeing a need to make that into a deeper one-to-many relationship. We talked about how we have about 4 main roads coming and going, into API socket land. They are the demo road (limited), internal road, normal API socket road, and the 3rd party solution's road.

We currently have one record per corp that we store and maintain at the world level. We may need additional records per user, per 3rd party solution, and per main or normal API socket connect. We even talked about building things out to a virtual permissions type level for the API sockets. This would deal with the one-to-many relationships, what roads to travel on, what methods or functions were open/closed, what sub functions or sub selections are open/available, and who gets access to use them.

Along with that, Steve was talking about having a way to switch between different users/parties (think of visual views of the data subsets). It would basically, show what sockets were turned on per party (internal user or 3rd party). We were talking different words such as: views, tabs, or visual cards.

Another idea that needed to be recorded was more new sub homepages. This could be things such as transfer homepage, API socket connects homepage, sub inventory homepage, mini conversion homepage, barcode homepage, RFID tag tracking homepage, special tracking account homepage, etc. Keep breaking things down into homepages, groups, types, subs, etc. Allow things to keep virtually sub dividing and/or fracturing. That seems to be the trend and matches our experience.
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Shop 3052 Lunch 10/2/2017  
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Shop 3079 Phone call with Calvin 10/2/2017   On a phone call with Calvin. We were talking about possible options where we could work together and build an internal texting engine to run directly off of the adilas platform. We have talked about this before but the time is coming to really start making plans and see what we can do. I authorized Calvin to bill us $1,000 to help pay for some time to get things planned out and presented. This amount is just to get the ball started. The goal here is to preload the account and then have Calvin work some of that time off. As needed, we'll keep preloading the account so that we can get some work done.
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Shop 3049 Adilas Time 10/2/2017   Recording notes and meeting with Shawn about where he is at with a payroll project. His project allows for up to 5 dynamic percentage based calculations to automatically roll into the paychecks and payroll part of the application. Paying bills and other small to do list items.
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Shop 3050 Adilas Time 10/3/2017   On the morning GoToMeeting with Steve. We were talking about how quickly we could do a patch job for mini conversions. This is just a quick patch, not the real deal. Basically, you could create a new small table. The new table would have an auto id, a corp id, and the stored QR code value (text entry with a max of 50 characters or a varchar field). The QR code values would be in this format: qr_7777_77_7777 where it follows this pattern: "qr_subId_price_weight".

The new table would use the auto id as the new barcode value. We were talking about the ^ (carrot sign or symbol). Say something like: ^27 or ^3555. The barcode would be that value. We would need a special page to take off the carrot and then look up the QR code value. It would then translate what was needed and pass it to the normal QR code page that Steve and Danny created. This is a simple way to use a standard barcode (smaller than 15 characters) and have it do the same thing that a 50 character QR code could do.

The other things that were important were which pages to add code to help intercept the barcode searches and what pages to put links out to the new barcode generator. Steve took some notes and some screen captures of what we needed to do. Bryan Dayton and Steve will be working on this project. Both have already done some prep work and such. Steve built the original QR code page and Bryan has a small JSON object solution for storing and looking things up. The new patch would be to take that (both Bryan's and Steve's) code and make it into a new small mini table and a couple of pages to get the job done.

We also talked about a number of other fun things on the horizon. These are just some small notes to help us remember what we were talking about.

- We are excited to be working with Calvin and seeing what kind of fun internal 3rd party pieces we could come up with. We could do a texting service, bulk labels direct from adilas, exports to CSV files, and even getting back into GPS stuff. We talked about a bunch of options and even lessons learned from past projects.

- We've got Alan back on with the database project

- We've got Wayne working with the new frameworks and model view controllers (MVC's).

- Bryan with custom projects

- Russell with other projects, design, internal and project management

- Nick small black boxes and icon menus

- Steve made a comment that we already have a great popsicle. We just need to make it easy by putting it on a stick or on a popsicle stick. The easier we can make it, the better. It needs to have tons of functionality built-in behind the scenes... if we can make it look and feel easy, then we really win big. Keep it simple and easy.

- Another comment that Steve made as he was talking. This one came from Kelly Whyman, an adilas consultant. "The sales taxes and tax pieces must be like the nervous system in the body... it goes through everything." We loved that the comparison was to the body and how things work. Wayne Moore (Brandon's dad) has made similar type analogies comparing body system to internal adilas systems. You could make some analogies that way. Think of the skeletal system, the nervous system, the digestive system, the endocrine system, the whatever system... It could be really cool to take it out to that level.

- Steve was also saying that the key to keeping things going is delegation and training. We then let each person keep improving their own processes and such.

