Runner Information

Bib71 - Katherine Lemasters
Status: Started
Denver, CO 30 F Total Time: 34:47:29 Full Race


9/30/2023 3:30:00 pm

In the top 50 women overall for your inaugural 100 Miler with 359 runners FANTASTIC ACHIEVEMENT KATE!!!

9/30/2023 3:15:04 pm

You are so close! You got this, Kate!!!!

9/30/2023 2:58:24 pm

You are passing people now, and are well within the 36 hour cut off; and just to finish is amazing :-).

9/30/2023 2:08:14 pm

So proud of you Kate! Keeping track back here in NC—hope you see some cool critters and nice sights along the way :)

9/30/2023 12:27:18 pm

From Ranger Dip you have just 8 miles to the finish where you can Stop! Keep that goal in your mind and put one foot forward at a time and you’ll be well under the 36 hour cutoff!!! GO KATE😊❤️🙂

9/30/2023 11:27:02 am

Congratulations on making it to Beaver Creek!
You only have 15 miles to go and you can do this :-)!!!

9/30/2023 10:11:50 am

Ah Kate you’re almost there!!!! So fun to be part of your journey and now on your cheer team. You got this Kate. Lets gooooooo!!!!!!! 🤗

PT Sarah

9/30/2023 8:52:33 am

Great job Kate!!!
Keep up the good work and know that you’ve already accomplished more than I can imagine.
We love you
Bryan and Jeanne

9/30/2023 6:44:05 am

Love you Kate. Hope it is going well and you reach your goal of finishing. Looks like you are well on pace to do that. Amazing! Mom and Dad

9/30/2023 6:32:14 am

Go Kate go!!!

9/30/2023 5:34:05 am

Ever forward. Keep the inertia going.

9/30/2023 5:30:45 am

At Beaver Mountain, you will be more than 3/4 of the way to the finish line. You go, girl!

9/30/2023 5:00:26 am

Dropped back to 209th at the Logan River leg but you are hanging in there! Your goal is to finish so pace yourself and take breaks as needed, and you will make it!

9/29/2023 7:19:07 pm

It looks like after the temple fork lake you’re hanging onto 176 place out of 359 runners and you’re only took about a five minute break.

Bryan and Jeanne

9/29/2023 7:13:31 pm

Jeanne and I are finally figuring out how this works. You are doing great keep it steady :-)!


Aid Station Records

Bib71 - Katherine Lemasters
AS 1:LOP to 1:LOP - Bib71
8:53:16 am 9/29/2023
8:53:16 am 9/29/2023

AS 2:LEH to 2:LEH - Bib71
10:48:26 am 9/29/2023
10:53:00 am 9/29/2023
4.57 Minutes
Prev. IN: 10:45:11 29 Sep. Seq:148

AS 3:URH to 3:URH - Bib71
1:06:32 pm 9/29/2023
1:12:00 pm 9/29/2023
5.47 Minutes

AS 4:RHF to 4:RHF - Bib71
3:16:00 pm 9/29/2023
3:40:00 pm 9/29/2023
24.00 Minutes

AS 5:TEF to 5:TEF - Bib71
5:32:11 pm 9/29/2023
5:37:47 pm 9/29/2023
5.60 Minutes

AS 6:TOG to 6:TOG - Bib71
7:59:12 pm 9/29/2023
8:37:42 pm 9/29/2023
38.50 Minutes

AS 7:FRB to 7:FRB - Bib71
11:57:51 pm 9/29/2023
12:39:48 am 9/30/2023
41.95 Minutes

AS 8:LOR to 8:LOR - Bib71
3:57:21 am 9/30/2023
4:25:35 am 9/30/2023
28.23 Minutes

AS 9:BEM to 9:BEM - Bib71
7:08:45 am 9/30/2023
7:45:38 am 9/30/2023
36.88 Minutes

AS 10:GIB to 10:GIB - Bib71
9:41:58 am 9/30/2023
9:50:01 am 9/30/2023
8.05 Minutes

AS 11:BCC to 11:BCC - Bib71
11:06:40 am 9/30/2023
11:28:41 am 9/30/2023
22.02 Minutes

AS 12:RAD to 12:RAD - Bib71
1:47:09 pm 9/30/2023
2:04:08 pm 9/30/2023
16.98 Minutes

Leg Length

Bib71 - Katherine Lemasters
Leg 0:STA to 1:LOP - Bib71
6:00:00 am 9/29/2023
8:53:16 am 9/29/2023
2.89 Hours

Leg 1:LOP to 2:LEH - Bib71
8:53:16 am 9/29/2023
10:48:26 am 9/29/2023
1.92 Hours

Leg 2:LEH to 3:URH - Bib71
10:53:00 am 9/29/2023
1:06:32 pm 9/29/2023
2.23 Hours
Forced entry of the leg record. Unknown start time.

Leg 3:URH to 4:RHF - Bib71
1:12:00 pm 9/29/2023
3:16:00 pm 9/29/2023
2.07 Hours

Leg 4:RHF to 5:TEF - Bib71
3:40:00 pm 9/29/2023
5:32:11 pm 9/29/2023
1.87 Hours

Leg 5:TEF to 6:TOG - Bib71
5:37:47 pm 9/29/2023
7:59:12 pm 9/29/2023
2.36 Hours

Leg 6:TOG to 7:FRB - Bib71
8:37:42 pm 9/29/2023
11:57:51 pm 9/29/2023
3.34 Hours

Leg 7:FRB to 8:LOR - Bib71
12:39:48 am 9/30/2023
3:57:21 am 9/30/2023
3.29 Hours

Leg 8:LOR to 9:BEM - Bib71
4:25:35 am 9/30/2023
7:08:45 am 9/30/2023
2.72 Hours

Leg 9:BEM to 10:GIB - Bib71
7:45:38 am 9/30/2023
9:41:58 am 9/30/2023
1.94 Hours

Leg 10:GIB to 11:BCC - Bib71
9:50:01 am 9/30/2023
11:06:40 am 9/30/2023
1.28 Hours

Leg 11:BCC to 12:RAD - Bib71
11:28:41 am 9/30/2023
1:47:09 pm 9/30/2023
2.31 Hours

Leg 12:RAD to 13:FIN - Bib71
2:04:08 pm 9/30/2023
4:47:29 pm 9/30/2023
2.72 Hours