Runner Information

Bib259 - Tim Payne
Status: Started
Salt Lake City, UT 51 M Total Time: 35:31:07 Full Race


9/28/2024 5:00:40 pm

This is Mean Pacer. Get your a$$ to the finish line before I send you an invoice for all the data I'm using to refresh this page!

9/28/2024 3:10:03 pm

Go Timmy!!!! Wishing I could serve you some Richard jones ambrosia at your last aid station to give you that extra burst of energy with a pinch of love! You’re doing great!!! Ian

9/28/2024 1:16:00 pm

You’re amazing Tim! All us old people who can’t keep up with you think so.

9/28/2024 12:51:27 pm

Love you so much dad! Me and mom will be at the finish line with as many water bottles as you need!

9/28/2024 12:33:17 pm

Keep grinding Tim!!

9/28/2024 12:04:58 pm

Super impressed Payne! Love you brother. and though I declined to share your struggle I’m with you in spirit

9/28/2024 10:59:27 am

Keep pushing Tim! This is awesome!

9/28/2024 10:39:39 am

There’s a scone and a diaper for you at the finish line!

9/28/2024 10:37:11 am

Rally Stevie!!!

9/28/2024 10:15:49 am

Gooooo Tim!!!!! The Encinitas Lakes are rooting for ya!!

9/28/2024 12:05:10 am

Keep it up. Utah Crew is rooting for you Tim.

9/27/2024 11:38:22 pm

Go baby brother, go!!!!!!

9/27/2024 10:45:34 pm

Youre rocking this Timmy! Go dude!

9/27/2024 9:35:02 pm

Go Timmy! You’ve got this!

9/27/2024 7:35:49 pm

Hi Tim!!! You’ve got this!!! Keep putting one foot in front of the other!!!

9/27/2024 4:01:40 pm

You may be in pain for a few hours…. But a DNF will hurt forever

9/27/2024 1:46:54 pm

Run as fast as you can to that shot of fireball at the finish line….hahahahaha….you got this

9/27/2024 11:53:46 am

Run Timmy run!

9/27/2024 11:50:06 am

Dad, I love you but Bertot is beating you by 5 minutes. Don’t embarrass me. (But I love you no matter what)

9/27/2024 7:24:27 am

Go Tim! No pain, go Payne!

9/27/2024 6:18:38 am

Go Tim! We love you! Love, Annie and your little Paynes


This shirt says it all. FE

Aid Station Records

Bib259 - Tim Payne
AS 1:LOP to 1:LOP - Bib259
9:03:20 am 9/27/2024
9:03:20 am 9/27/2024

AS 2:LEH to 2:LEH - Bib259
11:10:15 am 9/27/2024
11:10:15 am 9/27/2024

AS 3:URH to 3:URH - Bib259
2:15:53 pm 9/27/2024
2:15:53 pm 9/27/2024

AS 4:RHF to 4:RHF - Bib259
4:42:01 pm 9/27/2024
4:58:11 pm 9/27/2024
16.17 Minutes

AS 5:TEF to 5:TEF - Bib259
7:03:17 pm 9/27/2024
7:18:46 pm 9/27/2024
15.48 Minutes

AS 6:TOG to 6:TOG - Bib259
9:35:37 pm 9/27/2024
9:53:44 pm 9/27/2024
18.12 Minutes

AS 7:FRB to 7:FRB - Bib259
1:31:48 am 9/28/2024
2:02:25 am 9/28/2024
30.62 Minutes

AS 8:LOR to 8:LOR - Bib259
5:27:50 am 9/28/2024
5:51:54 am 9/28/2024
24.07 Minutes

AS 9:BEM to 9:BEM - Bib259
8:05:14 am 9/28/2024
8:11:38 am 9/28/2024
6.40 Minutes

AS 10:GIB to 10:GIB - Bib259
9:58:39 am 9/28/2024
9:59:53 am 9/28/2024
1.23 Minutes

AS 11:BCC to 11:BCC - Bib259
11:21:57 am 9/28/2024
11:25:03 am 9/28/2024
3.10 Minutes

AS 12:RAD to 12:RAD - Bib259
2:07:34 pm 9/28/2024
2:15:23 pm 9/28/2024
7.82 Minutes

Leg Length

Bib259 - Tim Payne
Leg 0:STA to 1:LOP - Bib259
6:00:00 am 9/27/2024
9:03:20 am 9/27/2024
3.06 Hours

Leg 1:LOP to 2:LEH - Bib259
9:03:20 am 9/27/2024
11:10:15 am 9/27/2024
2.12 Hours

Leg 2:LEH to 3:URH - Bib259
11:10:15 am 9/27/2024
2:15:53 pm 9/27/2024
3.09 Hours

Leg 3:URH to 4:RHF - Bib259
2:15:53 pm 9/27/2024
4:42:01 pm 9/27/2024
2.44 Hours

Leg 4:RHF to 5:TEF - Bib259
4:58:11 pm 9/27/2024
7:03:17 pm 9/27/2024
2.09 Hours

Leg 5:TEF to 6:TOG - Bib259
7:18:46 pm 9/27/2024
9:35:37 pm 9/27/2024
2.28 Hours

Leg 6:TOG to 7:FRB - Bib259
9:53:44 pm 9/27/2024
1:31:48 am 9/28/2024
3.63 Hours

Leg 7:FRB to 8:LOR - Bib259
2:02:25 am 9/28/2024
5:27:50 am 9/28/2024
3.42 Hours

Leg 8:LOR to 9:BEM - Bib259
5:51:54 am 9/28/2024
8:05:14 am 9/28/2024
2.22 Hours

Leg 9:BEM to 10:GIB - Bib259
8:11:38 am 9/28/2024
9:58:39 am 9/28/2024
1.78 Hours

Leg 10:GIB to 11:BCC - Bib259
9:59:53 am 9/28/2024
11:21:57 am 9/28/2024
1.37 Hours

Leg 11:BCC to 12:RAD - Bib259
11:25:03 am 9/28/2024
2:07:34 pm 9/28/2024
2.71 Hours

Leg 12:RAD to 13:FIN - Bib259
2:15:23 pm 9/28/2024
5:31:07 pm 9/28/2024
3.26 Hours