You have it in you Loic. No doubt. I trust you. So get this done and come back home or I ll come carry your backpack!
You are the beast uncle LOLO from porsmilin BEACH !!!!!!
bravo are doing it. Pierre
We believe in you and we are so proud ! Charles & Nath
We're going on a dragon hunt, let's go... RUN!!!
Rangitata!! Rangitata!!
ABC, 123, check it to the left, check it to the right...
Keep going.You will do it. Pierre
I you wanna touch the sky, fuck a duck and try to fly !
Come on Loic, you got this!!
Et si tu vois un ours, ce n’est pas un ours! Ils ne supportent pas ton odeur....
Vas y mon poulet!! Pousse! — The Arrow
N'oublie pas de boire et de manger régulièrement Marie Christine
Go Loic ! We know you will make it ! Try to spot Mars (big bright and orange) ! The Adriansens
Sam and Glenn are dreaming about their fantastic dad. Go Papa!
Ménage tes petits pieds ! Dad
You can do it ! Keep going ! Nath
You can do it ! Keep going !!
Loïc you are the Best! Accroche toi Granny M-Ch
Loïc you are the Best! Accroche toi Granny
Bravo Loïc Ne lache rien on est à fond avec toi Marie Christine
Papacito! Papacito!
Great job Loic. You will do it! Pierre
Come on Loic, keep going, we are all with you! Jessica et Geraud
Go hop hop hop, go hop hop hop !
Let’s Go big Bro’ ! So jalous, be strong !
French Moustachu! Go!
You are the best. Dad
You’re doing awesome! Keep faith and never give up! Géraud
You are a creat man, Mum. Kisses.
Vas y mon grand, Maman !!!
Come on Frenchie!