- One other topic was dealing with possible look-n-feel/functionality of a one pager with multiple feeders, tie-ins, and even asynchronous loading and variable visual displays. Think of dashboards, drill-downs, charts, graphics, placeholders, movable pallets, expanding windows, etc. Thinking about future options and where we want things to go. Good session and lots of fun ideas and such.
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Shop 3053 Lunch 10/3/2017  
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Shop 3051 Adilas Time 10/3/2017   Working with Shawn to go over his code for the dynamic payroll withholding amounts that can cover both straight dollars withheld or a new variable percentage withheld. Merging and fine combing the files.
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Shop 3080 Adilas Time 10/3/2017   More merging files and working on Shawn's payroll project. The new branch name is BWM-30.
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Shop 3011 Brandon out of the office all day 10/4/2017  
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Shop 3012 Brandon out of the office all day 10/5/2017  
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Shop 3013 Brandon out of the office all day 10/6/2017  
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Shop 3090 Adilas Time 10/9/2017   On the morning GoToMeeting session with Steve. We did some light merging and fixed a few conflicts on Steve's first code branch. We merged files in with Master and got him going on his newest branch. We then split up and worked on different projects. I was doing emails, paying bills, recording expenses, and other clean-up stuff. Steve was working with clients and doing some custom code stuff.
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Shop 3094 Lunch 10/9/2017  
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Shop 3089 Kelly: barcode 10/9/2017   GoToMeeting session with Bryan. Going over making a new table and getting the underlying source code (SQL syntax). We built a small demo table and then looked at the underlying create statement and code. We also talked about the QR code and barcode project that Bryan is working on. See time id # 3050 in the shop for more details and info. We bounced around and chatted about a couple of other questions and such.
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Shop 3070 Russell Time 10/9/2017   On a Zoom session with Russell and Justin Kishbaugh. We did a little bit of catch-up and then helped Justin get a local adilas setup of code, database, and Git repository files. We used Alan's new setup doc as a base to jump off of. It worked great. We had to make a few tweaks, but it worked great. See attached for a copy of the doc.
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Shop 3091 Adilas Time 10/10/2017   On the phone with Steve talking about taking recipe/builds out to the sub inventory level and even the mini conversion level. We have tons of clients that could use that kind of functionality. Just talking through the options and what not. We didn't do the rest of the normal morning meeting as my vehicle broke down up in the mountains and we had to go get it.
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Shop 3095 Lunch 10/10/2017  
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Shop 3122 Apply points or special criteria 10/10/2017   As a small note, Eric Tauer from Salida has had a number of requests to help with loyalty points and special tracking account stuff in the cart. Some of the requests deal with a button that directly applies the points and/or does some other special function. Some of these guys want to be able to double the points, apply the points, redeem the points, look-up the points, and run special campaign settings. Lots of their requests deal with times and time of days. Say special 2 for 1 on Thursdays, extra 10% on Wednesday nights, etc.

The deeper we get, the more we are seeing that the sales and promotions section needs to be tied in with the loyalty points and in-store credit stuff. They seem to share a lot of the same things.
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Shop 3101 Server Setup 10/10/2017   Bryan and I were on a GoToMeeting session. We merged in some new code for a bug fix and then pushed it to all servers. We then spent the rest of the time on the new data 8 server and checking things out. Light tag teaming on some of the tasks to check things out.
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Shop 3123 Adilas Time 10/10/2017   Emails, paying bills, tech support, phone calls with developers, etc. Back on Shawn's project for the 5 dynamic percentage based withholding options project.
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Shop 3092 Adilas Time 10/11/2017   On the morning GoToMeeting session with Steve. We looked over some custom code for some barcode stuff and made a few tweaks. Steve was working on other projects and I was back on Shawn's dynamic percentage withholding project for payroll. We chatted back and forth and covered a number of different topics. Things are going good and we are trying to talk about and plan for the future and where things are going.
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Shop 3096 Lunch 10/11/2017  
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Shop 3071 Russell Time 10/11/2017   On a Zoom session with Russell and Justin. We started out by Russell giving me a demo on the new AFB email settings. They are looking to allow users to email customers and such for invoices, receivables, statements, etc. The new settings have a number of toggle on/off options and places for custom verbage and even dynamic mapping options. It is looking good and has tons of new options.

After that, we spent the rest of the session working on the new website. Lots of code review and looking over things. We pushed up the new code and did lots of testing. The new look and feel is pretty cool.
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Shop 3093 Adilas Time 10/12/2017   On the morning GoToMeeting with Steve. We chatted lightly about the new website and then jumped on to our different projects. I was working on the 5 dynamic payroll withholdings that calculate off of a percentage or straight dollars off basis. Lots of work on the calculate payroll page. That page is almost 7,000 lines of code just by itself.

