Runner Information

Bib180 - Joe Davis
Status: Started
Bozeman, MT 42 M Total Time: 25:55:20 Full Race


9/24/2022 9:12:18 am

Way to GO Joe!! You got this =D

9/24/2022 8:45:29 am

I hope you went with a different conditioner this year to really give you that extra boost in your facial aerodynamics! Go Joe!!!

9/24/2022 7:03:23 am

Yea man! Use your legs, let’s goooo!

9/24/2022 6:47:41 am

Home stretch! Think cheeseburger. Giddy up!

9/24/2022 6:21:49 am

Go Joe! Faster! More cheez it’s- less potatoes. Proud.


Aid Station Records

Bib180 - Joe Davis
AS 1:LOP to 1:LOP - Bib180
8:44:33 am 9/23/2022
8:44:33 am 9/23/2022

AS 2:LEH to 2:LEH - Bib180
10:16:31 am 9/23/2022
10:18:00 am 9/23/2022
1.48 Minutes

AS 3:URH to 3:URH - Bib180
12:19:40 pm 9/23/2022
12:25:56 pm 9/23/2022
6.27 Minutes

AS 4:RHF to 4:RHF - Bib180
2:08:34 pm 9/23/2022
... ...
732.92 Days or 17590.16 Hours

AS 5:TEF to 5:TEF - Bib180
4:21:33 pm 9/23/2022
4:40:39 pm 9/23/2022
19.10 Minutes

AS 6:TOG to 6:TOG - Bib180
6:32:29 pm 9/23/2022
7:04:46 pm 9/23/2022
32.28 Minutes

AS 7:FRB to 7:FRB - Bib180
9:32:55 pm 9/23/2022
9:43:39 pm 9/23/2022
10.73 Minutes

AS 8:LOR to 8:LOR - Bib180
11:55:16 pm 9/23/2022
12:03:30 am 9/24/2022
8.23 Minutes

AS 9:BEM to 9:BEM - Bib180
1:43:29 am 9/24/2022
1:58:19 am 9/24/2022
14.83 Minutes

AS 10:GIB to 10:GIB - Bib180
3:20:19 am 9/24/2022
3:22:35 am 9/24/2022
2.27 Minutes

AS 11:BCC to 11:BCC - Bib180
4:22:29 am 9/24/2022
4:30:47 am 9/24/2022
8.30 Minutes

AS 12:RAD to 12:RAD - Bib180
6:23:10 am 9/24/2022
6:25:16 am 9/24/2022
2.10 Minutes

Leg Length

Bib180 - Joe Davis
Leg 0:STA to 1:LOP - Bib180
6:00:00 am 9/23/2022
8:44:33 am 9/23/2022
2.74 Hours

Leg 1:LOP to 2:LEH - Bib180
8:44:33 am 9/23/2022
10:16:31 am 9/23/2022
1.53 Hours

Leg 2:LEH to 3:URH - Bib180
10:18:00 am 9/23/2022
12:19:40 pm 9/23/2022
2.03 Hours
Forced entry of the leg record. Unknown start time.

Leg 3:URH to 4:RHF - Bib180
12:25:56 pm 9/23/2022
2:08:34 pm 9/23/2022
1.71 Hours

Leg 4:RHF to 5:TEF - Bib180
4:21:33 pm 9/23/2022
4:21:33 pm 9/23/2022
Forced entry of the leg record. Unknown start time.

Leg 5:TEF to 6:TOG - Bib180
4:40:39 pm 9/23/2022
6:32:29 pm 9/23/2022
1.86 Hours

Leg 6:TOG to 7:FRB - Bib180
7:04:46 pm 9/23/2022
9:32:55 pm 9/23/2022
2.47 Hours
Forced entry of the leg record. Unknown start time.

Leg 7:FRB to 8:LOR - Bib180
9:43:39 pm 9/23/2022
11:55:16 pm 9/23/2022
2.19 Hours

Leg 8:LOR to 9:BEM - Bib180
12:03:30 am 9/24/2022
1:43:29 am 9/24/2022
1.67 Hours

Leg 9:BEM to 10:GIB - Bib180
1:58:19 am 9/24/2022
3:20:19 am 9/24/2022
1.37 Hours

Leg 10:GIB to 11:BCC - Bib180
3:22:35 am 9/24/2022
4:22:29 am 9/24/2022
59.90 Minutes

Leg 11:BCC to 12:RAD - Bib180
4:30:47 am 9/24/2022
6:23:10 am 9/24/2022
1.87 Hours

Leg 12:RAD to 13:FIN - Bib180
6:25:16 am 9/24/2022
7:55:20 am 9/24/2022
1.50 Hours