Runner Information

Bib83 - Brian Costilow
Status: Started
Chattanooga, TN 49 M Total Time: 31:35:25 Full Race


9/30/2023 12:35:30 pm

Do your usual strong finish! Go Brian!❤️

9/30/2023 11:26:01 am

Go dad!!!

9/30/2023 8:38:57 am

20 miles to go!! We are eating pancakes for you in ATL. Stay safe and finish strong!!!

9/30/2023 6:08:00 am

Good morning from ATL.! You covered so much ground under the light of the moon!! Less than 30 to go. You got this!!!!!

9/29/2023 8:37:49 pm

Let’s go Bro!!
Run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run
Run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run
Run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run
Run, run, run, run
Run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run
Run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run
Run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run
Run, run, run, run
Run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run
Run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run
Run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run
Run, run, run, run
Run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run
(Set the gearshift for the high gear of your soul)
Run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run
Run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run
Run, run, run, run
Run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run
(You've got to run like an antelope out of control)
Run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run
Run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run
Run, run, run, run
You've got to run like an antelope out of control
Run like an antelope out of control
Run like an antelope out of control
Run like an antelope out of control

9/29/2023 7:24:32 pm

Go Brian! Keep up the good work… we are with you from Bham!!!!

9/29/2023 7:00:20 pm

And the girls and I are cheering you on from ATL! Hoping the full moon is lighting your way and keeping you company!!

9/29/2023 6:32:20 pm

Go Brian!! We’re cheering you on from Chattanooga!


Aid Station Records

Bib83 - Brian Costilow
AS 1:LOP to 1:LOP - Bib83
8:51:36 am 9/29/2023
8:51:36 am 9/29/2023

AS 2:LEH to 2:LEH - Bib83
10:35:50 am 9/29/2023
10:39:00 am 9/29/2023
3.17 Minutes

AS 3:URH to 3:URH - Bib83
12:49:45 pm 9/29/2023
12:58:26 pm 9/29/2023
8.68 Minutes

AS 4:RHF to 4:RHF - Bib83
3:03:00 pm 9/29/2023
... ...
366.85 Days or 8804.44 Hours

AS 5:TEF to 5:TEF - Bib83
5:18:46 pm 9/29/2023
5:41:34 pm 9/29/2023
22.80 Minutes

AS 6:TOG to 6:TOG - Bib83
8:10:01 pm 9/29/2023
9:36:52 pm 9/29/2023
1.45 Hours

AS 7:FRB to 7:FRB - Bib83
12:25:15 am 9/30/2023
1:12:33 am 9/30/2023
47.30 Minutes

AS 8:LOR to 8:LOR - Bib83
3:47:40 am 9/30/2023
4:16:27 am 9/30/2023
28.78 Minutes

AS 9:BEM to 9:BEM - Bib83
6:16:29 am 9/30/2023
6:37:16 am 9/30/2023
20.78 Minutes

AS 10:GIB to 10:GIB - Bib83
8:20:32 am 9/30/2023
8:29:23 am 9/30/2023
8.85 Minutes

AS 11:BCC to 11:BCC - Bib83
9:26:22 am 9/30/2023
9:33:32 am 9/30/2023
7.17 Minutes

AS 12:RAD to 12:RAD - Bib83
11:24:57 am 9/30/2023
11:29:12 am 9/30/2023
4.25 Minutes

Leg Length

Bib83 - Brian Costilow
Leg 0:STA to 1:LOP - Bib83
6:00:00 am 9/29/2023
8:51:36 am 9/29/2023
2.86 Hours

Leg 1:LOP to 2:LEH - Bib83
8:51:36 am 9/29/2023
10:35:50 am 9/29/2023
1.74 Hours

Leg 2:LEH to 3:URH - Bib83
10:39:00 am 9/29/2023
12:49:45 pm 9/29/2023
2.18 Hours
Forced entry of the leg record. Unknown start time.

Leg 3:URH to 4:RHF - Bib83
12:58:26 pm 9/29/2023
3:03:00 pm 9/29/2023
2.08 Hours

Leg 4:RHF to 5:TEF - Bib83
5:18:46 pm 9/29/2023
5:18:46 pm 9/29/2023
Forced entry of the leg record. Unknown start time.

Leg 5:TEF to 6:TOG - Bib83
5:41:34 pm 9/29/2023
8:10:01 pm 9/29/2023
2.47 Hours

Leg 6:TOG to 7:FRB - Bib83
9:36:52 pm 9/29/2023
12:25:15 am 9/30/2023
2.81 Hours

Leg 7:FRB to 8:LOR - Bib83
1:12:33 am 9/30/2023
3:47:40 am 9/30/2023
2.59 Hours

Leg 8:LOR to 9:BEM - Bib83
4:16:27 am 9/30/2023
6:16:29 am 9/30/2023
2.00 Hours

Leg 9:BEM to 10:GIB - Bib83
6:37:16 am 9/30/2023
8:20:32 am 9/30/2023
1.72 Hours

Leg 10:GIB to 11:BCC - Bib83
8:29:23 am 9/30/2023
9:26:22 am 9/30/2023
56.98 Minutes

Leg 11:BCC to 12:RAD - Bib83
9:33:32 am 9/30/2023
11:24:57 am 9/30/2023
1.86 Hours

Leg 12:RAD to 13:FIN - Bib83
11:29:12 am 9/30/2023
1:35:25 pm 9/30/2023
2.10 Hours