At the end of the session, Will Hudson popped in and we talked about a way to turn the adilas API assignments into a one-to-many relationship. Currently, it is a one-to-one and we are having problems with different vendors and 3rd parties stepping over each other trying to get their username and password as the active credentials for the API socket assignments. We are planning on adding in a new from vendor field to help create a new flag to check. This will allow us to use the same table and just flag the records differently vs. just a single record for all parties.
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Shop 3097 Lunch 10/12/2017  
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Shop 3125 Server Setup: Data 8 10/12/2017   On a GoToMeeting session with Bryan. We fixed a couple of bugs on some custom email options. There was an issue with passing certain characters over the web using a mix of both HTML and JSON. We had to do some find and replace stuff to make it work. After that, we worked more on the data 8 server. We pulled down the state and federal tax tables, updated the new server, and then prepped for a few of the last minute tweaks to get it fully ready.
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Shop 3128 Russell Moore 10/12/2017   On a Zoom session with Russell. We merged in a couple of custom jobs. One was in ecommerce land and the other was a black box take over for the shopping cart (different color-coded buttons for checkout, update, and clear cart - pretty creative). After that, we went around and around on the new web site. We tweaked the main login page to allow for auto focusing to help speed up the process. We got rid of some domain specific code (stuff for data 1, 2, 3, etc.). We also did some work on the main header quick search and making sure things looked good there as well. We pushed up code to all servers and did some light testing. We had some FTP problems with the new data 8 server. I got on a tech support call afterwards and got the issue resolved with the new server.
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Shop 3098 Brandon out of the office all day 10/13/2017  
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Shop 3124 Onsite consulting meeting 10/13/2017   Went into town to meet with Mike Harman from Caisson Labs. We spent the entire time looking over his custom flow documents and deciding what was what and how it would play in to the mix. Good meeting but the documents still need some major work in order to make them readable and understandable by a developer.
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Shop 3102 Adilas Time 10/16/2017   On the morning GoToMeeting session. We took care of a few loose ends and then started working on our different projects. Wayne from Portugal checked in on some data migration stuff and most of the session was just a work period. I was working on Shawn's dynamic percentage withholdings for payroll. Steve was doing other projects and checking some code that he and Bryan did for the new barcode values that allowed the users to enter a QR code value but use a simple barcode to access it. Pretty creative.
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Shop 3112 Lunch 10/16/2017  
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Shop 3131 Emails and paying bills 10/16/2017   Emails, tech support, and paying bills.
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Shop 3103 Adilas Time 10/17/2017   Steve and I were on the morning GoToMeeting session. We started out talking about features, advantages, and benefits of adilas and what we have to offer. We came back to the talking about using elements of time to help catalog and categorize the different pieces. We ended up back on some older pages that already have some light organization of ideas, concepts, and features. Here are a couple of links to retrigger some ideas.

We also need to add sub inventory, parent/child relationships, mini conversions, my cart favorite buttons, shopping carts, dashboards, custom interfaces, custom code, black boxes, API sockets, 3rd party solutions, etc.
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Adi 1312 Ideas on Features 10/17/2017

See the secion on 4 - Meet the players...

We also need to add sub inventory, mini conversions, my cart favorite buttons, shopping carts, custom code, black boxes, API sockets, etc.

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Shop 3113 Lunch 10/17/2017  
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Shop 3072 Adilas Time 10/17/2017   Working on the dynamic payroll percentage calculations. Working on the record personal payroll page. Lots of testing and debugging.
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Shop 3130 New Permission 10/17/2017   On a GoToMeeting session with Bryan. We merged in a couple of new files and then spent the rest of the session on planning out a new view only permission for invoices. We recorded the session. See the media/content for a link to the video.
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Shop 3132 Adilas Time 10/17/2017   Working on the calculate payroll page and the record personal payroll page. Found an error in the JavaScript and had to go backwards to start working on it. The problem dealt with local math helps and auto addition stuff. The other 1-5 fields are conditional plus they deal with either percentages off or straight dollars off. We had to include that logic into the JavaScript.
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Shop 3104 Adilas Time 10/18/2017   On the morning GoToMeeting session with Steve. We were talking about how each person on our team (both real and virtual) play a specific part. We need all of the different players. We kept going back to an analogy of the body and how we need all of the pieces. We also talked about how each part does what it does best. It doesn't work if the heart tries to be the brain or the stomach tries to be the mouth. Each has a specific function, when done in coordination, it works awesome. Great analogy.

Steve also has some questions about adding in a sub inventory tie-in to the my cart favorite buttons. I tried to point him to making some changes on the database level and how that would help him in his project. We talked about adding in a sub reference id as a new field. We related the database to a landing zone for a jump. The better the landing zone, the better the jump will work.

After that, we worked on individual projects. I was working on the payroll dynamic percentage withholdings project. Testing the record personal payroll page with new incoming values.
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Adi 1470 Clean-up and salvage of Git and Bit Bucket code - we have good code, sitting on a shelf that needs t 10/18/2017  

Good code just sitting. Need to clean up moving forward.

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Shop 3114 Lunch 10/18/2017  
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Shop 3136 Shrink or condense the bit bucket repository 10/18/2017   The Git repository and/or bit bucket repository are getting to be pretty big. We got prompted that we have over a Gig in memory for our repository. At 2 Gig, they start limiting certain features. We may need to shrink and/or condense it down. We got prompted to take some actions but were too busy on that day.

Here is the link with some information on it:
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Shop 3134 Talking with developers 10/18/2017   On the phone with different developers. I was on the phone with Russell going over saving bigger variables using cfsavecontent tags. I talked with Bryan about using transparent flex grid for a vendor log and/or hidden vendor notes. I then talked with Calvin for about half an hour dealing with ways to monetize some of his apps and products. We talked all kinds of options and commission structures including percentages per customer using his products and a more general or global type commission being a developer that is part of the adilas family. Good meetings with all of the guys. They are all really catching on and learning tons.
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Shop 3135 Adilas Time 10/18/2017   Light tech support, recording notes, and looking around. More work on the dynamic payroll percentage withholdings. Lots of work on the record personal payroll page.
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Shop 3105 Adilas Time 10/19/2017   On the morning GoToMeeting session with Steve. Wayne Andersen popped on and we talked about object oriented ideas and options. We talked about new getters, setters, objects, underlying logic. I told Wayne that we really wanted to focus on "running all objects and data over time". We talked about time pods, checkpoints, permissions, wrapping everything in a time based manner, and data assembly line concepts. I even jumped in to the photo gallery that Russell created for me to talk about some of the concepts.

Wayne is working on a global import tools from QuickBooks. He wants to be able to set a known cost and allow the users to use a super cool import tool that already knows what to do and how to work. Pretty cool idea and Wayne is on top of it.

After Wayne left the meeting, Steve and I were talking about - The way we are joining parties and persons together. We are having fun working with and watching how our business model is playing out. The concepts of the bee hive, company trust, and pushing things forward as individuals that are formed into a loose group and/or team.

As part of our conversation, we were talking about and asking questions such as: What kind of people do we want to attract? What are their strengths and virtues? Our only competition is "tradition". Russell's word "Dependables" - this is what our people are to adilas or to our company. A dependable could flex in and out (say like a break or a vacation) and then they come back and help push things forward. They are not an employee, they are a dependable.

After that, I started working more on the edit paychecks and payroll functions for the new dynamic percentage withholdings.
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Shop 3115 Lunch 10/19/2017  
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Shop 3137 Columbia Care: new permission 10/19/2017   On a GoToMeeting session with Bryan. We went over code for the new invoice read only permission. He had things pretty tight and we merged code and pushed things to all servers. Light online testing. We then merged another small projects. Great session.
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Shop 3073 Adilas Time 10/19/2017   Emails, paying bills, recording notes, and calling developers. Also sent Calvin some code samples for using emails with ColdFusion.
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Shop 3133 Meeting with Beaver Mountain 10/19/2017   I went into Beaver to meet with their new web guy and talk with Travis (owner) and Debbie (ski school director) about new changes and requests for the adilas side of the Beaver Mountain web site. They are slowly wanting more and more info to start flowing over to adilas. The new web site will be a WordPress site designed by a local guy (Matt Logan) and coded by some developers in California. Good meeting. Lots of fun stories mixed with a little bit of business. Pretty casual.
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Shop 3141 Tech support 10/19/2017   Emails, tech support, and small bug fix between expenses and stock/units. Pushed new files up to all servers.
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Shop 3099 Brandon out of the office all day 10/20/2017  
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Shop 3142 General 10/21/2017   Started out the day by writing an email report about the sales tax expansion project. It has been another one of those multi-month projects that never seems to end. I pulled a report from Bitbucket to show my 30+ commits over the months. I also tried to explain that there have been over 250 new enhancements to the adilas system since mid June and that was also part of my job (other commits to the master code branch), to help the other developers. Anyways, I will try to finish up the other projects on my to do list and get back on that project. It has been a little bit crazy.

Started working on the dynamic payroll percentage calculation project. Got off on a side track trying to update my developing environment. Ended up spending some time doing updates and getting a new version of Dreamweaver from the Adobe Creative Cloud App Store. Setting up the new Dreamweaver instance.
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Shop 3106 Adilas Time 10/23/2017   On the morning GoToMeeting session with Steve. We were talking about being a "broken man" (quote from Calvin that we all can relate to) and how the adilas model is able to help all of us who are playing. Pretty cool. Meanwhile, we were working on our own little projects and such. I finished up the payroll stuff for Shawn and started to get things merged and pushed up to servers. That has been a bit of a project that we didn't count on. The good thing is, it is done and live on all servers. We updated a couple of reps and people to let them know that it was up. Good stuff.
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Shop 3116 Lunch 10/23/2017  
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Shop 3143 Kush project design 10/23/2017   On a GoToMeeting session with Bryan. We covered a couple of projects and some light questions per project. First, we talked about the 3rd party API sockets, new custom black box options on action pages, and small tweaks to the read only invoice permission stuff for a client. Simple little session and making progress.
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Shop 3074 Russell Time 10/23/2017   On a Zoom session with Russell and Justin. We went over what was needed to add statements out on ecommerce land. After that, Russell went over some progress on the new AFB email settings. We then went over a couple of other questions about getting specific data for customers, invoices, quotes, and dynamically flip/flopping around dates, ages, and such. Good session.
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Shop 3144 permission check 10/23/2017   On a quick GoToMeeting session with Bryan. We looked at some code, made a couple of small tweaks and pushed it live. It was dealing with some additional functionality on the invoice homepage. We were combining permissions dealing with limited access to price and cost changes with the new view only permission for invoices.
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Shop 3107 Adilas Time 10/24/2017   On the morning GoToMeeting session with Steve. We briefly talked about a client's need to allow PO line items to be mixed locations per PO. We are not sure if we want to do that or not. Currently all PO's are location specific and all of the line items and sub inventory are tied to the same location. Basically, a single PO and all of its items and subs are tied to a single location (currently). We aren't sure if we want to break that up or not... it could have some far reaching effects. We asked the developer to do some research and ask the client some more questions about goals, intentions, and processes. Basically, what scenarios are we trying to deal with and how does that play into the whole process?

I got on a tech support call with a client about some payroll questions. We chatted and I ended up taking down some notes and writing her an email with some ideas and suggestions. I also gave her a testing login so she could go in and play around. I tried it a few times in the testing site, and didn't think that it was too awful hard to tweak and fake out the system. I think it will work. I tried to add some instructions to the email that she was sent as a follow-up.
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Shop 3145 Project planning 10/24/2017   Emails, tech support, and follow up. Prep work for some project planning.
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Shop 3117 Lunch 10/24/2017  
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Shop 3138 Project planning for a client 10/24/2017   Working at my kitchen table on some custom pages, flow, and a custom wire job for Caisson Labs out of Smithfield. They are a manufacture of different bio-chemical products. I have close to 25 pages from them. My current goal is to boil things down, define what goes where, and how everything will flow in and along that process.
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Shop 3108 Adilas Time 10/25/2017   On the morning GoToMeeting session with Steve. We started out and I asked Steve for some advice on what he would do for a wholesale manufacturing facility. I have a big custom project that I am trying to plan out and design some flow and processes. He had tons of great ideas dealing with flow processes and I was scratching them down on paper as fast as I could. Some of these are random notes, but it should get the idea across.

- Create a recipe with all of the top selling items. Have each item listed at a zero quantity. You could also do the same thing on the advanced grid for my cart favorites. You get a similar outcome. Then use either the recipe/build or the smart group buttons to get a quick entry form for your top selling items.

- You could also create a quote with a quantity of 1 for all items. You could then restore the quote and change quantities as needed. As a side note, quotes with a quantity of 0 will not work due to the cart code. The recipe/build and/or the advanced grid on the my cart favorite buttons do allows zeros.

- Once you start getting a client's history, they will most likely buy the same or similar things over and over again. It saves tons of time if you take an old quote or old invoice and restore it to the cart. You tweak and change quantities and add or subtract as needed. It helps you know their patterns and saves tons of time. This is a great level to start helping your clients.

- Once you get approval on the quote, flip it to a transitional or work in progress (WIP) invoice. This becomes your virtual work orders or what is needed. If needed, we could improve some of the search options and even add some flags to help with flow and what not.

- Steve was saying that when they do some of their ordering... the companies use generic items and put out the request to multiple companies. Then, later on, they make normal PO's to bring things in.

- When the invoices are shipped and filled, they flip it out of the transitional state (WIP state) into a normal customer invoice. This process already exists and maybe we could enhance it and make it smoother as well.

- Steve started talking about how each customer ends up making a three point triangle of sorts. This was the theory. Each triangle was different just as each customer/client is different. The three different legs of the triangle were: 1. Getting and setting up the client. This is usually the longest leg. This is onboarding the client and getting them to make the first order. 2. The second leg was getting them the actual products and services. Depending, this could be shorter or longer based on needs and availability. 3. The third leg was maintenance and retention of that customer. This includes communicating, offering additional pieces, and building customer loyalty. Basically, keeping the customer a customer and making them happy. Every business needs to apply some of these same things to keep a healthy customer base. The goal is to keep shrinking the triangle as you work with your customers and clients. Good stuff.

- One of the things that helps the most is a good ordering process. This could be ecommerce, internal shopping carts, custom carts, custom interfaces, recipe/builds, groupings, kitting, buttons, etc.

- We talked about new technologies like predictive text for searching, tabs, cards, drop-downs, graphs and charts, and easy to use navigation and buttons.

- We then talked about back orders and how Steve wants to totally re-write the back order process. Currently, most companies make one giant invoice or order and then try to fill it as they can. This creates a nightmare for inventory, receivables, payables, and other accounting problems. Steve would like us to go in the direction that we sell what we have, we bill for what we sell, and we make a second order with the other pieces. That order gets put in the transitional invoices or work in progress invoices and we chip away at it. If needed, we split that order up and bill for what is delivered. It helps us track our inventory better, we collect on what was really shipped, and it helps the person receiving it to keep their inventories better. Along with this, we may need some tools to help split things, monitor progress, do some sub locations, sub phases, and track virtual checkpoints and pods. Keep it real vs trying to put everything in one spot and then have it break from there. Steve would rather link, join, and tie-in multiple pieces to make a whole vs forcing everything under one roof. It is still all there, it just allows for more flexibility and monies are able to cross lines faster. Some great ideas. We could even detail this out more as we go.

- We talked about chaining and moving inventory forward. This helps to track normal flow plus solves the back order issue. Basically, I've got this, I'll send you this, you still need this. Keep pushing the other items to the next invoice (splitting up the invoices) and still maintain a chain and/or connection.

- If we do a back order, we back order a parent item. We then flip that to a child item or mini conversion as they come in and go out. The main back order only holds the parent item or a reference to the main item that is needed.

- Steve showed me a page that he and Russell are working on. It is his campground reservation homepage. He is using the new snow owl theme to show tabs, cards, and show/hiding pieces to create a one-page interface. The web link is: top_secret/secure/campground_reservations_home.cfm. You do have to have the snow owl theme to use that page.

- We talked about what options Russell could bring to our meeting. Russell brings easy and pretty. He is good at researching ideas and templates to show the ideas and concepts. He has hours and hours of looking at templates and thinking about how we could use similar type features. He then uses those ideas instead of trying to build them on his own. A great resource.

- We then talked about maybe having them start with ecommerce and let that be the ordering process. We also talked about how sometimes it is harder to do 1 or 2 steps up as compared to going 4 to 6 steps up and getting the flow correct. It kinda depends on the goals.

- We then talked more about how the online ordering and ecommerce solutions are changing the face of the land on which we live. The shopping cart is one your primary tools. That is huge. We also talked more about mobile and helping users and customers gain access through faster logins and such.

- We talked about emails and communications, no more batches, doing real-time data and transactions as they happen, cash flow and how even daily cash flow could really help speed things up. We talked about using technology to your advantage and how automation of certain tasks can really help. Lot of talk about just in time and how that effects things.

- The last concept we ended up talking about was ways of paying commissions and just in time deposits using ACH transactions for our reps and developers. The quicker we could get that money flowing out and into the right spots, it is like a watering system vs. flash flooding. It just helps things to keep going better. Lubing the system.

After we were done talking, we worked with Alan and Calvin on some of their projects. I then spent some time backing up files and trying to make the bitbucket repository (code bank) smaller.
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Shop 3118 Lunch 10/25/2017  
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Shop 3146 SWC PO location 10/25/2017   GoToMeeting session with Bryan... Mike O'Conner and Anna from SWC were on the meeting with us. Mike was using a lumber mill type analogy (one or more trees make tons of other products) to help us understand what they were looking for. Once they come in (one or more items), they start splitting them into different sub locations, sub phases, and sub items. Basically, different WIP (work in progress) stages. They can rebatch using the current system, but they would like to move individual line items between locations, phases, etc.. This is more of a growing process vs a retail process. Maybe a sub location or sub phase option per line item.

Mike would like to see a one page conversion screen of sorts... where we can break something from one thing into other things... this is changing phases, changing sub locations, etc. We still need to track the whole batch or group, but it allows us to sub divide things as needed.

They currently use flex grid to track all of the different options (what came from what). Flex grid is cool but it kinda clunky... they would like it be smoother, more automated, and easier to use.


After the meeting, Steve jumped on with us (Bryan and I). He has tons of code and development to help with some plant management. He was working on it, but he stopped due to other fires that needed attention.

As a side note... those who have the knowledge of what is possible, are huge assets. Somehow we need to be able to share and get that information and training out to the general public. Without the knowledge of what is possible, what is done, and where things are going... they (the users) kinda sit and/or get stuck. Maintenance and education may be bigger than new features.

We could help with bulk moving pieces, bulk grouping, etc. Think of a bulk move option that allows for bulk pieces from stage to stage or place to place and then help track it all the way through the process. Elements of time is totally able to track all of this sub data and sub details. We may need to keep building this out a bit more. We may need a way to tie tons of PO's, parts, plants, etc. to a single element of time. Then as things move, we could help track it and keep linking into different groups or sets. Steve has tons of good ideas on this process.

Basically a way to move inventory through a process and be able to track the sub locations, sub phases, or sub groupings on a bigger global scale. Think of starting out with a bunch of items... then as it goes, we start grouping and sub grouping. When we get all done, we can fully tell exactly what happened and where things are at.

As a note from Steve to Bryan, maybe they could meet with Mike and Anna and go over some of the existing options for state traceability systems and what is already made and being used for those systems.

Other key players are Kelly Whyman and Dustin.

On plant batches
- they start as a group (bunch of baby plants)
- veg or vegetating state (they become an individual item or piece as they mature)
- when they harvest... they go from individuals back into a bigger bulk or grouped package.

We need some other dates on PO line items... Maybe we need to go to elements of time where we have unlimited dates, states, status, types, groups, flags, sub categories, sub locations, sub phases, etc.

We also talked about being able to split PO's into smaller pieces. Basically, start with a bigger group, then split things off as needed. Either way, we need bigger bulk manipulation tools. We still need to maintain histories, chain of custody, chaining of PO's, merging, splitting, etc. It could get a little bit crazy.

What about children item, mini conversions, etc.? This could cause some possible issues.

What about creating a PO group. Basically a one-to-many between PO's, line items, and PO's that are grouped together.

We may also need the sub additional tie-in's, assignments, sub pools, etc. This is the any assignment tool (any person, any place, any thing). This would be kinda like flex grid but with a specific goal and a simplified version. We gain power, flexibility, and ease of use. At some time, we will need to build out the other planned subs of time. Here is the link:

The deeper we get, the more we will need to help build individual tools, bulk tools, and ways to flip and move between them. We need to push things to the next level.

We have a problem with dates and inventory tracking... A single PO is only able to have one main inventory date. If you put tons of plans or items on a single PO, you only get one date. That is a problem because everything doesn't develop at the same time. If you go to one plant per PO, you can flip those dates (even in bulk) and it would effect the correct inventory tracking as dates change.

Another huge challenge is speeding up and making the internal build PO processes bigger, better, and smoother. This is a big part of the project. Basically, we need to bring things together so that we can sell the new output items.
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Shop 3075 General 10/25/2017   Burning back-ups of files and code. Emails and small to do list stuff.
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Shop 3150 General 10/26/2017   Up early recording notes and trying to get things done. Did some light work on condensing the bitbucket code repository so that other users could push code up to the server.
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Shop 3109 Adilas Time 10/26/2017   On the morning GoToMeeting session. We started out by talking about updates and getting Alan to help with the sales tax expansion project. We got him online and lightly ran over the project. Wayne Andersen came on and we went over some new getters, setters, and customer object stuff. He is working on his QuickBooks import tools. They are coming along and he is making some good progress.

We then got on a conference call with Paul from Green Stock - Supply Track Chain Software. Chris Johnnie was also on the call. Here are some rough notes from the call.

- We still need to fix the sales tax issue for Canada. Each providence gets to decide what they want to do.

- The tax revenue is the key. Each entity wants to get their share. That is a huge driving factor. It affects inventory levels, sales, receivables, payables, and other accounting branches and pieces.

- We talked about training dollars and having states, counties, and providences help pay for that - they are willing to throw monies in that arena.

- The sales tax expansion project is at the top of our list to get done.

- Funding monies and who gets what and how do we book things?

- We don't have any zones (talking about adilas sales). If you set things up, you could service leads from any area - Spain, Canada, US, etc.

- Being able to create jobs. That is a big hot button for government agencies. If you spun up an instance of adilas in Canada or some other country, you would be looking at over 100 new jobs in IT, consulting, sales, training, setup, etc.

- We have been rolling out tons of new interface enhancements, custom code, features and functions.

- Adilas has an independent model. We need more people and/or teams who want to play. We talked about a 30% overall profit margin to help estimate costs and such. We talked some commissions, numbers, and setup fees.

- The new servers need to be setup in a cluster type environment. We need data servers, content servers, etc.

- Consolidated reporting to government agencies. If you have all of the data in one place, you could really create a very customized system. Think of the power of having one system doing the whole thing. You would still want checks and balances, but you could really cater the whole thing to be whatever you wanted.

- Steve pitched an Adilas super training facility - in a major city - people come and get trained - they bring money in - it provides jobs - and brings people to the major cities and such. The major cities have restaurants, hotels, air ports, transportation, etc.

Towards the end of the meeting, we got a hold of Alan and recruited him to help me with the sales tax expansion project. He will start Monday and we'll tag team it. After that, I spent about half an hour doing emails and trying to get updates out to other parties.
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Shop 3119 Lunch 10/26/2017  
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Shop 3149 ICS API 10/26/2017   GoToMeeting with Bryan. We talked about shrinking up the bibbucket code repository and what might still be needed. We then went into a custom report and looked at some numbers and how they play into the math and reports for an outside bank entity.
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Shop 3147 Client Meeting 10/26/2017   Went into Smithfield to work with Mike at Caisson Labs. We met and went over the progress that I was making on the planning phase of the project. I also took a number of elements of time (other notes and meetings) that dealt with the same needs and concepts that Mike and I were trying to plan out. My goal was to show him that we get tons of really cool ideas and we slowly keep melting and morphing things together.

As part of the meeting, I tried to help Mike see that we needed to transfer his project to Russell and the Adilas Shop. I just don't have enough time to really serve his full needs. It was a good meeting and we even talked about trimming things down a bit to get things going and started. Good meeting.
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Shop 3100 Brandon out of the office all day 10/27/2017  
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Shop 3110 Adilas Time 10/30/2017   On the morning GoToMeeting session. Wayne popped in and we worked with him on some migration projects and his QuickBooks import/export tools that he is building.

I then worked with Alan and going over the sales tax expansion project. This one is pretty big.

Helping Steve get his git and bitbucket branches merged in and updated.
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Shop 3120 Lunch 10/30/2017  
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Shop 3148 Alan Time 10/30/2017   I gave Alan a quick call but no meeting took place. He had scheduled this a couple of weeks ago to talk about the database project. Currently, Alan is helping out with the sales tax expansion project.
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Shop 3076 Russell Time 10/30/2017   On a Zoom session with Russell. We were looking for a bug in some of the parent attribute code. It came down to some URL encoding of variables that were being passed around. We got things fixed and pushed to all servers.
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Shop 3152 General 10/30/2017   On a phone call and GoToMeeting session with Steve. We were looking into a possible error in some state accountability systems and how we had to process their responses. They weren't giving us a simple response with the new id number from their system. So, we had to query all of their data and try to match up what we could to get that id number. It was basically an ineffective API on their side of the fence. Steve and I were looking to disable our part of the code until they get their part fixed and more able to respond correctly. We decided to get Alan involved as he was the original code author and on that project.
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Shop 3153 General 10/30/2017   Emails, tech support, recording notes, re-reading some notes from last week, and helping Russell out with some of his custom email projects. On a couple more calls with Russell and Steve. Russell was working on his email project and Steve had some questions about a state traceability system and the way we were syncing up our system and the state systems.
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Shop 3111 Adilas Time 10/31/2017   On the morning GoToMeeting session. We did some talking about current projects and progress. Russell popped in and asked some questions about sending emails and doing his own http requests. We got him all setup to FTP and interface with the adilas university site (where our email options are).

Alan popped in and we went over more on the sales tax expansion project. He is just reading through things and trying to get up to speed. We also jumped in and did some checking on some code for the state Metrc (Metric) API. Towards the end of the meeting, we actually had a guy on with us from Metrc who gave us a new API key. Both Steve and Alan did some live code changes and gave him a small demo. Pretty slick and it looked nice.
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Adi 1468 Research and working on sub payroll - elements of time 10/31/2017  

Allowing people to clock in/out at different rates. Mix between hourly and fixed rate. 

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Shop 3121 Lunch 10/31/2017  
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Shop 3193 SWC, New Frontier 10/31/2017   On a GoToMeeting session with Bryan. We went over a number of custom projects. Everything from API's, 3rd party solutions, custom emails, data migration, and special reports. Just a small question and answer session. Bryan is doing a great job and his clients really like what he is able to do. Good stuff.
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Shop 3194 Meet with Russell 10/31/2017   On a quick Zoom session with Russell. We did some light debugging and he was off to the races again.
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Shop 3195 Project management and planning 10/31/2017   Doing research on subs of time. I found a number of good elements of time. Two good ones here in the shop were # 2042 and # 2130. I then went and read some stuff out in the adilas university site and the developer's notebook. I was searching for sub payroll and found a number of good entries in both sites.

After reading those entries, I went and worked a little bit on the help file for subs of time (sub functions or add-on's of time). I was writing some info about the sub tags and flags and how they can handle sub categories, sub flags, sub groups, sub phases, sub progress, sub locations, sub tags, and sub types. Very flexible and pretty cool.